1901.] MARINE REVIEW. 27 SHIPOWNING IN DENMARK IN 1901. According to the 'Official List of Danish War and Merchant Ves- sels," just published, the merchant navy of Denmark consisted, on Jan. 1, 1901, of 3,274 sailing ships, measuring altogether 176,000 tons gross, and 042 steamers of 417,200 tons gross, being a total of 3,816 vessels and 593,200 tons gross measurement. In these figures are included all Danish, Icelandic and Danish-West Indian vessels of five tons and upwards-- dredgers, lighters, barges, etc., being excluded. The Icelandic fleet com- prises ninety-nine sailers of (altogether) about 4,000 tons gross, and thirty-two steamers of about 4,900 tons gross; the Farée islands are the home of ninety-three sailers (about 7,000 tons gross) and two steamers (480 tons gross); while to the West Indies are attached fifty-one sailing ships (518 tons gross). In Denmark itself 3,124 sailing vessels of about 171,500 tons and 513 steamers of 416,805 tons gross were owned on Jan. 1 last. Among the sailers are six 'veterans'? which are more than a hundred years old--one was built in 1776, one in 1786, one in 1794, one in 1796 and one in 1799. Most of the sailers are built of wood, only twenty-five of them being of steel and thirty-six of iron. The largest iron ship is the barque Sixtus of Fano, 1,817 tons gross. The largest sailing ship owneries are Messrs. C. P. Holm and Messrs. P. N. Winther, both of which firms are located at Nordby (Fan6), the first possessing seven ships (7,929 tons) and the other ten ships (7,535 tons). The other firms owning more than 3,000 tons of sailing tonnage are N. Petersen of Marstal, twenty-two ships (4,474 tons), H. C. Christensen of Marstal, twenty ships (3,994 tons), and J. F. Dessauer of Copenhagen, three ships (8,587 tons). Of the 513 steamers owned in Denmark proper 150 of them (2,060 tons altogether) are under 100 tons register, so that only 363 of them (414,745 tons altogether) measure more than 100 tons. Of these 363 steamers, 339 are owned at Copenhagen (about 361,000 tons), eleven at Esbjerg (12,173 tons), three at Elsinore (4,193 tons), five at Aalborg (3,913 tons), etc. The largest steamship ownery is the United Steamship Co. of Copenhagen, with 124 vessels, measuring altogether 124,860 tons gross. Then follow three companies owning more than 20,000 tons each, 'Seaboard Steel Castings." MANUFACTURERS OF A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY. "THE ADMIRAL"? ANCHOR. OPEN-HEARTH STEEL CASTINGS fees OF THE HIGHEST GRADE. THE LATEST AND BEST FACILITIES FOR CASTINGS UP TO STOCKLESS ANCHOR. 80 000 POUNDS WEIGHT. APPROVED By LLoyp"s. MACHINE WORK AND PATTERNS oe FURNISHED WHEN REQUIRED. RAIL OR WATER DELIVERIES. CAPACITY, 1505 TONS PER MONTH ANCHORS CAST AND TESTED ON ORDER, OR STOCK ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. " namely, the Norden with eleven vessels (29,555 tons), the Dannebrog with eleven vessels (22,100 tons), and the Kjobenhavn with nine vessels (21,741 tons gross). Further, there are three companies possessing upwards of 10,000 tons, these being the Dampskibs-Selskab of 1896 with eight steam- ers (15,3384 tons), the Dansk-Russiske-Dampskibs-Selskab with seven (13,550 tons) and the Urania with seven (12,985 tons). The Danish state railways board is also to be reckoned with the owneries disposing of be- tween 10,000 and 20,000 tons of steam shipping. There are tnirteen own- eries possessing from 9,000 up to 10,000 tons. As regards the size of the steamers, it may be mentioned that there is only one of more than 5,000 tons measurement, namely the Anam, belonging to the East Asiatic Co. and measuring 95,709 tons. Then follow the Alabama (4,454 tons), the Texas (4,446 tons), and the Florida (4,335 tons)--all three belonging to the United Steamship Co.--and the Canadia .(4,323 tons), belonging to the Kjobenhavn company. There are also seventeen steamers of between 3,000 and 4,000 tons gross measurement. BURNISHINE Engineers themselves by THE MOST MARVELOUS METAL POLISH IN THE WORLD. In Liquid and We know that we can be of service to you if you will write us your wants as regards Paste Form. PACKINGS for your valve rods, pistons, ete, We are the manufacturers of GaTlOGk'S caabe Packings for every purpose, and can assure you they are the best, being made of superior ma- terial, and are of the finest workmanship. Let us krow your requirements and we ab- solutely guarantee to supply your wants, Address our nearest office and you will re- ceive our prompt, careful and best attention. Getting in touch with us. Send for catalogue and samples to our nearest cffice. THE GARLOCK PACKING CO. eRALUIEYTY | neaco es > vg matter Which, Produces a wonderfully brilliant lustre on brass, copper, nickel and all metals, no labor required. NONE LE , Gi WITHOUT GENUINE IT. Used on steamers all over the world. New York. Philadelphia. St. Louis, e Fiee samples on application. Boston, ' Pittsburg. Denver. Seaboard Steel Casting Co hd 29 CHESTER, PA. J.C. PAUL & CO. 57 Dearborn St., CHICAGO, ILL. MAIN OFFICES AND FACTORIES: PALMYRA, N. Y.; ROME, GA. BELLEVILLE GENERATORS Grand Prix 1889 Originated 1849 rors Concours 1900 Latest Improvements 1896 Number of Marine Leagues made each year by Steamships of the Messageries Maritimes Co., Provided with Belleville Generators--Since their Adoption in the Service. Year. Australian| Polynesien ane ce, eres Chili |Cordillere} Laos Indus Tonkin | Annam BIO oe. coo so ceccs dese 22,576 820 BOL he a 22,749 22,777 68 BBO 2... cciccsceese esc 22,749 22,801 23,274 7103 oh a ee eee 22,793 22,781 22,762 22,749 0394 oo se 22,813 22,789 22,858 22,813 12,567 MO oo he cosco eos 22,891 22,922 22,913 22,936 13,629 9,571 Boake chs eeeres cee cee secs: 23,178 30,906 23,232 23,183 20,735 21,051 13,572 Besos occ os vavess cess 22,750 23,202 30,912 23,185 20,745 25,370 21.119 14,382 NG ia, 23,646 23,178 23,184 23.199 20,842 21,080 21,080 20,851 21,318 7,569 os... 23,178 23,205 22,477 30,135 20,082 20,926 20,956 17,448 18,285 14,669 7,628 Total eecch hhc icc ckscbes cence 229,323 | 215,381 191,680 | 175,953 | 108,600 97,998 76,727 52,681 39,603 22.238 7,628 ATELIERS ET CHANTIERS DE L'ERMITAGE, A ST. DENIS (SEINE), FRANCE. WORKS AND YARDS OF L'ERMITAGE ST. DENIS (SEINE), FRANCE. TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS: BELLEVILLE, SAINT DENIS, SUR SEINE.