} MOST WIDELY QUOTED MARINE PUBLICATION IN THE UNITED STATES ©) 7 ----(_ The Upson-Walton Co., il STURTEVANT T : , - RIVER STREET, CLEVELAND, OHIO, SELL THE eb ER Pity ! { \ | Cleveland Block TO BE FOUND ON (8 Specialty: High grade | SLEEVE SHOWING CONSTRUCTION. NEARLY ALL THE M engines oO MELE) capacity 'BALL BEARING SHEAVES, oer. for mC) or wa pressure. THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT LAKE VESSELS. 60. sizes under 2OO0H.P. PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND. Walter Coleman & Sons, 1901 CATALOGUE TELLS THE REST. ------ ALSO a Blowers ea Operating Expenses Exhauslers f th P Pl t Steam Fans 0 @ rower Filan ° pect Tes are reduced to the a Electric Motors fl |al if. ».. ~ . mo a Generating Sets minimum > Forges . BY THE USE OF Ei Exhaust Heads e Steam Traps Mechanical Heating ; Ventilating ana D f Drying Apparatus ra t Mechanical Drait 152 Send for copy of Catalogue No. 18 N, American Blower CoO., detroit, Mich. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. LONDON. U. S. METALLIC PACKING CO. 429 N. 13th St. PHILADELPHIA PA. 120,O00O PACKINGS IN USE. 12,000 APPLIED IN 1899. WE BLOCK THE CUP DEFENDERS Extensively Used on Ocean, Lake, and Stationary Engines. Cheap, Durable and Small Cost for Repairs. Silver Medal Awarded Paris, 1900. SEND FOR CATALOGUE: EC ekGo HOISTING BLOCKS | eee eee ee ee The Hyde Steam and Power } Windlasses and Capstans are the a with Wooden Cheeks, Malleable Iron Frame, Wrought Iron Straps, 'and fitted with new style oO metaline sheaves, which have lignum vitae best in the market. : _ cheeks. They have been selected for ; sé most of the vessels now building a Z for the Navy Department, Rev- : ce enue Marine, Light-house Board ; = Free and United States Coast Survey. j = fiustraien They are being furnished for 2 uu the majority of the highest class ; zZ 112-page N'S BLOCKS ARE ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST Steam Ships, Merchant Vessels and Yachts now building. HYDE WINDLASS CO., Bath, Me. LIFE PRESERVERS--BUOYS. Acme, Solid Cork. Granulated Cork. HAOH PRESERVER stamped by United States Inspector guaranteeing proper : buoyancy. Cork Filled Yacht Fenders. Cork Mooring Buoys. Material = tr" BOSTON AND LOGKPORT BLOC 0, ima | ARMSTRONG CORK COMPANY, Boston. NewYork. Philadelphia. Pittsburg. Chicago. St.Louis. Baltimore. ; PLAYFAIR' S BARGE & TUG LIN Br FIRST-CLASS Tues FOR WRECKING, RAFT TOWING, ETS. MIDLAND. ONT., CAN. STEAM PUMPS, DIVERS, JACKS, HAWSERS. LIGHTERS. _--