12 MARINE REVIEW. [November 29, _ BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY --==ENGINES HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL and MARINE TYPES, SIMPLE and COMPOUND. I MARINE LIGHTING SETS. - BUFFALO FORGE COMPANY, BUFFALO, N.Y. Tae ges ec cla Buffalo Upright Engine, direct connected to Marine Buffalo Marine Engine, arranged for direct connection to Generator. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. ies Ty0e Generator. Punohing and Shearing Machinery. The illustration shows a machine designed especially for cutting sheet metal. It is a 'continuous shear made in three sizes. The cut shows the largest size, the No. 4 B. The smallest size cuts up to 3-16-inch sheets, the next size to 5-16, and the machine shown cuts up to %-inch sheets. They all cut sheets of any width or any length. These machines are shipped complete and ready for use. They are made especially for the use of boiler makers and sheet metal workers. The two larger sizes can also be supplied with a special attachment for beveling sheets. New Doty Manufacturing Company, JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN, U.S. A. THE BOURNE-FULLER CO. CLEVELAND O. BAR IRON. PIC IRON. ARCHES AND STRAPS FOR WOODEN VESSELS. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY'S | tts' 20s, ttm. mc mom BESSEMER AND OPEN HEARTH STEEL. ASHTON CAM LEVER POP SAFETY VALVES AND NON-CORROSIVE STEAM GAGES give highest efficiency and durability. Specify them and get the best. THE ASHTON VALYE C0, ®°S7°%, NO°Gurtoaao, v.58. a. Electrical Signalling SHIP-PLATES, BOILER PLATES, SHIP RIVETS. Apparatus | BEAMS, CHANNELS, ANGLES, BARS, AND OTHER SHAPES, FOR USE WITH INTERNATIONAL | BILLETS, BLOOMS AND FORGINGS. AND NAVAL CODE. | "BYERS" FULL WEIGHT WROUGHT IRON PIPE. 'Write for Catalogue 1025. GENERAL OFFICE: : -- SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Sales Offices in all Large Cities, : R AND VALVE CO. CROSBY POP SAFETY VALVES, Locomotive, Marine and Stationary. CROSBY WATER RELIEF VALVES, for Pumps, Hydrants, etc. CROSBY IMPROVED STEAM PRESSURE GAGES CROSBY STEAM ENGINE INDICATORS, with Sargent's Electrical Attachment for taking any number of Diagrams simultaneously. SIGNAL KEY BOARD. The Original SINGLE BELL CHIME WHISTLES, ae ea PUMP VALVES; rubber with wire-coil nsertion. BOSWORTH FEED-WATER REGULATOR, PAT- ENT GAGE TESTER, and many other special- ties in Steam Lines, Excelsior Straight-Way Back Pressure Valve. _. This valve has no dash pots, springs, guides or complicates levers to get out of order. It is simple, reliable and well-made. Never sticks, and can be relied upon at all times when using exhaust steam for heating; or when used as a relief, or free ex- fa haust on a condensing plant, it has no equal. It is noiseless and free from any complicated attachments, "JENKINS BROTHERS, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, CHICAGO. | WE WILL REPAIR YOUR STEAM FITTINGS PROMPTLY. Main Office and Works: Boston, Mass. Stores; Boston, New York, Chicago, and London Eng.