1901.] MARINE REVIEW. 9 DIXON'S GRAPHITE PIPE JOINT COMPOUND Enables you to MAKE A TIGHTER JOINT than you can possibly make with red lead. You can do it easier, and parts can be separated at any time without breaking anything. Send for sample and circular. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE COMPANY, JERSEY CITY, N.J. D 1X0 N'S Lubricating Graphite Is fully explained in an INTERESTING AND INSTRUCTIVE PAMPHLET which is FREE to all interested. It will pay all Engineers and Machinists to SEND FOR IT. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE COMPANY, JERSEY CITY, N.J. STEERING GEAR BEARINGS, ae AMMUNITION HOIST BEARINGS, NO OILING CAPSTAN BEARINGS, OR WINDLASS AND WINCH BEARINGS, | S®="S!NS Also Anchor, Davit and Cargo Block Bushings, Bushings for Sheaves on Wrecking Derricks, Washers and Collars for Thrust Bearings. THE GRAPHITE LUBRICATING CO., BOUND BROOK, N.J., U.S. A. GOERZ AWEUER BINOCULAR BEST ON LAND AND SEA. Increased Power, Increased Field of View. Reduced Bulk and Weight, Has 8 to 10 times the power of the old style field and opera glass, Made in four sizes. Magnifying 8x 6x 9x 12x $38 $46 $54 $62 Catalogue free from your optician G. P. GOERZ OPTICAL WORKS, 52 E. Union Sq., N. Y. Main office and Factory: Berlin-Friedenau, Germany, "A Hand Book of Admiralty Law," By ROBERT M. HUGHES, M. A. Well known admiralty lawyers pronounce this the best work of its kind as yet published in America. So clearly written that it may be understood by the ship owner or manager. Especially written for the student in admiralty practice. The Marine Review Pub. Co., Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland. NEW PATENT osm. STOCKLESS ANCHOR --- Feria! Ae Catalogues Mailed Upon Application. 0Ooe CLEVELAND, O. BINGHAMTON, N.Y. Made of the finest quality of open- hearth steel, and constructed on the ball and _ socket principle. Many points of superiority over ordinary e stockless anchors. BALDT ANCHOR. COMPANY, CHESTER, PA. WALTER MILLER PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING CLEVELAND, O. Representative for the Great Lakes. We keep a large number of Anchors in stock. Established 1837. Incorporated hi i ui tL Alfred Hale Rubber Co. SUCCESSORS TO ALFRED HALE & CO pee APPARATUS OUR SPECIALTY. "Repair Cloth. Rubber Cement. OFFICE AND FACTORY: 387 E. Eighth St., SO. BOSTON, MASS. Improved Bolt Helmet. All orders filled day received. WRITE FOR OUR PRICES. . A. SCHRADER'S SON, 32 Rose Street, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURER OF Submarine Armor and Diving Apparatus, We carry a complete stock of Dresses, Hose and Repair Sundries. of the Geo. F. Blake Mfg. Co. take pleasure in announcing that they were awarded the Grand Prix at the recent Exposition at Paris, for their special exhibit of Marine Pumps, Condensers, etc. Send for new Catalogue of Marine Specialties. THE GEO. F. BLAKE MFG. CO., 91 Liberty St., N. Y. City. THE MARINE DEPARTMENT HENRY R. WORTHINGTON, wacninery. MARINE AIR AND FEED PUMPS BOSTON. CHICAGO. PHILADELPHIA. ST. Louis. BUTTE. A SPECIALTY, CLEVELAND. WATER METERS. Deeie 120 Liberty St., NEWYORK. -- Rew oentcisco Hoecececccccccccccee ec ccoceseeococcoedy Mulholland Hatch Fasteners have been applied with great success to lake ships and they have more big, wide hatches than any ships afloat. CAPT. M. MULHOLLAND, Wade Building, CLEVELAND, O. HH. S. TROUT. KING IRON WORKS, BUFFALO, N.Y. MANUFACTURERS OF TRIPLE EXPANSION, FORE-AND-AFT AND STEEPLE COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES, High and Low Pressure Engines Sectional Propellers, Tug and Yacht Wheels. © Cowles Aluminum and Manganese Bronze Propeller Wheels. These Wheels are noted for their extra speed, towing power and proportionate saving of coal, Prices Quoted on Application.