1900.] MARINE REVIEW. 3 = NILES ELECTRIC Pee SE CRAN ie BUILT = --_-- Hk ON = LATEST N a ae AND S EE Bae wil Ee ae ae u ie ih he ll a . IMPROVED % i : i a i el L aa || Size DESIGNS i : = baa ---- = 1 - ie APPLY 2 4 TO Ee 1 Ag . OE ee 136-138 Liberty Street, - NEW YORK. E ° é ; =| NILES TOOL WORKS CO. Western Union Buiding, ~_ CHICAGO. AWARDED GRAND PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL AT PARIS SsEXPOSITION, , 23-26 Victoria St., ~ LONDON, ENG. | "PRINDLE" | - |CENTRIFUGAL ¢ | PUMPS DIRECT-CONNECTED TO pleam Engine « Electric Motor. Oy AY oy 10 IN PUMP AND 8X8 IN. ENGINE. UNEQUALLED FOR MARINE SERVICE. Girculating Water for Gondensers, BILGE WATER DRAINAGE, DRY DOCK SERVICE, DREDGING, WRECKING, &. MANUFACTURERS OF CHARCOAL BAR IRON ALL SIZES. Monongahela lron and Steel Co, GARTER BRAND United States Government sikbigeationis Guaranteed. PITTSBURGH, PA. CHARCOAL IRON CHAINS SKINNER enUuns A finely illustrated Catalogue, 6 x 9, sent to interested parties. THE SKINNER CHUCK CO., 340 CHURCH STREET, 44 PAGE BROS.& CO." | 347 to 357 Cambridge St. Boston, Mass. Ship Lamps OIL AND ELECTRIC FIXTURERS FOR Steamships, Yachts, &c. GREAT VARIETY OF DESIGNS. Prices and Cuts on Application. For LATHES, DRILLS and PLANERS PICTUS OF aU Mies. They are now being printed for the Marine Review. NEW BRITAIN, CONN, SEARCH LIGHTS - - RUSHMORE PROJECTORS are in almost exclusive | Reed's Guide to Exam- use in all classes of service, and are specified for finest Steamers and Yachts. RUSHMORE DYNAMO WORKS, TELEPHONE 569. JERSEY CITY. Reed's Engineers' Hand Key to Reed's Engineers' MARINE REVIEW PUB. Co., ST. Book. inations. A PHOTOGRAPHER, SENT TO THE AT WORK FOR A MONTH PAST. CLAIR RIVER, HAS BEEN Hand Book. Cleveland, O. List will be announced later.