NCO Mazo komm eel TNA | SEATTLE, WASHINGTON SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS STEEL anno WOOD VESSELS, STEAM or SAIL FOR OCEAN, SOUND AND RIVER SERVICE FOUNDRY, MACHINE HEAVY FORGINGS A SPECIALTY Tea ae meee No. 15, New York, Boston & Chicago Special.... No. 21,.New York & Chicago Express............ yy D reo ae Day Express: yt. vias. ee 0. No. 28, Western Express .......... Two-Section balanced floating dry dock, 400 ft. long, 60 ft. between No" $i, Soutiwedionn Marae. towers; patent steel wedge keel blocks; 12,000 tons displacement. 'No. 188, Cleveland & Detroit Express CAPACITY OF MARINE RAILWAY 1500 TONS SHIP CHANDLERY, ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES [@eaiariyce mone SAW AnD PL CAPACITY: TIMBER, 48 INC including every description cof ES SQUARE SIDES 20x 30 INCHES. --) PAR WORLD; ROUCH OR HEWN. FI LES OR TIMBER OF ANY DESCRIPTION. CARS FROM ALL TRANSCONTINENTAL ROADS ENTER OUR YARDS AND DOCKS DOCK SHIPMENTS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD : ELECTR | Cc CRAN E Capacity to transfer 73 tons from car to vessel WE INVITE CORRESPONDENCE WANTED, FOR SALE FOR CHARTER, Ete. Space under this heading 25 cents a line, each insertion, for three inser- tions or less. Special rates for periods of more than three insertions. , --FOR SALE--Fast and powerful steam launch. Suitable for pleas- ure, cruising or short trade. Fitted with cabin, pantry, closet, etc.; Roberts water tube boiler, allowed 200 lbs. steam; compound engines, 6 and 12x6; 86-in. propeller wheel; oak hull; good as new; inspection guaranteed; a bargain. H. Myers, P. O. Box 162, oe oe une 20. --FOR SALE--New 125 H. P. Roberts high pressure marine boiler, at a bargain. Immediate delivery. Write for particulars. James Beggs & Co., 9 Dey street, New York City. June 18. --FOR SALE--New locomotive fire-box boiler. Fire-box 84% in. long, 89 in. high, 64 in. wide. Contains 237 2% in. by 17 ft. iron tubes. Steam drum 36 in. diameter, 11 ft. long. Working pressure, 200 Ibs. The S. Freeman & Sons Mn'fg. Co., Racine, Wis. tf. --FOR SALE--Tug Maurice W. Practically a new boat; 50 ft. over all, 12 ft. beam, 5 ft. draught. Swings a 4-ft. wheel. Machinery built by Sutton Bros. Price, $1600 cash. L. E. Welch, Mackinaw City, Mich. June 18. --FOR SALE--Balanced compound marine engines, 20 to 200 H.P. Immediate delivery. Patterns for larger sizes and for quadruple expan- sion engines. Wells Engineering Co., 1386 Liberty street, New York City. July 25. --WANTED--Agents to call on all consumers of polishes, particularly yachts, steamers, etc. Bertram's Oil Polish Co., Boston, Mass. tf --FOR SALE--Complete plant for steel ship building. P. O. Box 23, Perth Amboy, N. J. --FOR SALE--Harbor tugs Owen and Delta. Engines 20x20 and 20 x22 in., respectively. Good boats. Cheap for cash. Ranney Bros., 65 Merwin St., Cleveland. tf. --FOR SALE--Scott's Coast Pilot, 1901 edition. Great lakes and con- necting waters. Fully revised. Price, $1.50. The Marine Review Pub. Co., Cleveland. tf --FOR SALE--Charts of all the world. Charts of the great lakes al- ways in stock. United States Hydrographic Office charts, Coast Survey charts, Army Engineer charts. We bind charts and back them with tape, so that they will last for years. The Marine Review Pub. Co., Cleveland. ul BOILERAND FORGE SHOPS Noe 4 Teles & Der en ee LARGEST TOOLS AND ZOE pecm baat S oe UN TeR ATER |e 125 FEET LONG UGH, DRESSED or KILN DRIED YELLOW FIR, RED CEDAR orn SPRUCE We make a specialty of long and large timber and can DRESS FOUR THE LONCEST, LARCEST, CLEAREST AND BEST IN THE LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY, CLEVELAND CITY TICKET OFFICE 237 SUPERIOR ST Conneaut Accommodation ............2..6 78:90 dm. ase fDaily except Sunday. Trains Nos. 28 and 37 run via Erie station. 6 Set eee THE ST. LOUIS LIMITED" via Big-4 Route"' Leaves--CLEVELAND, 8:00 a. m. (Daily). Arrives--INDIANAPOLIS, 3:10 p. m. Arrives--ST. LOUIS, 9:45 p. m. same night. Arrives--KANSAS CITY, 7 next morning. With Fine Vestibule Coaches, Drawing Room and Dining Cars to Indianapolis and St. Louis, also Coach and Parlor Cars to Columbus and Cincinnati. One of the fastest and finest Trains in the country. 65 Fast Trains to Columbus, 4 to Cincinnati, with Sleeping and Dining Cars. *Daily. Daily.) Trains from and to Cleveland. Leave. Arrive. *Col} Cing, Inds @ Stila oe oe eee 3:35 am 1:50 am *Gallon and intermediate. or.......220.0.. 7:00 am 6:30 pm "St. Le dtd., ind, Cols Cin... 3 ee 8:00 am 10:25 pm *Col., Spgld., Day., Ind., Cin 12:35 pm 2:55 pm *Indianapolis. &°St, Louis: 7.2<2..0- 1:15 pm 2:30 pm Galion to Cleveland ..... bsinrs hela w( td's srteniolg cy Renin tee 9:00 am To Galion and Columbus............... enacts ; *Col., Springs; Day Cine es eae eee: 9:40 pm GET TICKETS AT COLLVER'S, 116 EUCLID AVE., CLEVELAND. DULUTH, SOUTH SHORE AND ATLANTIC RAILWAY. » The Only Line Reaching MARQUETTE, MICH. "The Queen of Northern Summer Resorts."' Hotel Accommodations thoroughly first-class, headed by the Hotel Superior, the finest Hostelry on the Great Lakes. GEO. B. ROSS, Hit Glens eis teed aaty 2 Bi OS Be aE ASRS WRITE THE UNDERSIGNED VOR ILLUSTRATED PUBLICATIONS. E. C. OVIATT, G. A. CLIFFORD, A. E EDMONDS, Trav. Pass. Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent, City Pass. Agent, 76 Ottawa St., GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. GINOINNATI, OHIO. DETROIT, MICH. F. W. SALSBURY, J. F. LEE; Commercial Agent, Gen'] Agt. Pass. Dept., PITTSBURG, PA. 228 So. Olark St., CHICAGO, ILL. eee ceeee GEO. W. HIBBARD, Gen'l Pass. Agent, MARQUETTE, MICH. W. S. JENKS, President. 0. L. JENKS, Vice-Pres. and Treas. A. M. CARPENTER, Sec. and Gen'! Mgr. The Jenks Ship Building Co. Office and Machine Shops at Fourth St. Yards: Foot of Lincoln Ave. PORT HURON, MICH. Steel and Wood Ship Builders. Marine Engines and Boilers. STEAM WINDLASSES, CAPSTANS AND STEERING APPARATUS. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON SHIPS, ENGINES AND BOILERS. Eastward :-- Ar. fr. West. Dep. East. © .. South western: Limited. 236.055. cc see ccs ee *1 55 am », a2; Dake Shore Wimited' <,.¢.00,<; cau. *2 15 am *2 20 am No. 26, Pan-American Express............ LGR Sipe ea *5) 50 am *5 00 am No. 28, New York & Boston Express .... euiute *7 40 am *8 00 am Noss:327"Fast«Mall osv. aie ee *11 25 am *11 30 am No. 44, Accommodation, via Sandusky FU 8b pM a cere No. 46, Southwestern: Express'. (3-4...) ce *3 00 pm No, 36, Limited Mast: Mall <7. <...¢ *5 40 pm *5 45 pm No. 10, Chicago, New York & Boston Special.... *7 35 pm *7 40 pm No. 16, New England Bxpress ........s..ccescvece *10 30 pm *10 35 pm No... 2, Day. xpress: .25 5 & ics 79 05 pm fil 30 pm TC ORAM ets Ses 710 00 am fll 40 am No. 106, Conneaut Accommodation ................ tps veases 74 30 pm Westward :-- - Ar. fr. Hast. Dep. West. No, 11, Southwestern Limited 3. ..4....74....2. #320 AIR. 25 Se seeece *3 05 am *3 10 am *5 10 am *5 20 am artaiere vivre 76 30 am » Fhe Lake Shore Limited ....:.....3.052.2 *7 35 am *7 40 am *1110 am *1115 am "12:20 PIMs ae eee Gleveland & Detroit WXpress: 3.6.2. vsseses ee *12 30 pm No: 47; Accommodation.) 29.0 .40605) ae eee 73 00 pm No. 141, Sandusky Accommodation 73 10 pm 75 10 pm ~ 31, Pacific Mxpress nck. oo *7 20 pm No; 25> Souther Wxpress:< 0, 5 eek ee 50 pin: ee ae Hast: Matl Limited. 30.2 cceescs ere *10 50 pm *10 55 pm 0 OPERATES THE ONLY THROUGH BUFFET PARLOR CAR LINE Li G Q a ee oO wa of} o 2 ue of iE zi aes wo () So 34 = Between Cleveland, Canton and Wheeling. | K hecll ng * Lake Eric R.R. a