1901.] MARINE REVIEW. 7 ESTABLISHED 1869. ATLANTIC WORKS INCORPORATED, Successors to Berry & Orton Company. 2223-25-27 & 29 Arch St., PHILADELPHIA, PA., U.S.A. : INCORPORATED 1896. MANUFACTURERS OF FoR USE IN §HIP YARDS, CAR SHOPS, RAILROAD SHOPS. ADJUSTABLE BEVEL BAND SAW. Will bevel both ways to 45 degrees. Power movement to change angles. Power feed in three directions. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Hollow Chisel Mortisers. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. Car Sill Dressers. oe W ON SHIP BUILDING. The arle S ork S Sete nhc SCOTLAND KNOWN AND USED WHEREVER STEEL SHIPS ARE BUILT. SEPARATE VOLUMES FOR PLATES. 'Ship Building in Iron and Steel." (Plates in separate volume.) $5.25. 'Ship Building and Laying Off." (Plates in separate volume.) $3.00. "Theoretical Naval Architecture." (Plates in separate volume.) $3.50. "Practical Naval Architecture." ('Two volumes.) $3.00. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., CLEVELAND. BEST FORM OF DRY DOCK. Crandall's Modern Marine Railways. SAFE. RAPID. BUILT OF STEEL OR WOOD ANY SIZE. H. |. Crandall & Son Go. (INCORPORATED.) Contracting Engineers, EAST BOSTON, MASS., U.S. A. NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON LONDON CALLING AT CHERBOURG WESTBOUND. Sailing From New York Every Wednesday at 10 A. M. _( ST LOUIS, ST PAUL, NEW YORK, Steamers: { PHILADELPHIA, HAVERFORD. Special.Express Train from Southampton to London in one hour and forty,minutes. Close connection at SOUTHAMPTON for Havre and Paris by special fast twin-screw Channel Steamers. RED STAR LINE "**,,. Sailing Every Wednesday at 12 Noon. Steamers : *VADERLAND, *ZEELAND, KENSINGTON, ------------ | SOUTHWARK, FRIESLAND. * New Twin-screw Steamers calling at Cherbourg eastbound. One of the Shortest Routes to BELGIUM, HOLLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, THE RHINE, SWITZERLAND and ITALY. crac nt oe» International Navigation Company Empire Building, 73 Broadway, New York. 305-307 Walnut St., Philadelphia. Cor. Dearborn & Washington Sts., Chicago. ske Building, 89 State Street, Boston. Third and Pine Streets, St. Louis. 306 F St.,N.W.,Washington, D. C. 10-12-14 Washington Ave., S., Minneapolis. 30 Montgomery St., San Francisco. PIERS: (4 & (5 NORTH RIVER, FOOT OF FULTON ST., NEW YORK. Three Excellent Little Books FOR MARINE ENGINEERS. "KEY TO ENGINEERING." *"WHAT AN ENGINEER SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ELECTRICITY." «s ENGINEER'S EPITOME." Any one of these is worth a dollar. All three may be had for a dollar from the Marine Review Pub. Co., 418-419 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. NOW READY 200 paces SEND 3 CENTS FOR OUR NEW CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON MARINE, ELECTRICAL, MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. BE SURE TO WRITE CLEARLY YOUR FULL ADDRESS. " SPON & CHAMBERLAIN, 12 Cortlandt: Street, NEW YORK, U.S. A. ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC WHISTLE OPERATOR =: 'issn wit Ss WHISTLE BLAST RECORDERS will prove invaluable in cases of collision or grounding through crowding or other causes. STEAM SHIP WHISTLES in all sizes to operate with steam or air. It will pay you to investigate our novel improvements. Catalogues mailed to captains, owners or engineers, upon application. THE SIGNAL & CONTROL CO., ***wew Yorn, U's. a Chas. E. & W. F. Peck, 58 William Street, C. T. BOWRING & CO., Ltd. Royal Insurance Bldg., 5 & 6 Billiter Ave., London, E. C., En NEW YORK CITY. to Kbo (oneen. - CHICAGO, ILL. ~ INSURANCE ALL CLASSES OF MARINE INSURANCE BOTH CARGOES AND HULLS. GREAT LAKES REGISTER INCORPORATED COMBINED AND ISSUED IN CONNECTION WITH THE BUREAU VERITAS INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING. GREAT LAKES REGISTER DESIRES TO ANNOUNCE THAT ITS RAT- INGS GO BEFORE THE LEADING UNDERWRITERS OF AMERICA ENGLAND AND FRANCE. THE SERVICES OF ITS SURVEYORS MAY BE ENGAGED ON HULL AND CARGOES. F. D. HERRIMAN, SURVEYOR GENERAL, 320-322 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND O