6 MARINE [November 1, REVIEW. "BETHLEHEM" FORGINGS have scored another triumph in the remarkable results attained during the recent speed tests of U. S. Battleship '*Wisconsin" and Russian Cruiser "Variag."' The shafts and engine-forgings of both ships are representative products of our Works, and demonstrate anew the possibilities of Fluid-Compressed Nickel and Carbon Steels, when thoroughly forged under hydraulic pressure and carefully annealed. SEND TO OUR NEAREST OFFICE FOR PAMPHLET. BETHLEHEM STEEL ComPANy, SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. BRANCH OFFICES : 340-342 Main Street, Cincinnati. 430 Endicott Building, St. Paul. 726 Gravier Street, New Orleans. 4 Bank Block, Denver. 100 Broadway, New York. 421 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. 1433 Marquette Building, Chicago. 312 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. WILSON & SILSBY, 'Soston, mass. 'ana phe Sulla for PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO "perenver, | OflL9 FOR RacinG YaGHts. JUBILEE, A NAVAHOE. OUTFITS OF LARGE STEAM YACHTS. THE CHASE MACHINE COMPANY, Engineers and Machinists, MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS OF FOG WHISTLE MACHINES, HOISTING ENGINES, STEERING ENGINES, AUTOMATIC TOWING ENGINES, POWER' AND DROP HAMMERS, AND OTHER MACHINERY ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES, AND GENERAL JOB WORK. 111 Elm Street CLEVELAND, OHIO. West . Electrical TELEPHONE MAIN 994. ee FA et ea be ee eae Helios-Upton Comp'y, PEABODY, MASS. Hot Water Thermometers and Thermometers for Mechanical Purposes. Used by U.S. Navy in all New Ships. Eighty of them furnished the Japanese Cruisers '*Kasagi" and "Chitose."' SEND FOR BULLETIN No. 40 A. EARN MORE MONEY j | REE SCHOLARSHIP TO A LIMITED NUMBER Electrical, Mechanical, Marine, E N Gl N E E RI NG | Stationary or Locomotive (Including Mechanical Drawing.) AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CORRESPONDENCE, Boston, Mass. (Chartered by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.) MENTION MARINE REVIEW. Chicago Nautical School, MASONIC TEM PLE, CHICAGO. W. J. WILSON, Principal. (Late Lieutenant, U.S. N.) A full and complete course of instruction in Lake and Ocean navigation. Also special branches taught those desiring to qualify themselves for better positions in the Marine Service. Students taught by correspondence. Students may begin at any time. Buffalo Nautical School, J. C. P. ddKRAFFT, Nautical Expert, Principal. A full course in Lake and Ocean Navigation taught in person. Classes open at close of navigation on the Great Lakes. Pupils may commence at any time, Candidates prepared for examination for raise in papers, Compass adjusting taught, when desired. Write for particulars, prices, etc. PRUDENTIAL BUILDING, BUFFALO, N.Y. Charts of the Atlantic Coast. A full equipment of Charts for vessels going from the lakes to salt water may be had from the Marine Review Pub. Co., Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. Charts of the St. Lawrence River, Charts of Nova Scotia Coast, Charts of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Charts of the U. S. Coast on the Atlantic. inghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. PITTSBURG, PA. All principal Cities in U. S. and Canada. | Apparatus | THe SCHERZER ROLLING LirT BRIDGES Invented by William Scherzer, C. E, Patented. J For Railroads or Highways. Opened or Closed in Twenty ate iidce $i Seconds. arms si csee of equal capacity. ¢ ere ey! Vessel owners should urge the adoption of these bridges. The 8-track Scherzer Bridge over the Chicago Peaitnge Canal is the largest movable bridge in tho world. A number in sUCOESSFUL operation, and several in process of construc- tion. SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE CO., 1616 Monadnock Block, Chicago, Ill. TRY !T ON YOUR BOAT. A genuine Varnish Paint without gum. Where applied the surface becomes coated as with glass, resisting the influence of weather and of water (salt or fresh) and keeping its gloss for years. JOHN MAIR & SON. 198.4: Oe HILADELPHIA, PA. yeLAND CITY FORGE a Ig ny Mes "fh by rps ) CLEVELAND O 27 (RON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT COUPLING LINKS AND PINS PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES.