Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 13 Jun 1901, p. 19

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ae MARINE REVIEW. | 19 I.H.P. per gross ton of displacement. 2,898. I.H.P. per 100 ft. of wetted surface, 50.66. Total distance, 94 miles. Total number of revolutions, 8,618. Official time, 4 hrs. 19 min. 9 sec. Miles and knots per hour, 21.7635 miles, 18.899 knots. Speed of. wheel, 33.82 miles. Slip of wheel over bucket, 35.65 per cent. Wind--Five miles per hour; N. E., light, ahead; end of race, calm. Depth of water in fathoms--At start, 9; minimum, 7; maximum, 12; average, 10. C D%xS? 223324x 18 93 1#8'9 EP baie ee DATA TAKEN BY MR. A. GEO. MATTSSON ON STEAMER TASHMOO. Hull--Built of steel; 308 ft. over all; 300 ft. keel; 37 ft. 6 in. beam; 69 ft. over guards; 13 ft. 6 in. deep; all moulded. « Draught--Forward, 8 ft. 1% in.; aft, 8 ft, 514 in.; mean, 8 ft. 3% in. Displacement--1,370 tons net; 1,224 tons gross; wetted surface, 8,976 Sd. tt Prismatic coefficent, .584; ratio of length to beam on water line, 8. Se woe { pope ee ' oa SS { ' sere MEP 52,8 7 Nae \ ' \ Me, ie ( / ge ae boa Ss - \ o<--- Ss ~ f Vn as eee ae | ae a ie | = S - SPI ING GOW ore ; ee eee f Hee | may, -- Sea 1 {-~ me Ser 1 i Fa os | \ = sae I 1 SSeS a t ! Sere = Sa / vn ---- oe / \ ee >= << / --_--e ~ eo WEP 50.18% eo / se! el MS a Ao aT ae ee a a re So Me Se eee SPHING E607 wae a Pas \ Se ' FE i on SPRIVE # ee. \ ' ee ZO So ' Ss Sa. oe ' ' >~ - a | \ Se a 1 en L ----- ' ae Ss5 | ' oo > ~~ | 1 Sie Sas | ' See = ) ' eo WEF 42188 F Se ve oe OSS / Ve « x fe ae s x aes a 7 Pe Z me Te eae pe Oe eee me ee ee ne ee ee ee Le A ae em ee ee ee ene ee eh mee ---_---- See ee ee eS STEAMER TASHMOO--CARDS TAKEN MAY 80, 1901. Boiler press., 175 |bs.; vacuum, 22 in.; rev. 39; I. H. P.-H. P., 639; I. H, P.-Int., 876; I. H. P.-L. P., 1,635; total I. H. P., 3,150; R. M. P.. 42 Ibs. Engine--Inclined triple expansion; H.P. cylinder, 33 in. diameter; I.P. cylinder, 51 in.; L.P. cylinder, 82 in.; common stroke, 72 in.; air pump, 45 in. diameter by 24 in. stroke; feed pump, 14, 8 and 12 in., simplex; fire pump, 10, 6 and 10 in., duplex. : j Boilers--Five of cylindrical type; three single-ended of 11 ft. 1 in. diame- ter by 11 ft. 4 in. over all, with two furnaces in each; two double- ended of 11 ft. 1 in. diameter and 22 ft. length over all, with four furnaces in each; all furnaces 42 in. diameter; grate 6 ft. long; work- ing pressure, 170 lbs.; total heating surface, 8,750 sq. ft.; total grate surface, 294 sq. ft.; ratio, 29.76 to 1. ; Heater--25 in. diameter by 9 ft. 6 in. over all; 103 1%-in. tubes of 7 ft. length; 282 sq. ft. heating surface. : Wheels--Diameter over buckets, 22 ft. 5 in.; diameter over trunions, 19 ft. 1 in.; nine buckets, 3 ft. 9 in. wide by 12 ft. long; dip, 4 ft. 9 in. Steam pressure (L. P. pass-over valve half open during last 144 hours), 175 Ibs. a Vacuum, 22 in. g Revolutions per minute (39.61 for 3 hours, 27% minutes; 40.73 for 52 minutes, 24 seconds), 40.08. I.H.P., average, 3,400. I.H.P. per square foot of grate surface, 11.58. 1.H.P. per square foot of heating surface, 2.57. I.H.P. per net ton of displacement, 2.48. I.H.P. per gross ton of displacement, 2.77. I.H.P. per 100 ft. of wetted surface, 39.1. Total distance, 94 miles. Total revolutions, 10,354. Official time, 4 hours, 19 minutes, 54 seconds. Miles and knots per hour, 21.7032 miles, 18.847 knots. Speed of wheel, 32 miles. Slip of wheel over bucket, 32.2 per cent. Wind--Five miles an hour; N. E., light, ahead; end of race, calm. Depth of water in fathoms--At start, 9; minimum, 7; maximum, 12; average, 10. D%xS* _ 12242%4x18.8473 __ a FP, 3400 Referring in conversation to the performance of the Tashmoo, Mr. Mattsson said: 'We feel no disappointment in regard to: machinery of Sprin 72 80. 225 pera i ee ee ee a oe -------- Eo eset eret ey ( Se ee as t ' - wd ! 1 Lf ; e : t eee Ne t A 7 TK ~~. 1 o 'e [eae MEP 63 9 oe Peas SOF No \ i X \ A a ew ewe ew As é ---<---~---- =Ss o t anv 7 ~ooorrn Soe com Fo=z nay ee ' aoa dtl ike: ~ Sprin HO. o 1s ie \ ' <2 ee 1 TS. pete 1 --- \ Seen 26 : ! iw anes "see { { poten! { ' Be -- ¢ \ 2 lo Tea i \ - ema a i \ -- - ae x ae ME.F 26 Ba \ ree aa x xd %, ' N eS es eo au seneee. sa Pye Qo eke oe ae a en ee IE Se ee i pp PD ee ~ Spring 20, ee ' Osee t Cote o- eee I ~ : Pa pr ! qS ee ! sans Z \ ~~ ' Se Se \ ao \ ee Ze See : " = é. -- - Pe TERY 7 aA we oe a MEP 14.25 ok 4 Wa a-- le oe 7 NGI DD ets tere -- ee Ba STEAMER TASHMOO--CARDS TAKEN JUNE 14, 1900. Boiler press., 150 lbs.; vacuum, 22 in.;. rev., 35;. Ist reev.,45 Ibs.; 2nd recv., 13% lbs.; I. H. P.-E. P., 685; I. H. P.-Int., 685; 1. H. P.-L. P., 960; total |. HL. P., 2,330; Rk. M. P., 33.6 lbs.; draft, 7 ft. 6 in. for'd, 8ft.10in.aft. the Tashmoo, as the engines worked to 'perfection all around and the horse power developed was very much beyond our expectations. Instead of the thirty-eight revolutions looked for before the contest we got an average of forty (corresponding to 3,400 H.P.) The point of special interest to us during the run was the condensing apparatus, but even when applying to low-pressure cylinder pass-over in the struggle of the last hour we had 21% in. vacuum and held it, with the assistancé of ice and cold water used freely externally on the condenser. The condenser was not, however, hot at any time and there was nothing 'in the stories that were printed on that score. We simply got all the power out of the machinery that was in it, and everybody did his duty and did it-well." -- A contract for the construction of a new steamer to replace the Druid, for which the Canadian government recently advertised, has been awarded to Flemming & Ferguson, Paisley, Scotland, at $110,960. The lowest Canadian tender was about $60,000 higher than the successful bidders. The new steamer will be 160 ft. long, 30 ft. wide and 13 ft. deep. Pan-American exposition rates to Buffalo via the Nickel Plate road-- Tickets now on sale at all stations, one and one-third fare for round trip, good returning fifteen days. Write, wire, phone or call on nearest 'agerit, or E. A. Akers, C. P. & T. A., Cleveland,: Ohio. 85, Auge ds

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