1900.] MARINE REVIEW. 29 ; SUCLDY COLD DALAL VOR CL i AN CHEIRY COM) DDAWHY CEAMIL SHELBY COLD DRAWN SEAMLE:! Tess pos w SHELBY COLD DRAWN SEA} SHELBY COLD DRAWN SEAM a a A Boiler Tube is no stronger than its weakest point. The rough surface of a lapwelded tube hides imperfections which may weaken the entire tube to such an extent that its life, in actual service, will be extremely short. The smooth outer and inner surfaces of the SHELBY COLD DRAWN SEAMLESS STEEL BOILER TUBES make it easily possible to detect the slightest imperfection. This means that none but absolutely perfect tubes will be used in the construction of the boiler, reducing to the minimum the liability to fracture. This strong point, as well as many others, is recog- nized by the U.S. Navy officials and by the British Ad- miralty, both of whom specify Shelby Boiler Tubes for use in naval vessels. They are being specified by the largest builders of marine boilers the country over. Don't you want to become posted about them? Write for Catalogue "C" THE SHELBY STEEL TUBE CO. GENERAL SALES OFFICE, AMERICAN TRUST BLDG, CLEVELAND O. Det oh Net roy oy Veloce. (eee re AD Ba Bl BURRELL & FOWLER CLEVE'D O.