1900.] MARINE REVIEW. ap a . b a i | fc 5 aa ¢ sn ! RUE} An ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS Boiler Tube is hard to find. Shelby Cold Drawn Seamless Steel Boiler Tubes are absolutely flawless. They are hard and smooth. They do not crack nor fail at the ends. They | do not leak. They are very dense, tough and ductile. They are the most durable Boiler Tubes made. U. S. Government and British Ad- ' miralty specifications all call for Cold Drawn Seamless Steel Boiler Tubes for their respective navies. Write for new Catalogue. 2 "8 . . ais eee, Kage eofsee ove! . toate ° ooeee = = Bie Meera eo sree a rad fees of ee ete ROTNER Sp te Oe 08s 6 ee aoe BPO ge ee reer s a ertiplice to a6 6 46 Tpeigqaes gent SM 0 0s oP be akan, aa Bia ei leg HP 7% * ee © : "4 age Shee aes ig. < oa ee derees 6298 <0 Vee g) % Sone Meee : c See EAS GS Dg Ag Se 6 ete aientor eg ar iste oe Se o® Beg eRe U6 4! Se Yee Re nte git OO eae Se eScere' ree oe ee ee CYP . e . ote Pi ee fete Le *0 Oe rR ees : ve oP e.e %. 0 y¢ Or6 eee ce ES ed a cd Gg we, oe apresen® fe oe flese le 4*y! RAs 9 aa - @ : ® . . : afles ae ere . GENERAL SALES OFFICE~AMERICAN TRUST BLDG. -BRANC IAN L.YALE & CO. Or CES aaa, vil = ROOKERY BLDG CHICAGO Get | 1B LAKE sti:@:. ded. LYNN Q Seen Sas PORT HURON, MICH 2:23 ses, oA sgtnee hbare