1900.] MARINE REVIEW. : 25 OPERATIONS OF THE AMERICAN BRIDGE CO. _ The American Bridge Co. (consolidation of bridge and structural iron concerns) is certainly an organization of widespread operations. This company with general offices at 100 Broadway, New York, now has works or local offices at Albany, N. Y.; Athens, Pa.; Boston, Mass.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Baltimore, Md.; Butte, Mont.; Columbus, O.; Chicago, Ill.; Canton, O.; Cleveland, O.; Denver, Colo.; Duluth, Minn.:; East Berlin, Conn.; Elmira, N. Y.; Groton, N. Y.; Horseheads, N. Y= [ba- fayette, Ind.; Milwaukee, Wis.; Minneapolis, Minn.; New Orleans, La.; Pencoyd, Pa.; Philadelphia, Pay; "Bilttsbure, Pa, "Rochester, Ni Ye: Seattle, Wash.; San Francisco, Cal.; Salt Lake City, Utah; Sidney, N. S. W.; Trenton, N. J.; Wilmington, Del.: Youngstown, O., and London, England. This company has just begun making large shipments on account of the steel work for the subway in New York city. Already about 2,000 tons have been shipped, and the material is now being sent in at the rate of about 100 tons per day. The total contract comprises about 80,000 tons of structural material, and is being manufactured at the company's Rarig Engineering Co. of Columbus, Further work which they have on hand consists of forty-five cage stands for the Washington navy yard; a tiveter frame which measures 17 ft. in the throat, this being one of three of the largest riveter frames ever built, and a lot of pipe which measures 50 in. inside diameter, together with valves for same, for the New York Ship Building Co. of Camden, N The Rescue Life Boat Co., which will manufacture the life boat invented by Capt. R. D. Mayo, has filed articles of association with the county clerk of Muskegon, Mich. The company is capitalized at $1,000,000, of which $538,000 is paid in. The stockholders are: R. D. Mayo, 27,500; Gilbert Drefell, 160; S. Davy, 80; F. J. Freeman, 300; G. L. Dressell, trustee, 3,169; F. J. Freeman, trustee, 4,200, Frankfort; D. A. McLeod, 27,500; G. A. Abbott, 10; H. J. Woods, 1, Muskegon; R. S eitee, 10; N. T. Christopherson, 20, Manistee; J. W. Bennett, 50, reesoil, United States monitor Arkansas will be launched at the Newport Keystone plant. Several officials of the bridge company are now inspecting their dif- ferent works. They were in Pittsburg during the early part of the week. In the party are Percival Roberts, president; W. H. McCord, vice-presi- dent, in charge of the structural department; Charles M. Jarvis, vice- president, in charge of the operating department; C. C. Snyder, vice- president and chief engineer; M. C. Christy, Philadelphia; T. P. Kennedy, Youngstown, O., general manager, and Frank Conger, Ithaca, N. Y.; vice-president. It is reported by the officials that their company has just been awarded a contract for furnishing the structural material for a large Japanese arsenal to be erected at Kura, Japan. News ship yard early in November, VALUE OF STOCKS--LEADING IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRIALS. Quotations furnished by HerpERT WricuHT & Co., Cleveland, date of October 10, 1900. NAME OF STOOK. OPEN HIGH LOW American Steel & Wire................ 334% 834 32% 3234 American Steel & Wire, Pfd........ Be, Cee ee Federal Steel .-.............: Reese tee: 34 34% 334 33% TRADE NOTES. Federal Steel, Pid... eee ee 1 . i) L A large number of steel castings furnished to the government Cont en ee te 8434 84 Bae recently by the Union Steel Casting Co. of Pittsburg have given the American Tin Plate. 32 3314 31% 315 highest satisfaction. Among contracts lately received by this company Atnerican 'Fin Plate, Pid 89 ae oe 82 was one for a large number of castings for the cruiser Cleveland, being . . i Pee eee sere rreree : Z built by the Bath Iron Works of Bath, Me., and a number of castings for ce a Hoey Pfd a 2 197% ae revenue cutters 7 and 8, being built by the Wm. R. Trigg Co. of Rich- Republictron & Steel. 11% 12% 11% 1244 mond, Va. They are also furnishing castings for twenty-eight motor Renublic frou & Steel Bll 53 : g 53 . ; Doe 58 ee carriages for the army ordnance department, which are being built by the Paris Exposition, 1900, confers Highest Award =«« 2 Gold Medals ae lt Mo PNEUMATIC TOOL CO. HAMMERS for Chipping "* Calking * Riveting Beading Stone cutting, etc. RIVETERS for Shipyard use "* Boiler work " Bridge work ** Structural work By actual statistics 95% of all Pneumatic Tools sold all over the world are our tools. UNITED STATES COMMISSION TO' THE PARIS EXPOSITION OF 1900 PARIS CHICAGO 20 AVENUE RAPP AUDITORIUM BUILDING NEW-YORK EQUITABLE BUILDING PARIS OFFICES, August 21, 1900, Ohicago Pneumatic Tool Company, - Gentlemen: Chicago. Officially I desire to inform you that your pneumatic tools received at the PNEUMATIC HOISTS CRANES JACKS (car and Locomotive) PAINTING MACHINES MOTORS for every use CASTING CLEANERS, Etc. hands of the International Jury of Award, a Gold medal. Also that Mr. Boyer was awarded DRILLS for Railroads '"* Mines " Quarries '** Foundries '* Machine Shops "© Wood boring a Gold Medal as collaborator and inventor of the tools. Yours very truly, Director of 2 KU Blectricity. ' Welders FLUE } sata Pneumatic Appliances Sent on Trial | ee Subject to Approval. i New York Office: 95 LIBERTY ST. CHICAGO PNEUMATIC TOOL CO. sicoess'si2%cicag 241 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio. 316 Lincoln Trust Building, St. Louis, Mo. 421 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. 418 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass. 416 Hammond Building, Detroit, Mich. Binz eee Houston, Texas. 1o16 Carnegie Building, Pittsburg, Pa. tu 605 Fidelity Building, Philadelphia, Pa. . H. GLAENZER & PERREAUD, 1 Avenue De La Republique, Paris, France; and Spain. H. W. Peasopy & Co , Sydney, New South Wales. Branch Offices: SCHUCHARDT & SCHUTTE, Spandauer- Strasse 59-61, Berlin, Germany; Brussels, Belgium; St. Petersburg, Russia ; Vienna, Austria ; Stockholm, Sweden. i THE NEw TAITE-HOoWARD PNEUMATIC TOOL Co., Ltd., Foreign Gen. Europ'n Agt's, 63 Queen Victoria St., London, E. C. Representatives: Joun MacpoNALD & SON, No. 9 York St., Glasgow.