Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 13 Jun 1901, p. 36

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MARINE REVIEW. [June 18, BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF THE MARINE TRADE. For a more complete classification than that represented by advertisers in the Marine Review, see the BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING, marine and naval directory of the United States, published by the Marine Review Pub. Co., 418-419 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. See accompanying Index of Advertisers for full addresses of concerns in this directory. AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR HOISTS, ETC. eibong Arm" System: COs... iss sccse css este k ee -Cleveland. AIR PUMPS AND APPLIANCES. Gleason-Peters Air Pump Co................. ..New York. ANCHORS. Baldt Anchor Co....... BED CeGL eee' Bates os 3 Chester, Pa. International Anchor Co.......... egies cee Cleveland. Seaboard Steel Casting Co...............0...- Chester, Pa. ANTI-FRICTION METALS. Cramp? Wim & SOUS. jess css veo c neces os ..- Philadelphia. Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co., Ltd......... Philadelphia. ARTIFICIAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. ANMOPIGHN BlOWOr COnicc cries... Gevess sete teccteuet Detroit. American Ship Building Co .Cleveland. Bloomsburg &: Co., Ho... cose... ..Newport News, Va. Boston: Blower: Coss ccccsic cies cients . Hyde Park, Mass. ERUGRIO POTES COs. soa ccc es exons sin es Be ars Buffalo, PPStrOlGem DIDOMIIGINS CO. carcass aye sisseisisiers oie ..... Detroit. PUTER VATIG. br We OO y Geri cael fick opie cece ies onic Boston ATTORNEYS AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, Gilchrist Albert. Jit. cs.ces ines ons ietuneets Se iciales Cleveland. Goulder,, Holdine. & Masten... ...00.. nese ciss Cleveland. HOV te Dustin, KoCMey. iv ia sok oitp ete se winenies Cleveland, MacDonald, Ray G....... chine SURE eae ee oree Chicago. Pinney, OrestessC...< <0... SWoplaietla sere Dan ecieies seen Cleveland. STOW 62) GLA VON sori. ie iceiesiereie eins daisies SaaS Chicago. White, Johnson, McCaslin & Cannon........... Cleveland. BAROMETERS, MARINE GLASSES, ETC, BUSS? JOON Wo COs ccc cec. oct ves Mase seas ie New York. Goerz, PSR ina Se aieiyare eielois ie cone < sina Silene nee eee New York RIULG RIG, Wy Oe We SONS cic ccc cencees se . Brookline, Mass. BENDING AND STRAIGHTENING ROLLS. Bement, Miles & CO. ie on csi. nt oecies oieie Philadelphia. Cleveland Punch & Shear Works Co........... Cleveland. INDIES: COOL WOlKS CO), aici cn aos espe scree Hamilton, O. AWiOOUR 6 (CO. RAD veces cas ah cna neces ee Philadelphia. BLOCKS, SHEAVES, ETC. Boston & Lockport Block Co. 77... .4........% Boston, Mass. Wlavelan G: BICC Cor cis ios se cig inic o's seisies shes ose ,..Cleveland. Coleman & Sons, Walter... .......0...55.. Providence, R. I. BLOWERS. AMmenMcan: DIOWCIACON: oo cicau ccc secon cotton eeoes oes Detroit. PSDBUOM DOW O05 ssi as cuenkinies ovace ss Hyde Park, Mass. Buitalo Morse: Coes. s sk ees cec ccc c esate ct eee Buffalo. Sturtevant 3B. We CO ess ce cae See ees oss <eisivisalece e's Boston. BOAT NAILS AND SPIKES. American Steel & Wire Co.........-....-eeeeseees Chicago. BOAT BUILDERS. DEST MOS. 6 SONS sexe cieis ss sccas cies s bois 5 Wilmington, Del. Gas Engine & Power Co. and Chas. L. Seabury & WO. COnsolidateds es visa cs cer cee ese ss New York. Kahnweiler's Sons, David..... ce nee as sciceeo NCW YOrk, Wane Gr DeGroot: voce cons eis soso seins ce aees ..-..Brooklyn. Willard Gnas, be Gr COs. o ccsiclscisacvaee snes aes ,...Chicago. BOILER MANUFACTURERS. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co........ ....Providence, R. I. American Ship Building re Boise Ceca iateio sei nieve ee Cleveland. FAIA MIC WOKS Cease oles 'c ts es tao East Boston, Mass. BabCoek 6 WiAlCOK CO. ius chic cies cosa cee ce New York. Bath Iron Works, Ltd...... -Bath, Me, Boyer Water Tube Boiler Co. -New York. WMmicaco Slip. Building Coc: sor... ..c. cna sewn 5% Chicago. Cramp; WMS © SOUS 22 ss oo oec sek once se Philadelphia, Delaunay, Belleville & Co........... Pst Denis, France. Detroit? Screw: WOrksS 66.656. < oesce'e ace Sia eae ans. Detroit. Detroit: Shipbuilding Co... 66. seers eeeeeba aes css Detroit. Warrar C21 Tets 6... coc. « Saieale hime wth ca ees Buffalo. MLOLCHOR a Wr ioruAin COPg go). vores a bees eees ce Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Ship & Engine Co.............. Quincy, Mass. Gas Engine & Power Co............ Morris Heights, N. Y. PIAGY. "DORMS. fsa ci cca. cus vcs cic eds siecle «> Tacoma, Wash. Harlan & Hollingsworth Co............. Wilmington, Del. Hodges Sh & Coe... 3 css. GA ees rot t Sialtusls aoaiee oibinies Detroit. Jenks sip Building.Cor..s.... 3.6.5... Port Huron, Mich. Kingsford Foundry & Machine Works.....Oswego, N. Y. MACNN ON MiSs: OOF. cise ses schnasoks ovo sile Bay City, Mich. Maryland Steel CO... ccc. scies cess Sparrow's Point, Md. MIOTAN BUOS. (OO iis 3 ncates cs ciese sees esate esis Seattle, Wash. Neafie & Levy Ship & Engine Building Co..Philadelphia. Newport News Ship Building Co...... Newport ae Va. WIS OD "Ue WIS. s6 sss coke ees ces SE GANAS ...Hlizabeth, a Pusey & Jones Co........... Wilmington, Nye Risdon Iron Works.. .....San Francisco. Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Co. ...New York. Stirling, The Co.... eee sneee ...Chicago. Trigg, Wm. R. Co.. .-Richmond, Va, Union Iron Works......... Cette oe Oa Francisco. Willard, Chas. P. & Co................ Sere eset te -. Chicago, BOILER COMPOUNDS. Dearborn Drug & Chemical Works........ Wiles eee Chicago. BOILER FURNACES, FIRE FRONTS, ETC. Wontinental Iron WOLrkKs.. ..c.5.5 2s haces be cc ccces New York. BOILER RIVETS. Bourne-Fuller Co........ Champion Rivet Co.... ...Cleveland. ..Cleveland, BOILER STAYBOLTS, IRON a STEEL, HOLLOW OR SOLID Falls Hollow Staybolt Co....... an 2 Cusahoge Falls, O. eee ewes Sete w er reseees BOLT CUTTERS. Bement, Miles & Co............. ioe Niles TOOL Works CO... osc... esses cocees ..- Philadelphia. ....Hamilton, O, BORING AND TURNING MILLS, Bement, Miles & Co.......... cere Sega uiies Philadelphia. Niles Tool Works Co...... spubloing ewes COCs Hamilton, O. BRASS AND BRONZE CASTINGS. Cramp, Wind SONS. . 60. .cscccevses. as ike PAE Cena: Illinois Smelting & Refining WOPrkS. Svein Chicago. Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co............... Philadelphia, BRIDGES, BUILDERS OF. American Bridge: CO... .ciccs des ses ce ws sis bese ass INOW UY OFK, Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Go.c.. Beles «+++esChicago. BUCKETS, ORE AND COAL. Brown Hoisting & Conveying Machine Co..... Cleveland. MGMylercMnte ce Oos. 56s sail de s ealee ae ide Cleveland. CABIN AND CABINET FINISHING WOODS. Martin-Barriss Co........ Ser seeeeas Seterais «....-.-Cleveland. CAPSTANS. American Ship Windlass Co............. Providence, R. I. Hyde Windlass Co...... PIR CRs eh Tk OMe ee bes Bath, Me. CHAINS. Monongahela Iron & Steel Co...... Saas Saas avers Pittsburg. Newhall Chain Forge & Iron Co................ New York. Btandard Chain: COec conc cre. cece at ccs cece .. Pittsburg. CHAIN HOISTS. Boston & Lockport Block Co......... .......-Boston, Mass. CHUCKING MACHINES. Benen MGS: & (COs seine ss cc ctcccsun eect ce Philadelphia. Niles Tool Works Co....... Sines eee Sys aie aee ...Hamilton, O. CHUCKS FOR LATHES, DRILLS AND PLANERS. Skinner: Chuck Co. i ov. 4.565 ese ccs secs New Britain, Conn. CIRCULATOR, EQUILIBRIUM, with Steam Heating Attachment. Bloomsbure & Cos, He. eccrine: Newport News, Va. CLOCKS (Marine), CHRONOMETERS, BELLS. A SPPOMEVAIVO CO assis crises cvs wales ceicasivesinsleceeens Boston. BUSS i Wun ce © Ose aici 315 ars opie silo) pide ese ath sre piseie siere a New York. Ritchie, E. S. & Sons..... Mec acs Ri teu aero Brookline, Mass, COAL PRODUCERS AND SHIPPERS. Castner, Currancé BUlte. cui. cciscsie 6 hiss 50 Philadelphia. Hanna, M. A. & Co.... . Cleveland. OBTOABuel = CO ccc cco ec o's « vviniecesicien os ..Cleveland. Pickands, Mather' & Co... .:.3:.<ccscss oss ....Cleveland. PitispuUlen© 0a COs x... occas creo cas circ csiece Cleveland. Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal & Iron Co........... Buffalo. SCOLE COs CONC IW ee Lise cy ec ccc ence cs ccececs cs sc acee Brie, Pa. COAL AND ORE HANDLING MACHINERY. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co., Incorporated..Cleveland. Lidgerwood Mnfg. Co....... Binlaiie Nia oreaiele ores c iiaaa ..New York. COMPASSES. Bliss, John & Co....... Seeile Cate msiee cases nes Ken's New York. Ritchie, E. S. & Sons....... BG eet gua sievouece Brookline, Mass. COMPASS ADJUSTER. MMCIAS I Ms oie vatals cciceuieecccc secre es sce scea pees Cleveland. CORK JACKETS AND RINGS. Armstrong «Cork: CO eo sisk cs oes wie cc fens sieves Pittsburgh, Pa. Kahnweiler's Sons, D...... SGuisialataretaciohaeieainaties as New York. Wane! & WeGroat. eins. <cnincccle os ce Sctercamiaieee tecee Brooklyn, CRANES, CONVEYORS, HOISTS, Brown Hoisting Machinery Co., Incorporated..Cleveland. General: Blectnic iC. oc. ccc. ce cence Schenectady, N. Y. Lidgerwood Mnfg. Co........ Bie Giese eis wats sietees New York. Niles: Tool Works CO. cccid vase asi reseuee Hamilton, O. Westinghouse Electric & Mnfg. Co............. Pittsburg. Wood & Co., De hin oe oa ae reiet or dese: Philadelphia. CRANK PINS. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co................ Cleveland. DIVING APPARATUS, Hale Rubber Co., Alfred................80. Boston, Mass. DOORS--PNEUMATIC AND ELECTRIC SAFETY POWER DOORS AND HATCHES, "loone, Arm System Co: ....,.¢..5..+<+s .2scs. . Cleveland: DRILL PRESSES--DRILLS OF ALL KINDS. Bement: Miles Covi eee. ose ae Philadelphia. Cleveland Punch & Shear Works Co..... ......-Cleveland. Niles Tool Works Co........ Rutiorae wl cite ile --Hamilton, O. Pond Machine Tool Cov. ..c 00... .ec. oss Plainfield, N. J. Prati GoW DIINOV COG ices icicc ccc ck ... Hartford, Conn. DRYING APPARATUS. American BlOWOP OOre dis cscci ce. ces cece ces cocees cos Detroit. Boston Blower ue eee eens Dee eheea ees ce Hyde Park, Mass. Bountevant.- Bo We Cor ese occas ee Boston: DRILLS, PNEUMATIC, Standard Pneumatic Tool Co............ caeaeee ss ODICRE0; DRY DOCKS. American Ship eee oe Diet see eee reer OLOVelADG. Bath Iron Works, Ltd.. Rego rie auaseesers ....Bath, Me. Buffalo Dry Dock Go. eaaiten ag sa eeess se buttalo, Chicago Ship Building Co....... Neeteisials eter sielaie +... Chicago. Crale Shin Building Co. esc. ccsce ce ece wes ec ces -Toledo, O. Cramp, Wm. & Sons.. Paviee viesseeseevesPhiladelphia, Detroit Shipbuilding Co:: Pe ee re ee ...Detroit. Harlan & Hollingsworth Co........... ... Wilmington, Del. Lockwood -Mntze-oC0e. ces ise ces canes .East Boston, Mass. Maryland Steel Co........ Sey oe spore Sparrow's Point, Md. Moran? Bros: CO) c25 ovo caeccet cca c@eleweccesse Seattle, Wash. Newport News Ship Building Seas Nene. News, Va. Nixon; hewiss se45. fein wie ba Oia eke Elizabeth, N. J. Pusey' & Jones -Co.. 8e0 7. Wilmington, Del. Shipowners Dry Dock Co. .Chicago. Union: fron: WOLrks:6.. os cess cc cons poten vec ts "San Francisco. ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC WHISTLE OPERATORS. Signal &: Control Co iiis ve. ace ccs cscceeenes oss ...New York. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS. Bulalo WOLee COs. coset ts se peewee ce ears Buffalo. Bullock Hlectric' Mntz. Cor cc... cccccecsee st Cincinnati. Hiéctro- Dynamics Cocsso. seats. Corea ecees Philadelphia. Hlwell-Parker: Mlectric Cosi. o... 4s icc hc tiwe oes Cleveland. General: Electric: C0:. ccc ccctc cece ses Schenectady, N. Y. Seidler-Miner Hlectric Co... .5 scccic css osacce ses one Detroit. Sturtevant: BSW CO. ccs. ccs ce eee ene cee Boston. Westinghouse Electric & Mnfg. Co......... Pittsburg, Pa. ELECTRIC HOISTS AND CRANES. Bullock; Hlectric: Mute -Co.. since et we scee fees Cincinnati. HElwell-Parker Hlectric Co... <......c2<.esecaver ce Cleveland. General 'Hlectrie' Co... i... sacs cwees Schenectady, N. Y. bidgerwood Mute, Cos sce. ccs coe cence eus New York. Westinghouse Electric & Mnfg. Co......... Pittsburg, Pa. ELECTRIC STEERING GEAR, SPEED AND RUDDER INDICATORS, ETC. Electro-Dynamice Co........ secre nee yore -...-..Philadelphia. ENGINE BUILDERS, MARINE. American Ship: Building Coc. 30 ccs cen ce Cleveland. Atlantic: WOPrkS 2526s oe tunsc eset Bast Boston, Mass. Bath Iron Works; latd. oc. a cece ose vices vce ce ose Bath, Me. Chicago: Ship Building Co: ....:.o..s ss Hea Ronnerd Chicago. Chase: Machine Coe. 42.. 22. koe ea ee nee Cleveland. Crate Ship. Building "Co... ces. ees ac cere tees Toledo, O. Cramp; Wane: & SONS. cose es esc eee eee ce ae Philadelphia. Detroit. Shipbuilding Co :25. ss Maes 5 ae we Detroit. HatrarcG: Trertsy cco Soe bc aes a cass Monee eee eens Buffalo. MleteherW: &: Ave COn. cio ae tec scene Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Ship & Engine Co.............. Quincy, Mass. Gas Engine & Power Co. and Chas. L. Seabury & Co., Consolidated. oo i. 3c 0's emacs steccee New York. Hardy 2 JOB Bee 3.8 5 .ssctes oocke ....-Tacoma, Wash. Harlan & Hollingsworth Co Wilmington, Del. THOOR Ops Bes Cor CO mc ie vacates oy Goer a cei aos hice eee Detroit. Jenks Ship Building Co Port Huron, Mich. Lake Shore Engine Works............... Marquette, Mich. bockwood:Mutes Conese ee ces East Boston, Mass. Mackinnon- Mie 200: 26. sasas <o-a eicies ssieaies Bay City, Mich. Maryland. Steel Co0:.. 3: os veccccceccss Sparrow's Point, Md. Moran Bros: Conc once oes coc eee eaee Seattle, Wash. Neafie & Levy Ship & Engine Bldg. Co..... Philadelphia. Newport News Ship Building Co...... Newport News, Va. Nixons DOWIS Ss s.cccs ccc oee ce Rieualnce sien ens Elizabeth, N. J. Olds, Motor Works.2. 3.05.0... Vaeeace awe weaeeeseies Detroit, Pusey. & Jones: C0: s26 cow neces cesses Wilmington, Del. Risdon lron: WoOrks:....:- >... Bia stp ure Sisen San Francisco. Roach's Ship: Yard .3.. cc cacwss eter ace ccs Chester, Pa. Sheriffs: Mute. Cos 2 sc ccs sow eciscee s monee cee Milwaukee. Trigg, WM Res COl isis ches cece spice weno Richmond, Va. Prout, He Gi erie coe oo cia us wae caipueee cee eects Buffalo. Unionirone Works) 5c serene cessor eco eee San Francisco. Willard, Chas: -Pi& Com. co eiorseccis asus sete ...Chicago. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, ET Corye Chas: & SOM sia, cece ce ccawes cis Soc esiues New York. Hlectro-Dy namic: Cowes sos ee aaiue els ks Philadelphia. Seidler-Miner Blectric Co... 2... .ccccecccce aceicce'e ss DOUFOIt. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. Crane & Con oe ewe ev ss nee ee Rotecne sae ee Chicago. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James............ New York. ENGINEERS, MARINE AND MECHANICAL. Hlectro-Dynamic Con. voc ok oes oe a as Philadelphia. Gaskin, "Dd wardac2 0. cscs. oo ore, oe ae eas Buffalo. Hunt. Opt. W. © 1C0.....) cee ee Chicago. IMTMIGT EW BIGOP ecco. coe condos sate cance . Cleveland. Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, Ltd.......... ...Pittsburg. Powell, Ambrose -V...........<5 eeeeeeene Geeceeeeaeate Chicago. See, Horace. ...0) tke ss. s ress Wecaa ccs so Wemlenelss New York WOOK Wie Jivani ness wae Wolds oisise wee eaaraes @ Uaieiai Chicago EVAPORATING AND DISTILLING APPARATUS. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James............ New York. FANS FOR VENTILATION, EXHAUST, ETC. American Blower Co....... Relaia iS Ain acd cio ssalgtestnieins iaiaia Detroit. Boston Blower' C0.c. <<. ccc ccvec cece . Hyde Park, Mass. Buffalo Forge Co........ Oh ie tee eis RD alcraiele cetenete Buffalo. Sturtevant BiB Comes i cee sects de ccncaulsee ces BOBLON: FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. Learmonth, Robert..... Ruvacesiew sere Bae ecree ec eee Buffalo. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., iy PADIES. ss cee cccaNOW YOrk, Reynolds. Foden ccs ccs Mee Sa ore Ce alg ne aes ...--Cleveland, FIRE EXTINGUISHING APPARATUS, Clayton Fire Extinguishing & Disinfecting Co.New York. FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL AND ELECTRIC. Page Bros. & Co........ see eeesesststecsegccesces«-osOStOn, Porter's7Sons' Co.;: WOE. cous Saae cases viseceeeeseNew York. FORGES. Bullalo More, CO. viccsses savas Buffalo Sturtevant, 3b. Bi cCOv.s cccccccsccasccs © eg teases ran Boston. FORGINGS. Bourne-Fuller Co............ -Cleveland. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co.. Cleveland.

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