[December 6, i> oe MARINE REVIEW. Forced Draft 4274 Ship Ventilation. Extensively used by the United States Government. Send for Complete Catalogue and Mechanical Draft Folders. Bulalo Forde Gompanl, ........<~... BUFFALO, N.Y. SINGLE-ACTING ENGINE. Punohing and Shearing Machinery. The illustration shows a machine designed especially for cutting sheet metal. It is a continuous shear made in three sizes. The cut shows the largest size, the No. 4 B. The smallest size cuts up to 3-16-inch sheets, the next size to 5-16, and the machine shown cuts Se BUFFALO STEEL-PLATE STEAM FAN. SINGLE DOUBLE-ACTING ENGINE. up to %-inch sheets. They all cut sheets of any width or any length. These machines are shipped complete and ready for use. They are made especially for the use of boiler makers and sheet metal workers. The two larger sizes can also be supplied with a special attachment for beveling sheets. New Doty Manufacturing Company, JANESVILLE, WISCONSIN, U.S. A. ASHTON CAM LEVER POP SAFETY VALVES AND NON-CORROSIVE STEAM GAGES give highest efficiency and durability. Specify them and get the best. THE ASHTON VALVE C0, °°"°"; J0"Suroaco, v.a.a. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY'S Ship Lighting Sets Engines--Single or Tandem Compound. Generator Capacities 2% to 75 kilowatts. Send for Marine Catalogue 1025. GENERAL OFFICE: SCHENECTADY, N. Y, Sales Offices in all Large Cities. A NAVY SET--25 Kw GENERATOR, TANDEM COMPOUND ENGINE. vw JENKINS 96 PACKING. : =) Pronounced by steam users throughout the W2E5%) world the best joint packing manufactured. Expensive? Not at all, as it weighs 30% less than many other packings, consequently is much cheaper. JENKINS BROTHERS, NEW YORK BOSTON PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO THE BOURNE-FULLER CO. CLEVELAND O. BAR IRON. PIG IRON. ARCHES AND STRAPS FOR WOODEN VESSELS. BOILER RIVETS. BOILER TUBES. BRACE IRON. IRON AND STEEL SHEETS. MACHINERY AND TOOL STEEL. BESSEMER AND OPEN HEARTH STEEL. SHIP PLATES, BOILER PLATES, SHIP RIVETS. BEAMS, CHANNELS, ANGLES, BARS, AND OTHER SHAPES. BILLETS, BLOOMS AND FORGINGS, "BYERS" FULL WEIGHT WROUGHT IRON PIPE. STEAM GAGE AND VALVE CoO. CROSBY POP SAFETY VALVES, Locomotive, Marine and prationary: CROSBY WATER RELIEF VALVEA, for Pumps, Hydrants, etc, CROSBY IMPROVED STEAM PRESSURE GAGES CROSBY STEAM ENGINE INDICATORS, with Sargent's Electrical Attachment for taking any number of Diagrams simultaneously. The Original SINGLE BELL CHIME WHISTLES, eet eEs PUMP VALVES; rubber with wire-coil nsertion. BOSWORTH FEED-WATER REGULATOR, PAT- ENT GAGE TESTER, and many other special- ties in Steam Lines, Main Office and Works: Boston, Mass. Stores; Boston, New York, Chicago, and London Eng. WE WILL REPAIR YOUR STEAM FITTINGS PROMPTLY.