26 MARINE REVIEW. [ November 29, BUFFALO DOUBLE SINGLE-ACTING ENGINE. In the accompanying illustration is shown a compact little engine which embodies a number of interesting points of design. It is a two- cylinder single-acting machine representing one of a great many dif- ferent types turned out in the engine department of the Buffalo Forge Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The two cylinders, in each of which the diameter is equal to the stroke, are placed side by side, and are cast in one piece with the valve chest. This is bolted to the cast iron frame, the addition of removable side- plates to which serves to wholly enclose the rotating and recipro- cating parts, to afford an entire- 'ly dust-proof and oil-tight con- struction, and also to give ready accessibility to the moving parts. Lubrication is most thorough, 'owing to the feature of enclos- ing the engine to run in oil. By the motion of the rotating parts, all- rubbing surfaces are contin- uously supplied with oil from the tem, which may almost be said ---- to have rendered possible the splendid performance of present day high speed horizontal engines, has been applied with equal success by the Buffalo company to engines of the vertical type. The valve gear is under the control of a centrifugal governor, placed not in the fly-wheel, but on a disc within the bed. The swinging eccen- tric of this governor actuates a single valve, which admits steam to both cylinders on the downward strokes, the cranks being set 180° apart. lorged steel shafts are used exclusively, while the piston rods are ot the best machine steel. A sub<base of appropriate design is furnished, and this may be arranged if desired for dynamo direct connection. The features of automatic regulation, dust-proof enclosure and copious lubrication -are coupled with excellent steam economy for a small unit, so that the engine recommends itself for a variety of uses, on land and shipboard. It is built in ranges of sizes to develop from 1 to 14 H.P. on 80 lbs. pressure. - Arthur D. Story, Essex, Mass., has received a contract to build a tugboat for a company just formed at Essex. . bottom of the bed. This sys- - LETTER FROM SIR THOMAS LIPTON. Capt. Geo. L. Norton, the editor of the Marine Journal, New York, sent Sir Thomas Lipton the official figures of the average velocity of the wind off Newport and Sandy Hook. They showed that the wind off Sandy Hook was from three to six miles stronger than off Newport. Sir Thomas Lipton sent this reply to Capt. Norton: "I am in receipt of your letter of the 26th ult. and thank you most sincerely for your kind expressions. With regard to my views as to whether the next contest for the America's cup should take place at Sandy Hook or at Newport, I should say that the committee of the New York yacht club are the best judges. I do not, however, think that there could be a fairer or better course in the world than that off Sandy Hook. Personally I have a liking for it--born, I suppose, of my long stay there last year--certainly I have had plenty of opportunity of becoming acquainted with it. As regards being overcrowded by steamers, I do not worry in the slightest about this. There never was in the history of yachting a clearer course than we had the last contest, and I am sure the captains of accompanying steamers in their own interests will do everything they can to meet the wishes of those in charge of the racing yachts. The manner in which the New York yacht club arranged for keeping the course clear last year could not be improved upon." TRADE NOTES. A new power station for the Grand Rapids Co. at Grand Rapids, fich., will be 111 ft. wide and 147 ft. long, furnished by the American Bridge Co. The Naval Electric Co., 95 Liberty street, New York, has recently rewired the fireboat New Yorker, has several large contracts in view and is furnishing quite a large amount of supplies to the government. This company furnishes complete electric lighting plants, including search lights and storage batteries, for yachts and steamships, and reports the outlook as good for trade in yacht lines this fall. The Kenney Co. has begun a suit in the circuit court of the United States for the eastern district of Michigan against the Ideal Manufactur- ing Co. of Detroit, to restrain the infringement by the latter company of the patents of the Kenney Co. The Ideal Manufacturing Co. has placed upon the market, under the name "Volumeter" a flushing valve which is claimed to be a direct infringement of the Kenney valve, widely known in connection with the celebrated trademark "Flushometer.'" The bill of complaint in the case asks for an injunction and an accounting for profits. Paris Exposition, 1900, confers Highest Award and 2 Gold Medals HAMMERS for Chipping ** Calking ** Riveting '* Beading '¢ Stone Cutting, etc. RIVETERS for Shipyard use *€ Boiler work '¢* Bridge work' ** Structural work PNEUMATIC HOISTS CRANES JACKS (Car and Locomotive) PAINTING MACHINES DRILLS for Railroads '* Mines ** Quarries '¢ Foundries *¢ Machine Shops ** Wood boring - Welders MOTORS for every use FLUE 4 reducers, CASTING CLEANERS, etc. Rollers Cutters Pneumatic Appliances Sent on Trial Subject to Approval. "CHICAGO -- PNEUMATIC T O O L C QO . Em ate (Only Gold Medals in this Class.) By actual statistics 95% of all Pneumatic Tools sold all over the world are our tools. UNITED STATES COMMISSION TO THE PARIS EXPOSITION OF 1900 NEW YORK EQUITAB.E BUILDING PARIS OFFICES, August 21, 1900. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Company, Chicago, Gentlemen: Officially I desire to inform you that your pneumatic tools received at the hands of the International Jury of Award, a Gold medal. Also that Mr. Boyer was awarded a Gold Medal as collaborator and inventor of the tools. Yours very truly, 4, Director of Mac an Blectricity. ae noe CHICAGO PNEUMATIC TOOL CO. Monadnock Biock, Chicago. . BRANCH OFFICES: 418 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass. 1016 Carnegie Building, Pittsburg, Pa. New South Wales. 241 The Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio. 421 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES: Tur New Tarre-Howarp Pneumatic Toor Co., Lrp., General European Agents, No. 9 York Street, Glasgow. Scuucnarpr & Scuurrs, Spandauer-Strasse 59-61, Berlin, Anstria; Stockholm, Sweden. H.Griamnzur & Perreaup, 1 Avenue De La Republique Binz Building, Houston, Texas. 316 Lincoln Trust Building, St. Louis, Mo. 605 Fidelity Building, Philadelphia, Pa. 63 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. Joun Macponanp & Son, Germany; Brussels, Belgium; St. Petersburg, Russia; Vienna, , Paris, France and Spain. H.W. Peasopy & Co., Sydney,