8 MARINE REVIEW. [December 20, = 3 z ° = = 3 2 S Bo gs oe oe © Y Cc wy E 2 3 = a. Oc. & cn Reo 3 - a a .« ® ° | © § 2 CLEVELAND, O., U.S.A. VICTOR BOILER AND STRUCTURAL RIVETS. MARINE Gasoline Engines. 2 TO 30H. P. Exhaust under Water. COMPACT AND RELIABLE. Starts Easily, Runs Smoothly and Noiselessly. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. OLDS MOTOR WORKS, 1323 Jefferson Ave., DETROIT, MICH. STATIONARY ENGINES 1 TO 50 H. P. Port side of four-cylinder engine. eCaunch Ww. C C. 'RICHARDSON. Built for Hausheer & Sons, Cleveland,0. Dimensions, 35 x80.A, Engine 8 horse power. , bias. P. Willard & C0. 45-49 §, Canal St., CHICAGO, BUILDERS OF Marine Engines and Boilers, Paddle Wheel Engines, Boat Machinery, High Pressure, Compound and Triple Expansion Engines, Yachts and Launches, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE. - MacKinnon Manufacturing Co. Boilers Makers, Founders and Machinists. Marine Boilers, Engines and Shipyard Machinery. Most powerful set of Hydraulic Slings on the Lakes. Best Towing and Speed Propeller Wheels made. SPECIALTY SMALL YACHT WHEELS. Works and Office, 224-230 N. Water Street, BAY CITY, MICH. BINDING OF CHARTS. Navigators' charts, when backed with linen and taped , around the edges, will last for years. They lie flat and are not injured by handling. Torn charts are very annoying. 'The backing and taping of charts is a specialty with THE MARINE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO., PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, O. ALWAYS _ RELIABLE. Especially addpted for Launches, Fish Tugs and Ferry Boats. Catalogue, Prices and Particulars furnished on application. Engines of the Stationary Type built suitable for all purposes requiring from 4 to {00 horse power, where a reliable and efficient power is required. ENGINES BUILT BY THE McMYLER MANUFACTURING CO., 180 Columbus Street, CLEVELAND, O. Photographs of Ships. All taken within the past few weeks near the head of St. Clair river. Large prints (11x14 inches picture size), and no background to mar their beauty. Clear sky and open water near the foot of Lake Huron. STEAMERS. ANGELINE MATAAFA BIRCKHEAD, P.'H. MILLS, ROBT, BOSTON NICHOLAS. 1. WwW, BOYCE, MARY H. BUFFALO (two views). CITY OF ALPENA (Side-wheeler) CONESTOGA AND MONARCH NICOL, JOHN M. NORTHERN LIGHT NORTHERN KING PENOBSCOT PITTSBURG (Pass. steamer) (on one print) PONTIAC DAVIDSON, THOS. PRIDGEON, JOHN, JR. DELAWARE PRINCETON EDDY, JOHN. QUEEN CLTY HANNA, M. A. RAVENSCRAIG. HARPER, JOHN REES, W.. D. HOPKINS, MARK REIS, WM. E. HURON RHODES, W. C. IOSCO SACRAMENTO IRON KING SAXON KALIYUGA, SUSQUEHANNA LEAFIELD SPARTA LINN, WM. R. : STEVENS, W.-H, McWILLIAMS, JOHN J. SYRACUSE MARUBA TUSCARORA MARIPOSA WILBUR, E. P. TOW BARGES. ABYSSINIA, CHATTANOOGA OLIVE JEANETTE Any of these pictures--the largest offered for sale on the lakes--at $1.50 for a single print or $5.00 for four, delivered. If called for at office of Marine Review, single prints may be had at $1.25. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, DECK HOISTERS, MARINE ad ceaeae & 320 ATWATER ST 503-4 =o DETROIT, MICH.