32 MARINE REVIEW. {June 6, OHIO FUEL COMPANY . WE FURNISH ONLY THE BEST GRADE OF wana cosHen 9 TEAM COAL. and GOSHEN LIGHTER OF 300 TONS CAPACITY. Dock Phone, Bell West 841. 219 The Cuyahoga Building, Bell Main 526. Office Phones: { Cuyahoga C 240. CLEVELAND, O. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, '°° gest auatiry | ighter Carrying Different at all..a. Times, M. A. HANNA & CO,, wainottes:Perry:Payne slag.) Cleveland D126 bh 7 11/12)13/)14 18/19) 20/21 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 A. A. & B. W. PARKER, PARKER & MILLEN, DETROIT, MICH. Pickands, Mather & Co., PUL LIGHTERS Ebene, AT DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped with Shute capacity of 600 Tons. Best Quality PITTSBURGH oat Furnished at any time during Day or Night. ASHTABULA Western Reserve Building, -- CLEVELAND, O. Sterling, Welch & Co. IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Garpets. GUPtaINS ana Upholstery Goods OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. An extensive assortment of the Newest and Choicest Styles of the best foreign and home manufacture, and for sale at the lowest market prices. SPRCIAL GONTRAGTS onc,"Vaone ve An inspection of our establishment and stock is earnestly solicited. 12 and 14 Euclid Avenue, CLEVELAND, O. o The Williams & Rodgers Company, Superior and Seneca Sts., CLEVELAND, O. WE MAKE A CAPE ts: Rugs. SPECIALTY PAE OF FITTING = Ca: OUT BOATS 4. @elding, AND ALL OTHER FURNISHINGS USED IN CABINS. SPECIAL RATES TO THE MARINE TRADE. Bring your Boat wants and your family wants to this store, and we'll take the very best care of you. Dry Goods, House- furnishings, Carpets, Furniture, and all other articles found . in a first-class Dry Goods House. THE WILLIAMS & RODGERS COMPANY, CLEVELAND, 0. The Erie & Western Transportation Go, ANCHOg LINE: Passenger Service-- Steamers...... ia stursiewicieie sisi India, China, Japan. Ports of call... Buffalo, Sault Ste. Marie, Hancock, Marquette, Cleveland, peut Mackinac Island, Port Huron, Duluth, Houghton. rie, Freight Service-- Steamers........ Alaska, Delaware, Codorus, Mahoning, Susquehanna, Schuylkill, Lycoming, Conestoga, Clarion, Wissahickon. Conemaugh, Juniata, Lehigh, Ports of call... Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Marquette, Detroit, Ww. Sup erior, Hancock, Duluth, Houghton, Sault Ste. Marie, Chicago, Milwaukee. CHAS. H. MARKHAN, Gen. Pass. Agt., EH. T. EVANS, Western Manager, . Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. THE DONNELLY SALVAGE AND WRECKING CO., Ltd KINGSTON ONT. Divers, Steam Pumps, Tugs, Ete SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. The W.L. SCOT COMPANY, WHOLESALE DEALER IN COALS VESSEL FUELING A SPECIALTY & xretMitGHTER of Car Dump Main Office, Scott Block, Long Distance Telephone No. 440. Fueling Office, Canal Dock, Long Distance Telephone No. 320, JOHN DONNELLY, SR., Pres. Joun DONNELLY, JR., Vice-Pres. H. B. Foner, Treas. Tuos. DonngELLY, Secy. ERIE, PA. SHAMOKIN ANTHRACITE WILKESBARRE YOUGHIOGHENY PITTSBURG MANSFIELD