Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 15 Aug 1901, p. 1

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(except 3 and Son Cans) TRY A PACKAGE OF THE EVERY PACKAGE OF BERTRAM?S POLISH, OIL AND PASTE CONTAINS ONE OF OUR '*20TH CENTURY LUCK COINS.'? Polis L ae a. _~ 2 FE = 38 -¢ Ty ~~ O ZN | x oO -- BEST POLISH IN THE WORLD AND SECURE YOUR CENTURY'S LUCK. ORDER FROM SHIP CHANDLERS AND ENGINEERS?' SUPPLIERS. ram a MOST POPULAR POCKET OIL POLISH CO., BOSTON, MASS. BERTRAM'S PIECE EVER INVENTED. MARINE REVIEW VoL. XXIV. CLEVELAND, O., AUGUST 15, 1901. No. 7 The Superior Marine Gasoline Engine IS BUILT FOR HEAVY SERVICE. Every sail boat and steamer should carry one in a tender. Small schooners save tug bills. One in a delivery boat pays for itself the first year. Built in single, double and triple cylinders. Send for catalogue and de- seription of how it acted ina U.S. life-boat. LAKE Biche ENGINE WORKS, Marquette, Mich, = The Wm. Cramp & Sons ---- Ship and Engine Building Co. PHILADELPHIA. SOLE MANUFACTURERS IN AMERICA OF Parsons Manganese Bronze ano Parsons White Brass. W. L. BROWN, President. R. L. IRELAND, Vice-president. R. C. WETMORE, Sec'y and Treas: JAS. C. WALLACH, Gen'l Manager. D: No. 1, foot Weddell St., 440 ft. x 50 ft. x No. 2) foot Weddell St., 300 fl. x 65 'c x No. 3, Elm St., 340 ft. x 60 ft. x 13 ft Dry Dock at Lorain: 660 ft. x 60 ft. x 17 ft. DRY DOCKS IN CLEVELAN Ve 13 The American Ship +: CO, OFFICE, 120 VIADUCT, CLEVELAND, 0. MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES. BOILERS AND AUXILIARY MACHINERY. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIP REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS. WORKS AT ft. ft. CLEVELAND AND LORAIN. EDWARD W. HYDH, President. H. H. McCARTY, Treasurer, JOHN S. HYDE, Vice-Pres. and Gen'l Supt. BATH IRON WORKS, Ltd. BATH, 'MAINE. THE ELECTRIC STEERING CEAR. CIRCULARS AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. The Electro-Dynamic Co., 212-226 lonic Street, Philadelphia, Pa., U.S. A. Cable Address; EDCO, A B C Code 4th Edition. "WIR AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE COMPANY, ALEXANDER McViTTIE, President and Manager. WILLIAM C. McMILLAN, Vice-President. % HAWSER RIGGING GALVANIZED. STRONGEST. MOST SATISFACTORY. THE ROOKERY, | ' CHARLES B. CALDER, General Superintendent. | {4.1 (il . SHIP AND ENCINE BUILDERS, DETROIT, 'M ICH. Sole Owners for the Lakes and Atlantic Coast of the HOWDEN HOT DRAFT SYSTEM, | as applied to Boilers, giving increased power and great economy. POSTAGE AND PRINTING WASTED, AMERICAN STEAM GAUGE AND VALYE MNFG. C0, (Original Steam Gauge Company.) NEw YORK. BOSTON. CHICAGO. 1 AND 2 RANGOON ST., LONDON, ENG. MANUFACTURERS OF Gauges that Gauge, Indicators that Indicate, Pops that Pop. Clocks, Revolution Counters, Whistles, and all kinds of Steamship Instruments. Original and only Genuine Thompson Indicator. HIGHEST AWARD AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION. Eoard of Trade Vrop Lever Twia r : The Only American Indicator to Receive a Medal, Pop Safety Valves. "CHICAGO, ILL. M...B. FARR, .Secretary axa 'Treasurer. FRANK E. KIRBY, Conkatine Engineer. .. DETROIT SHIPBUILDING comenny™ Steel Ship Yard Located at Wyandotte, Mich. Wooden Ship Yards and Dry Docks, Foot of Orleans Street, and Foot of Clark Ave., DETROIT, MJCH. Tons of it fail to reach the right people. Not so when lists are selected from such reliable publications as the 1901 EDITION NOW IN PREPARATION. 1 A directory of everything pertaining to ships, Ship Masters, Ship Builders, Naval Engineers, Marine Engineers. Advertising rates and other information on application. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., CLEVELAND, O ie neces Blue Book of American Shipping. Lists of Ship Owners, \ CKINGS FROM FACTORY TO CONSUMER. HOSE, BELTING, VALVES, ETC., FLAX AND GUM CORE PA Mechanical Rubber Works, PHILADELPHIA, PA. SAYEN & SCHULTZ "MELVILLE"? PATENT SHEET GUM WITH WIRE GAUZE INSERTION WILL NOT BLOW OUT. RUBBER Goops « =

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