32 MARINE REVIEW. [August 23, COMPRESSORS éestcutters, Air Lift Pump and Stone Channellers. THE INGERSOLL-SERGEANT DRILL CO., CATAI.OGUES. Havemeyer Building, NEW YORK. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, 28° sect ouaury. { ighter 4 Carrying Different T _ Fuel scow with elevators. and discharging spouts. 'Storage of 650 tons. Dis- charges 150 tons an hour at all~a Times, Badan M. A. HAN NA Bd CO,, Main Ore Prec ciseiad VEE RAN FAVORI HERWAE Is 1899 trntee: TOR WEAELR PURVES. 10-100 TON JACKS. fz IB INCH SEt ( VE iy 12/13/14/15/16/17/18] | 19 | 20/21] 22/23/24|25 | + > -- Capt. MARTIN SWAIN, 26|27|28/29/30/31|...] | =e BONGAN? Bak, S3Og he ea ai: A A. & B. W. PARKER, rantiieeivten. DETROIT, MICH. OUR STUDENTS SUCCEED Oiler Secures Engineer's License. While engaged as an oiler on a steamer I enrolled in the Marine Engineer's course. Last winter I was a successful candidate for engineer's license, and this spring got a position as such. The oiling paid from $30.00 to $37.00 per month; the engineering $70.00. I feel satisfied that the schools were a help to me in securing a license and that I will have no difficulty in securing a raise of grade as soon as I have put in sufficient time on my present grade. H. A. LINDSLEY, 58 Clinton St., Cleveland, Ohio. Assistant Engineer Has Papers Raised. When I enrolled in the Marine Engineer's Course my first assistant engineer's license was limited. I have since passed a much more rigid examination, and had the limit removed. The steamship company that I am serving is a progressive one, and is continually intro- ducing new appliances in engineering. As_ the Chie! Engineer gave me to understand that my services were entirely satisfactory, I intend to remain where I am until I have completed the Course, when I will be com- petent to fill a much better position. HERBERT M. MANN, Detroit, Mich. $12 TO $70 IN SMALL MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS PAYS FOR A SALARY RAISING EDUCATION in Marine Engineering: Mechanical Engineering; Electrical Engineering; English Branches, etc. Course in Lake Navigation in preparation. ESTABLISHED 1891 $1,500,000 CAPITAL. Write for circular and local references, stating subject in which you are interested. THE INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, BOX 965, SCRANTON, PA. Pickands, Mather & Co., -- 7) PUBL LIGHTERS © ieissoves AT DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped with Shute ca»acity of 600 Tons. Best Quality PITTSBURGH COSL furnished at any time during Day or Night. Western Reserve Building, CLEVELAND, O. GEORGE STRATFORD OAKUM CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Qakum, Plumbers' Spun ana Marine Oakum ana Spun Cotton. OFFICE AND FACTORY: CORNELISON AVENUE, JERSEY CITY, N. J. The Erie & Western Transportation Co, ANCHOR LINE. Passenger Service-- : ; Steamers.ca ec s se aevnee India, China, Japan. Ports of call... Buffalo, Sault Ste. Marie, Hancock, Marquette, Cleveland, Detroit, Mackinac Island, Port Huron, Duluth, Houghton. Erie, Freight Service-- Steamers........ Alaska, Delaware, \ Codorus, Mahoning, Susquehanna, Schuylkill, Lycoming, Conestoga, Clarion, Wissahickon. Conemaugh, Juniata, Lehigh, Ports of call... Buffalo, Hrie, Cleveland, Marquette, Detroit, W. Superior, Hancock, Duluth, Houghton, Sault Ste. Marie, Chicago, Milwaukee. CHAS. E. MARKHAN, Gen. Pass. Agt., E. T. EVANS, Western Manager, Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. THE DONNELLY SALVAGE cs" AND WRECKING CO.,Ltd KINGSTON ONT. Divers, Steam Pumps, Tugs, Etc SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. FOR SALE. High-Speed Triple Expansion Engines of Inverted Marine Type. One engine of 8, 12 and 18 inches cylinder diameters and 9 inches stroke; 300 H. P. Two engines of 10, 16 and 25 inches cylinder diameters and 15 inches stroke; 600 H. P. each. Built to equal U.S. Navy requirements. In excellent condition, Used fora very short time. ELECTRIC BOAT CO., d 100 Broadway, New York Cry. FOR SALE. Good Tug, six years old. Engines 18x20. Boiler allowed 130 pounds steam pressure. Address Box 284, Ashland, Wis. tf Tho W.L.SCOPP COMPANY, er1e,pa WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHAMOKIN YOUGHIOGHENY ANTHRACITE ( OAI PITTSBURG WiLKESBARRE MANSFiELD VESSEL FUELING A SPECIALTY °,S'5i" uishTER. or.cxi bum? Main Office, Scott Block, Long Distance Telephone No. 440. Fueling Office, Canal Dock, Long Distance Telephone No. 320.