[June 18, y 14 ig : MARINE REVIEW. 215 lbs. pér square inch. The Texan is expected to maintain a speed of 10% knots loaded at sea. ; a The two vessels for Pacific trade of the American-Hawaiian com- pany are to be named Nevadan and Nebraskan and are to be twin-screw steamers of the following dimensions: Length over all, 371 ft. 6 in.; length between perpendiculars, 360 ft.; beam molded, 46 ft.; depth molded to shelter deck, 34 ft. 8 in. They will have a displacement of 8,200 tons on a draught of 23 ft., giving a deadweight carrying capacity of about FOR PACIVIO TRADE OF AMERIOAN-HAWAITLAN co. 5,300 tons at that draught. They are of the three-deck type, with a com- plete steel shelter deck extending all fore-and-aft, and built to Lloyd's highest class under special survey. The construction is to be on the deep- frame system with longitudinal stringers in lower hold. There are three complete steel decks, namely, middle, upper and shelter decks. A cellu- lar double bottom extending all fore-and-aft will be fitted up for carrying water ballast; also a deep tank alongside and between the shaft tunnels with a capacity of 590 tons. The fore and-after peaks are to be fitted as trimming tanks. In these vessels there will be four large cargo hatches, and at each hatch two double-cylinder steam winches, four of these winches being fitted with warping drums to be used for warping ship. There are two oF) survey and will be specially strengthened to meet the severe requirements of the North Atlantic service. They are of the three-deck type with a complete steel shelter deck extending all -fore-and-aft. The principal dimensions of these vessels are as follows: £t<Ins Iénpthjover all. : hess oe es ne Se 615 3 Ibength~between- perpendictlars bse eee wines 600 0 Béam: molded. 2.5 1-0-0, 65 0 Depth molded to shelter deck. |........0...5. 2. ol. 3 These steamers are designed for a draught of 33 ft., giving a displace- 'ment of about 26,500 tons and deadweight carrying capacity of 14,000 tons. The water ballast arrangements are: A cellular double bottom extending all fore-and-aft; fore and after peaks and five deep tanks with a total capacity of 4,263 tons. The vessels are divided into ten water-tight com- partments by nine bulkheads extending up to the upper deck. There are five complete steel decks, namely, orlop, lower, middle, upper and shelter decks. Above the shelter deck is a bridge deck and also a promenade or boat deck, so that there are seven decks in all. Four steel pole masts and four steel derrick posts are suitably located for the rapid handling of cargo. Each mastis fitted with four cargo booms and each derrick with one boom, making a total of twenty cargo booms. Conveniently ar- ranged on the shelter deck are nineteen double-cylinder steam winches. In each vessel there are ten cargo hatches. ; Forward on shelter deck is located a very powerful steam windlass for handling the cables. Steam steering gear of a special type is located aft on shelter deck in a suitable deck house. Refrigerating space of 37,890 cu. ft. capacity is arranged in the after hold. This will permit of carrying a very large quantity of perishable freight to be carried. The vessels are to be lighted throughout by electricity, to be arranged in three units and of the usual marine type. ite q (it r TYPE OF VESSEL, 615 FT. LENGTH, FOR FREIGHT AND PASSENGER SERVICE, ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE. heavy steel pole masts, the foremast having eight cargo booms and the main mast seven. One of the cargo booms on the foremast is designed for a load of 40 tons. Eight water-tight bulkheads will provide nine water-tight compartments. : These vessels are designed to use either oil or coal for fuel. The oil bunker will be located just forward of the boiler room bulkhead and will have capacity for about 600 tons of oil. The steam windlass is of the Hyde type and is located on the shelter deck. The steam steering engine is of Williamson Bros.' make and is located in the engine room. Large re- frigerating spaces are fitted just aft of the engine room bulkhead and will be used for the carrying of fresh meats, fruit, etc. Accommodations for the captain, officers, engineers, etc., are arranged in a steel deck house amidship. There is also a steel deck house aft, with accommodations for oilers, firemen, cattlemen and crew. Auxiliary screw steering gear is fitted in the after end of this house. Portable fittings are to be arranged Accommodation for about 168 first-class passengers will be arranged in bridge house and in a deck house above the bridge house. The dining room is at the forward end of bridge house, extending the entire width of the ship, and will have seating capacity for 168 people. There is a-galley, pantry, butcher shop, baker shop, and scullery conveniently arranged near the main saloon. Ample lavatory accommodation has been pro- vided, there being several bath rooms and also a number of private baths. Opening onto the promenade deck is a large library, also a smoking room, the library being at the forward end of the boiler room casing and the smoking room at the after end of engine casing. Just forward of the library, accommodations are provided for the captain and officers. The boatswains, carpenters, quartermasters, seamen, oilers, firemen and cattle- men are berthed in the extreme forward part of the vessel below the shel- ter deck, and the stewards and cooks are located at the extreme after end of the vessel below the steering engine house. The life boats are ten in SKETCH OF CARGO STEAMER, 505 FT. LENGTH,' FOR ATLANTIO TRANSPORT LINE. on the shelter deck, forward and aft of the midship house, for the accom- modation of about sixty-two horses, A complete electric lighting plant is to be fitted in these vessels. _The machinery consits of two sets of triple expansion engines with cylinders of 19, 31 and 54 in. diameter and 42 in. stroke, steam being sup- plied by two single-ended Scotch boilers of 16 ft. 3 in. diameter and 11 ft. 6 in. length, fitted with forced draft and working at a pressure of 200 Ibs. per square inch. There is also a donkey boiler of 10 ft. diameter and 8 {t. length, working at a pressure of 120 lbs. per square inch. These vessels are expected to make a speed of 1214 knots on trial on a draught of 23 ft. TWO SHIPS, 26,500 TONS DISPLACEMENT EACH. The «largest vessels under order at this great works are what are known as contracts Nos. 5 and 6--two steamers for the Atlantic Trans- port Line. These vessels are of the intermediate Atlantic type, designed to carry a large amount of cargo and a considerable number of first-class passengers. They are being built to Lloyd's highest class under special number, eight of which are located on the promenade or bridge deck and two are on skids aft of the after end of bridge house. These vessels are being fitted up for carrying a large number of cattle and horses, and special attention is being paid to the proper ventilation of these spaces. The propelling machinery consists of two sets of vertical, quadruple expansion engines with cylinders 30, 43, 63 and 89 in. diameter and 60 in. stroke. Steam will be supplied by "eight boilers, four double and four single ended. The double ended boilers will be 14 ft. 5 in. diameter by 19 ft. 45% in. long, and the single ended boilers 14 ft. 5 in. diameter by 10 ft. 10% in. long; all fitted with forced draft and to work at a steam pressure of 215 lbs. per square inch. It is expected that these vessels will maintain a sea speed of 15 knots loaded. TWO MORE LARGE STEAMERS FOR ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE. Two more large freighters for the Atlantic Transport Line are to engage largely in carrying cattle and horses and are intended for the com- pany's New York and London trade. The principal dimensions are: