4 : MARINE REVIEW. [October 11} THE "WOOTTERS" GASOLINE MARINE ENGINES ALWAYS tH MO-RICHARD Ea Especially adapted for Launches, Fish Tugs and Ferry Boats. Catalogue, Prices and Particulars furnished on application. Built for Hausheer & Sons, Cleveland, 0. Launch W. C. RICHARDSON. Dimensions, 35 x8 0.A. Engine 8 horse power. RELIABLE. Engines of the Stationary Type built suitable for all purposes requiring from 4 to 100 horse power, where a reliable and effi- cient power is required. Engines built by the McMYLER MANUFACTURING CO., 180 Columbus Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. NEVERSINK CORK JACKET AND LIFE BELT. om Warranted 24 pounds. Buoyancy and full Weight of Cork, as required by U.S. Inspectors. Consolidated Cork Life Preservers. Ring Buoys and Fenders. SAFEST, CHEAPEST. Approved and adopted by U. S. Board of Supervising In- spectors. Also adopted by the principal Ocean, Lake and River Steamer Lines as the only Reliable Life Preserver. Awarded four Medals by World's Columbian Exposition. Metallic a Metallic Life Rafts. Marine Drags. Manufacturers of Woolsey's Patent Life Buoy--the lightest, cheapest and must compact Life Raft known. DAVID KAHNWEILER'S SONS 437 Pearl Street, NEW YORK CITY. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. THOS. DREIN & SON, BUILDERS OF Metallic Life Boats and Rafts, Government and Pleasure Boats, Block v= and Granulated Cork * Life Preservers. Out- fits for Lake Steamers a Specialty. TATNALL & RAILROAD sts WILMINGTON, DEL. LANE & DeGROOT, METALLIC LIFE BOATS, (Formerly Raymond's) Metallic Life Rafts, Cork Life Preservers, Etc., approved by the U. S. Supervising Inspectors. Also Wood Boats of Every Description. Ke- pairing of every kind promptly attended to. 70 and 72 Kent St., BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. ! Hoisting Engines. 'We build them in all sizes from new and improved designs. Every engine thoroughly tested before leay- ing ourshop, and guaranteed to be satisfactory in every case. When in want of a hoist for marine work, dock work, mining, or any other purpose, kindly permit us to name you prices. We know we can please you. Marine Iron Co. BAY CITY, MICH. ).) Teiephone Cali 340-B, Greenpoint. WM. R. TRICG CONPANY, SHIP BUILDERS, RICHMOND, VA. Government Contractors, © Building United States Torpedo Boats SHUBRICK, STOCKTON and THORNTON, : and Torpedo Boat Destroyers DALE and DECATUR ' SHIPBUILDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, W. & A. FLETCHER CO. NORTH RIVER IRON WORKS. Marine Engines, Boilers, Etc. Hudson, 12th and 14th Streets, Hoboken, N. J. Take Ferry from foot of West 14th Street, N. Y ESTABLISHED 1884. Morse Iron Works and D Dock Co. - ENGINEERS, MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. eee Excellent Facilities for DOCKING and REPAIRING VESSELS. Cas_Le Appvress: PYROSISON, N. Y. : t Foot 26th and 27th St. BROOKLYN, N. Y. THE TOWNSEND AND DOWNEY SHIPBUILDING AND REPAIR CO., ENGINEERS AND OUTFITTERS, DRY DOCKING AND REPAIRING. } BUILDERS OF STEEL AND WOODEN VESSELS OF ALL TYPES: CAPACITY No. 1 DRY DOCK, 4,000 TONS i Ship Yard and Works, Shooter's Island, Borough of Richmond, New York City. New York Offices, 22 and 23 D. Produce Exchange. Cable Address: . iN. Y. Office, 500 Broad. "TEEANDE,'? N. Y. TELEE BONE ©2508) ) yard and' Works, 47 West Brighton! Standard Automatic Releasing Device. The falls are so rove that both ends of the boat detach, irrespective of which end strikes the water first. Will release a boat immediately in the roughest sea or under speed and can be hooked on without delay or injury to the hands of men hooking it on. Standard Automatic Releasing Hook Co New Cheesebrough Building, 17 State Street, New York, N. Y, BUILDER OF JOHN B. HARDY, steam vessets EITHER STEEL OR WOOD. All kinds of Marine Engines and Machinery. Finest Equipped Shop on Puget Sound. Marine Shears of 125 tons capacity .First-class rail facilities. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. Gnarantecd to pass U. &. Government or Railway Companies Specifications. KATZENSTEIN'S Self-Acting METAL PACKING, y For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, etc., of every description, for Steam Engines, Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works and Steamship poets within the last twelve years, in this and foreign countries. FLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic Pressure; also AL GASKETS for all kinds of flanges and joints. Dovusiz-Acting BaLancep Warzr-Tiqut BULKHEAD Doors for Steamers. Also Agents for the McColl Cumming Parent LIQuip Ruppzr Brake. For full purticular: and reference, address; L. KATZENSTEIN & CO., General Machinists, Brass Finishers, Engineers' Supplles, 357 West St., New York.