ier) MARINE REVIEW. 3 = NILES ELECTRIC ee See es BUILT = ee : ON s ea LATEST | 2 AND 1 . MOST de IMPROVED DESIGNS. C ee e Bae ee TO s| NILES TOOL WORKS CO. Bess uteretiats,,- Nemcaas:| 23-25 Victoria St., - LONDON, ENG. AWARDED GRAND PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL AT PARIS EXPOSITJON. UNEQUALLED FOR MARINE SERVICE. | "PRINDLE" | CENTRIFUGAL |¢ | PUMPS DIRECT-CONNECTED TO _ | Steam Engine « Elecite Motor Girculating Water for Condensers. BILGE WATER DRAINAGE, DRY DOCK SERVICE, DREDGING, WRECKING, &c. Ship pm OIL AND ELECTRIC FIXTUBERS | FOR Steamships, Yachts, &c. GREAT VARIETY OF DESIGNS. Prices and Cuts on Application. 4| PAGE BROS.& CO." | 347 to 357 Cambridge St. Boston, Mass, Rema coee een" || PICTURES OF 200 SHIPS They are how being printed for the Marine Review. Monongahela Iron and Steel Co. MANUFACTURERS OF "aan tow GARTER BRANDS 'row cuss ALL SIZES. United States Government Specifications Guaranteed. PITTSBURGH, PA. A finely illustrated Catalogue, 6 x 9, sent to interested parties. THE SKINNER CHUCK CO., °°" New sarrain, conn, A PHOTOGRAPHER, SENT TO THE SEARCH LIGHTS - =- = |[Reed's Engineers' Hand ST. CLAIR RIVER, HAS BEEN Book. AT WORK FOR A MONTH PAST. RUSHMORE PROJECTORS are in almost exclusive Reed's Guide to Exam- use in all classes of service, and are specified for finest Steamers and Yachts, inations. : Key to Reed's Engineers' ; . RUSHMORE DYNAMO WoRKS,| Hand Boo. == | «6 List will be announced later. TELEPHONE 569. JERSEY CITY. Cleveland, O. = aca -- =