1901.] MARINE REVIEW. 29 This illustration shows our GATE SHEAR which we build either as a Shear or as a Multiple Punch. This machine has an adjustable holding down arrangement for holding the plate level while same is being sheared. capacity desired, and will be pleased to quote price upon application. The Cleveland Punch and Shear Works Co. DISTANCE BETWEEN HOUSINGS IS 42 IN. DEPTH OF THROAT 7 IN. We build this machine with any CLEVELAND, O., U.S.A. 'Seaboard Steel Castings."' WANS BG UREES Cc A GUARANTEE OF QUALITY. "THE ADMIRAL" ANCHOR. OPEN-HEARTH STEEL CASTINGS eae OF THE HIGHEST GRADE. THE LATEST AND BEST FACILITIES FOR CASTINGS UP TO STOCKLESS ANCHOR. 80,000 POUNDS WEIGHT. APPROVED BY LLovo's. MACHINE WORK AND PATTERNS oe: FURNISHED WHEN REQUIRED. ANCHORS CAST AND TESTED ON Saas, RAIL OR WATER DELIVERIES. ORDER, OR STOCK ORDERS CAPACITY, 1500 TONS PER MONTH Seaboard Steel Casting Co., CHESTER, PA. PASSENGER STEAMER FOR SALE. Will sell the passenger steamer Hattie. Capacity 250 passengers, 100 tons freight. John Stevenson, Detroit, Mich. July 4. FOR SALE. BALANCED COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES carried in stock for immediate delivery--20 to 200 horse power. Full line of patterns for larger sizes and quadruple expansion engines, insuring quick delivery Highest economy and speed. Re NO VIBRATION. Contracts taken for complete plants. WELLS ENGINEERING CO., 136 Liberty St , NEW YORK, N.Y. STEAM LAUNCH FOR SALE. Very fast and powerful. Suitable for pleasure, cruising or short trade. Fitted with cabin, pantry, closet, etc.; Roberts water tube boiler, allowed 200 Ibs steam; compound engines, 6 and 12 by 6; 36-in. propeller wheel; oak hull, 45x8 ft., good as new; inspection guaranteed; a bargain. Address H. Myers, P. O. Box 162, Covington, Ky. June 20. July 25. A New Locomotive Fire-Box Marine Boiler For sale for immediate shipment. Shell 66 in. diameter, Fire box 844 in, long, 89 in. high, 64 in. wide. Contains 237 234 in. by 17 ft. iron tubes. Steam drum 36 in. diameter, 11 ft. long. Working pressure, 200 Ibs. Built to pass government inspection. Detailed specifications on appli- cation. The S. Freeman & Sons Mfg. Co., Racine, Wis. ti STANDARD SEAMLESS TUBE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF Seamless Cold Drawn Steel Tubing IN ALL SIZES FROM 18 TO 16" DIAMETER. Stay Tubes, Water Grates, Compressed Air and High Steam Pressures. Boiler Tubes. FOR ALL CLASSES OF MARINE WORK. Hollow Shafts, Bushings, Hydraulic Tubes, Ete:, Etc. NATIONAL TUBE COMPANY, SELLING AGENTS, SALES OFFICES: Havemeyer Building, New York. Conestoga Building, Pittsburg. Western Union Building, Chicago. FOREIGN OFFICE: Dock House, Billiter Street, London, E. C., Eng. 95 Milk St., Boston. 267 So. Fourth St., Philadelphia. 420 California St., San Francisco.