10 MARINE Q Mott's "Richmond" exe = Pump Closet, THE " Richmond" is the sim- plest, quickest and easiest working Closet made. It has been endorsed by all who have seen it. We also manufacture a full line of Baths, Lavatories and other Sanitary goods for Marine Work. --=THE== J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, 84-90 Beekman St., NEW YORK CITY. 332 Boylston St., BOSTON, MASS. 1128 Walnut St,, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Established 1828. Send for Circular and Price List. bata Bk fr 190,| ame ns AND MANUFACTURERS OF Great Lakes and ConnectingWaters, | wjorine Plumbing Specialties. AT $1.50. For sale by MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO. Queen City Patent Hydraulic: Steerer, The Best and Most Reliable. Generates No Heat in Pilot House. Has Large Hand : Wheel. Marine Water Closet for either above or Can be Changed from s Power to Hand | below water line. Steeri 5 A ' ' ine ao Folding Lavatories, Ventilators, Pumps, : ' Send for References. Tanks, &c., &c. Queen City Eeineering CoN hoe ee NEW YORK Books for Ship Builders. HIGH-CLASS STANDARD WORKS THAT ARE USED ALL OVER THE WORLD. A Manual on Laying off Iron and Steel Vessels. Thomas H. Watson. $65. Naval Architect's and Ship Builder's Pocket Book. Clement Mackrow. 700 pages. $5. Naval Architecture. Sir Wm. White, chief constructor of the English Navy. Fifth edition. 750 pages. $9. THE MARINE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO., PerrY-PAYNE BLDG., CLEVELAND SHERIFFS STEAM STEERER MADE IN TWO SIZES. Easy to adjust, and can be handled by any one. This steerer can be arranged to work in pilot house or in after part of vessel. None sold without a quadrant, Will be sold on approval. MANUFACTURED BY SHERIFFS MFGCO., 26-130 Barclay St. MILWAUKEE, WIS. REVIEW. [September 27, _ OF ALL KINDS. Ships Cables, Dredge Chains, Stud Link and Marine Railway Chains, Steam Shovel Chains, Boom Chains, Ete. CERTIFICATE OF TEST FURNISHED. . STANDARD CHAIN GO, PITTSBURGH, PA. DED EDS DE DDD ED AY PNEUMATIC TOOLS. § Chipping Hammers, Rivet- = ing Hammers, Piston Drills, |» a x Rotary Drills, Everything. <= PHILADELPHIA PNEUMATIC TOOL CO. fiearh sey || OUAS. CORY & SON, Manufacturers of the Restarting Mechanical and Electric Injector ee Marine Telegraph, A strictly first & Electrical class machine at Helm Indicators moderate cost. Perfectly auto- Electric Call Belis. matic, has wide range of capa- pre and reas Engine Bells and Brass. Work of all descriptions, Shrieking and Siren Whistles. wi water promptly with hot or cold pipes. Very simple, has few parts and is easi- ly repaired. All parts interchangeable, made of the best bronze, and the work- manship is perfect. Send for special catalogue descriptive of this Injector. 278 DIVISION ST, = JENKINS BROTHERS, felling Agents, New York. Boston. Phila. Chicago. NEW YORK CITY. i "aN | : ; The "WEBSTER" i : ; MARINE TYPE 3 ; . OF FEED HEATER * \ 4 AN 2 'This Heater possesses exclusive features jf of economic advantage. Hot wellboilerfeed @ re-heated with the exhaust steam fromaux- ' iliaries or elsewhere, effecting large econo- @ om my in fuel or increase in power developed. Reduces boiler repairs. h 'The Heater is automatic in its operation ; 2 practically no attention is required. a No Internal floats are used. All Parts are readily accessible. Heaters designed to fit in special locations. Construction details and further particu- lars will be furnished upon inquiry. WARREN WEBSTER & CO CAMDEN, °7 NEW JERSEY.