MARINE 1901.] REVIEW. 9 DIXON'S GRAPHITE PIPE JOINT COMPOUND Enables you to MAKE A TIGHTER JOINT than you can possibly make with red lead. You can do it easier, and parts can be separated at any time without breaking anything. Send for sample and circular JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE COMPANY, JERSEY CITY, N. J. D | XO N'S Lubricating Graphite Is fully explained in an INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE PAMPHLET which is FREE to all interested. It will pay all Engineers and Machinists to SEND FOR IT. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE COMPANY, JERSEY CITY, N. J. STEERING GEAR BEARINGS, nEacRinc AMMUNITION HOIST BEARINGS, NO OILING CAPSTAN BEARINGS, ce WINDLASS AND WINCH BEARINGS, ee Also Anchor, Davit and Cargo Block Bushings, Bushings for Sheaves on Wrecking Derricks, Washers and Collars for Thrust Bearings. THE CRAPHITE LUBRICATING CO., BOUND BROOK, N. J., U.S. A. Pure Feed Water. Clean Boilers. Lower Fuel Bills. Reynolds Feed Water Heater and Purifier Suited to both Marine and Stationary Boilers. _ Owing to the completion of the facilities to mount our Criéder Binoculars THE NAHEO EYE. at the New York factory the prices will henceforth, be as Sollows, MAGNIFYING _ 3X | 6X | 9x | 12x eee oes ee a ee Prevents formation of scale, remoyes old scale, and reduces fuel bills. In use on a number of steam vessels on the Great Lakes. H. J REYNOLDS, 721 PERRY-PAYNE BLDG, CLEVELAND, O. NEW PATENT OT OGKLESD ANCHOR MADE BY THE (OUR OPTICIAN, OR FROM = GOERZ OPTICAL WoR _ §2,£.Union Sg, NewYork. Tino tactony | BERLIN,GERMANY BRANCH OFFICES a CA 4:2 yousonn CIRCUS, coe Mailed International Anchor Co, Application CLEVELAND, 0. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. NY yy a y) Made ol the Muest qualily of Open hearth steel, and constructed on the ball and socket principle. Many points of superiority over ordinary stockless anchors. BALDT ANCHOR COMPANY. CHESTER, PA. WALTER MILLER PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, oO. Representative for the Great Lakes We i a large number of Anchors in stock. : TRADE PAPER ADV. AGCY N.Y. 191 "a3. Alfred Hale Rubber Co. Incorporated SUCCESSORS TO ALFRED HALE & CO [VIN APPARATOS. OUR SPECIALTY, Repair Cloth. Rubber Cement. OFFICE AND FACTORY: 387 EB. EFighth St., SO. BOSTON, MASS. THE MARINE DEPART MENT of the Geo. F. Blake Mfg. Co. take pleasure in announcing that they were awarded the Grand Prix at the recent Exposition at Paris, for their special exhibit of Marine Pumps, Condensers, etc. Send for new Catalogue of Marine Specialties. THE GEO. F. BLAKE MFG. CO., 91 Liberty St, N. Y. City. PUMPING HENRY R, WORTHINGTON, tatninery. MARINE AIR AND FEED PUMPS A SPECIALTY, BOSTON. CHICAGO Se! CLEVELAND. PHILADELPHIA. WATER METERS. Aare ST. Louis. ee 120 Liberty St., NEWYORK. -- hewonengne? Por Dees anda oter any, Weather Checks, Floors, Skylights, Etc. M PAINT WHITE, BLACK AND COLORS, IS BEING USED BY AMERICAN LINE, ATLAS LINE, OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP Co, PANAMA RAILROAD STEAMSHIP Co. L. BOYER'S SON'S TRANSPORTATION CO., N*W YORK & CUBA MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., (WARD LINE,) MERRITT & CHAPMAN D. & W. CO. PENNSYLVANIA RAILR@AD CO, Exc. Anthony S. Morse, 210 Commercial St., Boston. Cook & Co., Tacoma, Wash. jJennison Hardware Co., Bay City, Mich. J. F. Donahue & Co., Sandusky, O. The Chas. F. Beebe Co., Portland, Ore. Geo. B. Carpenter & Co, Chicago, III. Elisha Webb & Sons, 108 S. Delaware, Philadelphia. H. Steffens, 337-339 Fell St., Baltimore. And all marine hardware stores in New York and Brooklyn. Samples sent on receipt of 30 cents in stamps. An agent wanted in each seaport town. COLE & KUHLS, Sole Manufacturers, Office and Factory, foot of 24th St. tatention this Paper? BROOKLYN. N.Y Fi. &:- tool) + KING IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N.Y. MANUFACTURERS OF TRIPLE EXPANSION, FORE-AND-AFT AND STEEPLE COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES, High and Low Pressure Engines, Sectional Propellers, Tug and Yacht Wheels. Cowles Aluminum and Manganese Bronze Propeller Wheels. These Wheels are noted for their extra speed, towing power and prorortionate saving of coal. Prices Quoted on Application. U. S. ARMY TRANSPORTS, OCEAN STEAMSHIP Co., FIRE BOAT NEW YORKER, TO BE BOUGHT OF