1900.] MARINE REV FEV: | 9 DIXON'S GRAPHITE PIPE JOINT COMPOUND Enables you to MAKE A TIGHTER JOINT than you can possibly make with red lead. You can do it easier, and parts can be separated at any time without breaking anything. Send for sample and circular. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE COMPANY, JERSEY CITY, N. J. DIXO N'S Lubricating Graphite Is fully explained in an INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE PAMPHLET which is FREE to all interested. It will pay all Engineers and Machinists to SEND FOR IT. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE COMPANY, JERSEY CITY, N. J. LaLa. METAL, REG TRADE MARKS | THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE.SMELTINGCO.|IMITED, 2200 WASHINGTON AVE..PHILADELPHIA. eh OAS Lee o 10) Pe ee ee ROME RHIAN Lael) [oa aoe tee ET es -- DELTA METAL-- a " | CASTINGS. STAMPINGS ano FORGINGS. ORIGINAL ann SeLte MAKERSINTHE U.S. Ger eee eo oe cee es aes ee a HENRY R, WORTHINGTON, wacuinery. MARINE AIR AND FEED PUMPS A SPECIALTY. BOSTON. po ac a Sse CLEVELAND. CHICAGO. WATER METERS. _ PiTssurs. Poo rt ee SAN FRANCISCO. BUTTE. 120 Liberty St., NEW YORK. NEW ORLEANS. NEW PATENT DL OGKLESS ANCHOR MADE BY THE Catalogues j Malled International Auchor Co. Application CLEVELAND, 0. BINGHAMTON, N.Y. FRED'K BALDT, President. W.M. GHLSTON, Vice-President ~ : W.S. BIOKLEY, Sec'y and Treas. Baldt Patent ofockless Actor. Made of the finest quality of open-hearth steel, and 'constructed on the balland socket principle. Many points of superiority over ordinary stockless anchors. BALDT ANCHOR COMPANY CHESTER, PA. WALTER MILLER, Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. Representative for the Great Lakes. We ep a large number of Anchors in stock. The Mbarthin- Barviss Co. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mutou UN, White Mahogany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. "HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR " CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIM. file Cak Limtbcrs and Plank, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER oe ON SHORT NOTICE. Set Geen iol, Cluctand, G. % M. T. DAVIDSON, PUMPS. CONDENSERS. ASH EJECTORS. BAIRDS EVAPORATOR. {33 Liberty Street, New York. THE GEO. F. BLAKE MFG. CO. BUILDERS OF ---- MARINE Single and Duplex Pumps for Boiler Feed. Fire a eat ies ee or Bilge Service--Vertical and Horizontal. PUMPS. Vertical and Horizontal Pumps, Air Pumps for Surface and Jet Condensers. 91 Liberty St., NEW YORK. BOSTON. -- CH'ICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. LONDON. Howard H. Baker Gg, (B00Ks for chip Builders. HIGH-CLASS STANDARD WORKS that are used all over the world. A MANUAL ON LAYING O° F IRON AND STEEL VESSE.S. Thomas H. Watson. 95. SHIP CHANDLERS | ano SAIL MAKERS NPOCKET OOK, Clement Macktowe ous J ? "9; NAVAt ARCHITECTURE. Sir William White, chief constructor of the English Navy. Fifth edition. 750 pages. 9. 18 to 26 Terrace, BUFFALO, N, Y,| THE Marine Review PuBLisHine Co PERRY-PAYNE BLDG., CLEVELAND. THE MORSE ELEVATOR RECEIVED THE HIGHEST AWARD AT THE National Export Exposition, Philadelphia 1899. MORSE, WILLIAMS & Co. PHILADELPHIA. BES. TrTRowT KING IRON WORKS. BUFFALO, N.Y. MANUFACTURERS OF TRIPLE EXPANSION, FORE-AND-AFT AND STEEPLE COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES, High and Low Pressure Engines, Sectional Propellers, Tug and Yacht Wheels. Cowles Aluminum and Manganese Bronze Propeller Wheels. These Wheels are noted for their extra speed, towing power and proportionate saving of coal. Prices Quoted on Application.