1900.] MARINE REVIEW. i THE BABCOCK &@ WILCOX Co, "taevessece win Ten FORGED STEEL WATER TUBE BOILERS: ZENITH CITY, ALEX McDOUGALL, JOHN W. GATES, HARVARD, QUEEN CITY, PRESQUE ISLE, JAMES J. HILL, LAFAVETTE, EDNA G., MATAAFA, ISAAC L. ELLWOOD, CORNELL, CRESCENT CITY, MAUNALOA, WM. EDENBORN, PRINCETON, SUPERIOR CITY, MALIETOA, W. S. GRATTAN, RENSSELAER, EMPIRE CITY, AND TWO STEAMERS FOR THE INTERNATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. BOILERS NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION FOR VJ. S. MONITOR WYOMING, U. S. CRUISER CINCINNATI, ' | U. S. CRUISER RALEIGH, The Babcock & Wilcox C0,, 7 ws, CRUISER: etveeT On U. S. CRUISER CHATTANOOGA, U. S. CRUISER DENVER, 29 CORTLANDT ST., , U.S. CRUISER DES MOINES, . §. CRUISER CLEVELAND, NEW YORK. AND SEVERAL LARGE VESSELS FOR THE PACIFIC COAST. 8000 Miles Without a Hitch ; The Steam Yacht Cynthia is one of the finest in equipment on the Great Lakes. Her owner is satisfied with nothing less than the best. Read his testimonial regarding The Dearing Water Tube Boiler. Soe Cee ee roy to yours : : asking me how my boiler suits me We have hundreds of these testimonials would say that during the past from owners of yachts and steamers all summer I ran over. eight thousand miles and never have had a hitch. . over the West. se eet pepe tie to me, upon | We guarantee the Dearing to discount that the Doller is ti Seabees Gone any other Water Tube boiler made for dition in all respects. a ° Yours truly marine service. M. B. MILLS. 'Steamer Cynthia, 550 H. P. Send for our new catalogue. Dearing Water Tube Boiler Co., Detroit, Mich. The Roberts Boiler Co. ALL THE NAVIE OF THE LEADING GOVERNMENTS <tm--_QOF THE WORLD U as But over (00 BOILERS TO DATE sor . ® ® g Launches, Yachts, Passenger and Freight Steamers, Dredges, Tugs, Stern- Wheelers, Canalers; also for Navy Department, War Department, Treasury Department, Light-House Board and Revenue Cutter Service; also for N. : 9 ¥. Dock Department and U. S. Supervisor, Harbor of N. Y. SAFETY AND ECONOMY ADOPTED BY THE NAVIES OF Never killed @ man or had a serious accident. $250,000 capital. Works UNITED STATES, RUSSIA, SPAIN, 1 oN i e account of dis- : 2 eee TL Teele MATE All mantetiat ude epee beoerees ae || ENGLAND, ITALY, Argentine Republic, ilers tested at 5! ds hydrostatic pressure and 259 pounds of steam before ship- : ping. Workmanship mtrinthy trateclaak: Pall joints screwed and reliable. No.expanded F RANCE, ; GERMANY, CHILI. 0. es pee your requirements and we will furnish specifications. Correspondence We have now in course of construction at our Works 60,000 H.P. Niclausse THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., Bollors for the folop neal Building at uhe Ship Yard of the Bath as: NNECTICUT, 39 and 41 Cortlandt Street, New York City. pea here Iron Works, Bath, Me. . S. Battleship MAINE ne : Works, Red Bank, N. J. Middl ake Battleship RETVIZAN, jonigiay at Wim. Cramp & Sons Ship CABLE ADDRESS, 'BRUNIVA, NEWYORK. Russian Cruiser VARIAG, Yards, Philadelphia. revepnone: | REN YORK QBFICE, §99,CORTLANDE, THE STIRLING COMPANY, Tue "TAYLOR" YACHT BOILER | ------------____ ALMY'S PATENT Has held the record three enone on the fastest yacht SECTIONAL on the great lakes. Ww e ater Tube Boilers. NOW USED IN Thirty Passenger Boats and 100 Steam Yachts ranging from 50 to 250 feet in length, U.S. Torpedo Boat "Stiletto." ; Numerous Small Launches and Stationary Boiler also giving most excellent results. " ALMY WATER-TUBE BOILER CO., 178-184 Allens Avenue, near Rhodes St. PROVIDENCE, R. I. Guaranteed against Rupture of Tubes. Will not Prime in the Roughest Sea. MANUFAOTURED BY Detroit Screw Works, FOOT OF REOPELLE ST., © DETROIT, MICH., U.S. A.