LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY, CLEVELAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, 237 SUPERIOR STREET, ' Eastward :-- Ar, fr. West. Dep. East. No. 7 Southwestern Cimiied eee Perea oe tee "1 55 am ae ' Ry ane e Ren arte : No. 28, New York & Boston Hxpress../00.//./. 7 ae am 8 00 am aaa No, 83; Fast Maile ears he *1125 am *11 30am ee AND ENGINE ee re re Se ae Via Sandusky 2.0004. 71 15 pm Wake Be 0. , Southwestern Express....... ..... UR cees Peon On Deer ae pm oto No. 2 6, Limited Wasi Matl 203. 32 5 40 * mee 138 AND WOOD VESSELS, STEAM OR SAIL Ro) 10, Cue New york © Boston Special. " 35 na 2 40 oa ae FOR OCEAN, SOUND AND RIVER SERVICE No Ne ee oe pT ee 2: i. la Tae MACHIN EF: ete) a7 AND FORGE SHOPS No. 126, Movwalle Accomodation ae : TT 65 a : iiaed e = ae * ir: PTO YT LUTTE Tse TNT Tea ae No. 188-'Nowwall Atcomtnedaton te ee ae : NST RTs x Saag No, 116, Conheaut Accommodation .....2/2....... 3 eee 74 30 pm ' Westward :-- Ar. fr. Hast. Dep. West. No. 11, Southwestern. Wimiteds..... 44.051 *3 25 am ry bye No. 15, New York, Boston & Chicago Special.. *3 05 am #3 'to 'am No. 21, New York & Chicago Express *5 10 am *5 20 am \ No. 1, Day, Wepress= 3) Baer Tih balanced floating. dry: etre 400 ft. long, 6O ft. between No. 19, The Lake § ee % Os ae towers; rs Lah 24-1 =) wedge keel block : 12,000 tons Es No. 28, Weetarn ey a a ee 26 ' ss CAPACITY OF MARINE RAILWAY 1500 TONS --* No. 33, Southwestern Express - e Ne ee Cue ae Express * SHIP CHANDLERY, aL Teas BU ei | Not canducky Metom@iedation (05 rs a eee ¢ No. 127, Norwalk = Accommodation: = ..26ic. 3.60 a 75 10 pm : SAW. Wt pe =) i ay [ AN re Ai | I e No. '3i,; Pacitic sMxpress.,. cue eae is cans *6 35 pm *7 00 pm Fac No: :-3, Past Mall sbiniited i.e a *10 50 pm *10 55 pm / CAPACITY: TIMBER, 48 INCHES SQUARE, 125 FEET LONG 4 "Daily. {Daily except Sunday. : oe including every description cof ROUGH, ORESSED or KILN DRIED Prine ee ee ele ea : ae We eipddapseae Oy at is ieee cad Half Rate to Richmond, Va., aud Return, Bene ES SIDES 20 x 30 INCHES. ea a « BIG FOUR ROUTE re bern: OT Bt. aL halt Se Goa) Pee : ON ACCOUNT OF MEETING 'CARS FROM ALL AGE ROADS 3 Sovereign Grand Lodge I. 0. 0. F., Sept. I7 to 22, 1900. ; ; ENTER OUR YARDS AND DOCKS Es ; ; Rg Round trip tickets will be on sale from all points on the "Big Four" elo ; ald) Ame a a Lae heal de at re of ane fare ae Fee eae ea a a 14, ee Tickets good for return to and including Sept. 25 for full information and z ELECTRIC CRAN tas acct to LUC add from kedaoh to ME particulars as to rates, tickets, . limits, ete. ., call on Agents "Big Four ' aoe WE INVITE' CORRESPONDENCE - Route," or address the undersigned. ; = WARREN J. LYNCH, W. P. DEPPE, ue JAY COLLVER, C. P. & T. A. i @ Genl. Pass. & Tkt. Agt A.G.P.& T. Ag 116 Euclid 'Ave. Caras CINCINNATI, O. CINCINNATI. oO. CLEVELAND. ao rE DULUTH, SOUTH SHORE AND ATLANTIC RAILWAY. ee - 81D CLEVELAND unparatteten NIGHT SERVICE. yielia The Only Line Reaching MARQUETTE, MICH. -- eS NEWS LEANER S b scbonaide "The Queen of Northern Summer Resorts. a 7 se " Hotel Accommodations thoroughly first-class, headed by the Hotel Boke 1? BUFFA LO CITY oe Urea ko Superior, the finest Hostelry on the Great Lakes. : a ° 66 re L e, HOTEL SUPERIOR, MArQqurtTrH, MICH.; Proprietor LEXINGTON , JUNE. "/hile you Sleep" CITY OF ERIE GEO. B, ROSS, Bot, cucigo, tas tonnes Mums Gig On tate eeee both together being without doubt, in all respects, the finest and fastest that E.c. OVIATT, chao es (GACCLIFFORD, ae BOMON DE S are run in the interest of the traveling public in the United States. iteae Paseo Tniys Pane Aes Clty" Pass. Aeon TIME CARD ; 76 Otiawas Ste "GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CINCINNATI, OHIO. DETROIT, MICH, : z * F. W. SALSBURY, J. F LEE GEO. W. HIBBARD, oe DAILY INCLUDING SUNDAY. Comrie ial Age Gen'l Agt. Pass. Dep Gen'] Pass. A: : leave Cleveland 8 P. M Apeive Butislo. 6 A.M. PITTSBURG, PA. 228 So. Clark St. 'GHICAGO. ILL. MARQUETTE, MICH. 'ss Buffalo Sa. 8s ce Cleveland 6 '* CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Connections made at Buffalo with trains for all Hastern and Canadian points. Ask ticket agent for tickets via C. & B. Line. Send four cents for illustrated pamphlet. SPECIAL LOW RATES TO BUFFALO AND NIAGARA FALLS EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT. Ww. S. JENKS, oO. L. JENKS, A. M. CARPENTER, Presipenr. Vice-Pres. ano Treas. ==» Sec. ano Gent Man. W. F. HERMAN, Generar Passencer AGENT, CLEVELAND, O. WANTED FOR SALE, FOR CHARTER Ete. Space under this heading 25 cents a line, each insertion, for three inser- ; . . tions or less. Special rates for periods of more than three insertions. 2 All S Ip il Ng 0, --WANTED--Marine boiler of about 6 by 11 ft. High steam. J. M. : Clow, 'Marinette, Wis. Sept. 12 --MECH'ANICAL engineer with large experience in marine and Office and Machine Shops at | Yards: stationary engine and boiler work, as well as electrical work, 1s open for Fourth Street. Foot of Lincoln Avenue. a an engagement as manager or superintendent and chief draftsman of works. Highest testimonials. Address Box A, Marine Review Pub. Co., Cleveland. d PORT HURON, MICH. --FOR SALE--To close an estate we offer 3-6 ° interest steamer Samoa; 1-10 interest steamer Cuba; ve shares Frontier elevator stock f Buffalo. ©. Ho: Donaldson and: J.-B ONS executors, 202 Main : < Sack Bullala: Aug. 30 0000000000000006000000000000000000000000 - te . --FOR SALE--Double- cylinder 10; He 2. eaeolne engine which de- Steel and (Wood Sbip Builders. ; $ velops a good 12 H. P. and is capable of driving a 40 to 45-ft. launch £12 tol 1 f 8 ; Bette or eet apctoeed prem ae rece Marine Engines and Boilers, has water heads and is as good as any marine gasoline engine ever made; can be reversed from bow of boat by simply pressing a button; cost Seeeoceoneseosoeseoooeoosoooeeeoooooes $900; will sell for $550, f. o. b. Winona. Address Emil Leicht, Winona, 2 Minn. : Sept. 6 --FOR SALE--Good tug, six years old. pene: 18x20. Boiler al- : ' lowed 1380 pounds steam pressure. Address Box 284, Ashland, ~ Wis. Steam Windlasses, Capstans : : tf : : 2 --FOR SALE--Marine boiler of 614 by 12 feet. Allowed 110 pounds : and Steering Apparatus. » steam. Never been cut. Also breeching smokestack and grates. E. E. ee Koch, Sandusky, O. Sept. 21. --FOR SALE--Scotch marine water-back boiler; 7 feet diameter, 11 PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON feet long; dome 30x30 inches; furnace 40 inches diameter; 69 38- inch tubes, 8 feet 6 inches long. Built under government inspection and just comple ed. Price $2,000. F. O. B. cars Minneapolis. Address Nicollect -Jsland Boiler Works, Minneapolis, Minn. tf SHIPS, ENGINES AND BOILERS.