Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 11 Oct 1900, p. 39

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MORAN BROS. COMPANY SEATTLE, WASHINGTON | SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS No. #4, Accommodation, via" Sandusky "0. STEEL ano WOOD VESSELS, STEAM or SAIL No. 18, Ghieeee, Now tink & Boston Speameee FOR OCEAN, SOUND AND RIVER SERVICE FOUNDRY, MACHINE, BOILERAND FORGE SHO AoW | No. 40; Toledo & Butlalo Accom.," via "Norwalie Bs ey UAL TO. ANY adc LARGEST. TOOLS AND HEAVY imedate) hd at SPECIALTY No. 11, Southwestern Limited.............0 .ceee 7) oe ae, os New York, Boston & Chicago Special.... 0. , ' eae LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY, CLEVELAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1.237 SUPERIOR STREET. Eastward :-- Ar. fr. West. Dep. East. No. 18, Southwestern Limited....... .... oeegre nice enasve *1 565 am No. 22, Lake Shore Limited.. tow easisuaee *2 15 am *2 20 am No. 28, New York & Boston Express. ese eewatied *7 40 am *8 00 am INO.) 82,; Wast= Mai vavirdcecs ves cccalreineunec, ae pee - "1225 am *%11 80 am Me FE 2b pam oo eee eda Vesies *3 00 pm *5 40 pm *5 45 pm *7 35 pm *7 40 pm No. 16, New England Express......4 .scces ceeves *10 30 pm 35 pm No.2, D&y DXPPEGs! F265 bese coke dee esv evens 0 pm 79 20 pm 710 30 am No. 126, Norwalk Accommodation .......sssss+c Ob am 2 oS. No. 116, Conneaut Accommodation ...........0+ F Sbbiie we e's 74 30 pm Westward :-- Ar. fr. Kast. Dep. West. 88 CORI! ice sates *3 05 am *3 10 am New York & Chicago Express . NO} 201) Day GEXDEBER eG arse crv aves wee once ee Two-Section balanced, eT hl pe Pee 00 ie ee 6O ft. A oa No. 49° The Lake Sh ie towers; patent steel wedge .kee! blocks; 12,000 UK erat as No. 28 AWestern foneeed ee : CAPACITY OF Vs dy ae YATE a 1500 TONS No. 38, Southwestern Express.... ....0. seccesees *12 25 pm : a ae Cleve n ee Detroit: Xpress... cvccvesnwt en cease B a pm : i--~a 0., (47, ACCOMM OGATION i02:60 vi cicsuces cateleccaeesen 1 ennuaees m ade dale ha : Se Seen No. 141, Sandusky Accommodation le Serias atleru sd eeidieie's 73 10 pitt f No. 127, Norwalk Accommodation Sea7tieetmiontle eet 75 10 pm \ it D No.:°37; 'Pacifie (Wxpress ioeesccsccs ee Shatatucetes *6 35 pm *7 00 pm No.8, Fast) Mathbimited ss (cos 7s eich ocevcesun *10 50 pm *10 55 pm CAPACITY: Ptr ae 48 INCHES SQUARE "SIDES 20x 30 INCHES. SPARS: THE LONCEST) reat Le AND ech aS In. bat 'WORLD; ahd hela Ce) ah Pees : Fl LES OR TIMBER OF. Oks es LiL aale) ee CARS FROM emt DOCK Tt NTS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD ELECTRIC CRAN Capacity Pomel era Ul maT A rT % vessel WE hau) spar hae ee led a (25 FEET LonG including every description of ROUGH, DRESSED: or KILN DRIED YELLOW FIR, RED CEDAR or SPRUCE We make bo specialty. of. Puree at ya taleltar alert Ua) DRESS FOUR: 'ae a ee ROADS: ie *Daily. {Daily except Sunday. Trains Nos. 28 and 37 run via Erie station. va BIG FOUR ROUTE ON ACCOUNT OF National Conventions of Christian Church, Oct. 12 to 19, 1900, Round trip tickets will be on sale from all points on the "Big Four' at rate of One Fare, (plus $2.00) for the Round Trip, on October 10th, 12th and 14th. Tickets good for return on date of Execution by Joint Agent, call on Agents "Big Four Route," or address the undersigned. WARREN J. LYNCH, W. P. DEPPE, De JAY COLLVER, C. P. & T. A. Genl. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. A.G.P.& T. Ag 116 Euclid Ave. CINCINNATI, O. Ginorenanr Oo. CLEVELAND. 8 CLEVELAND unparaLvecen NIGHT SERVICE. BUFFALO "City OF BUFFALO" INE «While yon Sleep" "CITY OF ERIE" both together being without doubt, in all respects, the finest and fastest that are run in the interest of the traveling public in the United States. TIME CARD. DAILY INCLUDING. SUNDAY Leave Cleveland 8 P. M. Arrive Buffalo sss Buffalo 8 ce ee CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Connections made at Buffalo with trains for all Eastern and Canadian points. Ask ticket agent for tickets via C.& B. Line. Send four cents for ilfustrated pamphlet. SPEvVIAL LOW RATES TO BUFFALU AND NIAGARA FALLS EVERY SATURD'Y NIGHT. W F. HERMAN, Generac Passencer AGENT, CLEVELAND, O. NEW STEAMERS 6 A.M. Cleveland 6 " WANTED FOR SALE, FOR CHARTER Etc. Space under this heading 25 cents a line, each insertion, for three inser- tion- or less. Special rates for periods of more than three insertions. --MECHANICAL ENGINEER with ten years' experience and first- rate technical training desires a position as assistant engineer or designer. Address Engineer, the Marine Review Pub. Co., Cleveland, O. d --FOR SALE--Marine boiler, 84%x16 ft. allowed 109 Ibs. steam. E. G. Crosby & Co., Muskegon, Mich. Oct..25 FOR SALE--Marine engines. One fore-and-aft compound, 50x42 in. stroke, and one fore-and-aft compound 27 and 50x40 in. stroke. -E. G. Crosby & Co., Muskegon, Mich. Oct. 25 --FOR SALE AT CLOSE OF LAKE NAVIGATION--Machinery and' boiler of steamer Forest City. Engine steeple compound, 22 and 40x36 in. stroke. In good order. Address E. T. Peck, 691 Cass ave., De- troit, Mich. Oct. 25 --FOR SALE--Two tugs, one of 65 ft. keel with engines 20x22 and the other of 61 ft. keel with engines 20x20, Ranney Bros., 34 River st., Cleve- land. Oct: ale --FOR SALE--Good tug, six years old. Engines 18x20. Boiler al- lowed 130 pounds steam pressure. Address Box 284, Ashland, Me ; t --FOR SALE--Scotch marine water-back boiler; 7 feet diameter, 11 feet long; dome 30x30 inches; furnace 40 inches diameter; 69 3-inch tubes, 8 feet 6 inches long. Built under government inspection and just completed. Price $2,000. F. O. B. cars Minneapolis. Address Nicollect Island Roiler Works, Minneapolis, Minn. tf 28 and : DULUTH, SOUTH SHORE AND ATLANTIC RAILWAY. ye The Only Line Reaching MIARQUETTE, MICH. Likes '*The Queen of Northern Summer Resorts " Hotel Accommodations thoroughly first-class, headed by the Hotel Superior, the finest Hostelry on the Great Lakes. GEO B ROSS Lessee, HOTEL SUPERIOR, Marquetrr, Micu.; Proprietor LEXINGTON ° ° » HOIEL, CuicaGo, I.u.; formerly Manager CHICAGO BEACH HOTEL. WRITE THE UNDERSIGNED FOR ILLUSTRATED PUBLICATIONS. G. A. CLIFFORD, A. E- EDMONDS, E. C. OVIATT, Trav. Pass. 'Age nt, Trav. Pass, Agent, City Pass A 76 Ottawa St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. CINCINNATI, OHIO, DETROIT' MICH, F. W. SALSBURY, J..F LEE, GEO. W. Oe eae Gen'! 'Agt. Pass. Dept 22a So Clark St.. CHICAGO TLL, Gen'l Pass. Agen MAROURTTR MICH. Commercial Agent, PITTSBURG. PA. Oo. L. JENKS, A. M. CARPENTER, Vice-Pres. ano Treas. Sec. ano Gen't Mar. The Jenks Ship Building Co,, Yards: Foot of Lincoln Avenue. W. S. JENKS, Presivenrt. Office and Machine Shops at Fourth Street. PORT HURON, MICH. 00000006 FO0O0004000000000000000000000000 | Steel and Wood Ship Build rs. ; ; Marine Engines and Boilers. ; SOOO SOOSSOSS 9999S 99960000066 9900069000 Steam Windlasses, Capstans and Steering Apparatus. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON SHIPS, ENGINES AND BOILERS. Low Rates to Kansas City, aud Return, (for which fee of 50 cents will be charged) not later than October 20th, ~ 1900: For full information and particlars as to rates, tickets, limits, etc.,- a€ : ji AE Sect alan

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