1901.] MARINE REVIEW. 33 A Successful Hatch Fastener. Costs Less than appliances now in use. May be applied to any vessel by an ordinary _ a MS N Lea workman. Not only holds down the hatch cover, but at the same time battens the tarpaulin so securely as to insure the cargo against damage of any kind. May be applied Ga PT. MI a MI U L iH oO L LA N D 5 PAT E. N TF E Ee; equally well to wood or steel vessels and made in sizes to suit any hatch. Parts ee are all of malleable iron ; no danger of breakage ; not affected by heat or cold. Wade Buiiding, CLEVELAN D, OHIO. CASTNER, CURRAN & BULLITT, SCOlL = Acs lel tS Gore POCAHONTAS SMOKELESS SEMI-BITUMINOUS COAL THE BEST STEAM COAL IN THE, WORLD. Officially endorsed by Creat Britain and United States. Standard Fuel of United States Navy. Used exclusively on Cunard, White Star and other Transatlantic Lines. Main Office, 328 Chestnut Street - - PHILADELPHIA PA. BRANCH OFFICES: 1 Broadway, New York. Old Colony Building, Chicago, Ills. Terry Building, Roanoke, Virginia. Citizens Bank Building, Norfolk, Va. ' TO Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. Neave Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. Calle Reconquista 399, Buenos Ayres, Argentine Republic, South America. 4 Fenchurch Avenue, London, England. PITTSBURG COAL CO. Steamboat Fueling Facilities at various points on the Great Lakes: 4 Gar Dumpers. | Car Dumper. : | Car Dumper. | Gar Dumper. 3 Lighters, Fairport Harbor ' Lighter, Ashtabula Harbor I Lighter, Erie Harhor [if Pockets, Dock and Pockets at Detour. Dock and Pockets at Sault Ste. Marie. (The Port Royal Dock Co.) THE Best crave of 1} POBURG and YOUGHIOGHENY COAL. General Office, Lake Department, Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, 0. STEAMBOAT FUEL AT CHICAGO. The Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal & Iron (0. Youghiogheny and REYNOLDSVILLE COAL. | } Lehigh Coal Co. STEAMBOAT FUEL DOCK--Blackwell Canal at Michigan St. Bridge. 1400 feet of dock frontage. Hulett Car Dump- ing Machine, Steam Fuel Scow of 550 tons capacity. Cleveland Harbor | Docks and Pockets at Detroit River Branch | Sandwich and Amherstburg, Sault River Branches | J.T. CONNERY, ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Boats coaled day or night. Manager. Dock Sup't. OFFICE: 684-88 Ellicott $ ' quare, BUFFALO, N. Y. . No.1, Michigan Slip and Basin. - FUEL Docks: ** * Phone 3046 Main. TRLRPHONE, Seneca 1154. No. 2, N. Halsted St. Bridge. '*Phone 773 North. . Equipped with 125 2-ton Buckets for Fuel- SS FUEL LIGHTER: ing Anywhere In Harbor. MAIN OFFICE: 1238-1242 Chicago Stock Exchange Building. E, McQ. DUTHIE, Long Distance Telephone, Main 5049. 110 LASALLE STREET. Cargo and Fuel Agent. ; STANLEY B. SMITH & CO. DETROIT, MICH. SHIPPERS BY OF RAIL AND LAKE OPERATING SMITH'S COAL DOCK, Detroit River.