| | 6 M A R I N E R EV ] EW. [ December 19, Electric Hoists, Cranes, Pumps Operated by WESTINGHOUSE INDUCTION MOTORS. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., Pittsburg, Pa. + 22-4 > INCORPORATED. "WOOD" SYSTEMS FOR LIGHT AND POWER SMALL, DIRECT COUPLED GENERATING SETS FOR MARINE OR ISOLATED PLANTS. In Capacities from I%4 K. W. to 25 K. W. THESE SETS ARE SIMPLY CONSTRUCTED, COMPACT, DURABLE AND EFFICIENT. 10 K. W. 125 V. '350 R. P.M. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. pone CAND FACTORY FORT iiss eee JENKINS BROS.' VALVES WILSON & SILSBY, SSN Wikes. are manufactured of the best steam metal, and are fully MAKERS OF guaranteed. Why experiment with cheap valves? If e@ go atl ie BEST sek you deafes for valves manu. Sails for Yacht Independence. are stamped with Trade Mark like cut. + ALSO THE JENKINS BROTHERS. New York Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston OUTFITS OF LARGE STEAM YACHTS. eee SOUNDING APPARATUS. Patented. Soundings may be taken while running at full speed. Always ready for instant use. Guaranteed accurate and durable. A sounding of 100 fathoms may be taken in two minutes by one man with mittens on. Much satisfaction to master in fog, smoke, or snow storm to know he has 300 feet under his boat. Great losses this season to insurance companies would have been reduced half if this machine had been used. Address C. W. FARR, Gen'! Agent, 118 & 120 W. Jackson Boulevard, CHICAGO, ILL. CATALOGUE SENT FREE. TWENTY-SEVEN OTHER LARGE SCHERZER ; Rolling Lift BRIDGES in successful use * and under construc- tion at the present time. "NORTH HALSTED ST: SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE CHICAGO - OPEN. INVENTED BY WM. SCHERZER, C. E. PATENTED. Information, preliminary sketches and estimates furnished to responsible "parties, upon request, accompanied by the necessary data; THE SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE CO., 1918,Monadnock Block, CHICAGO, U.S. A. > Le a Se XS de with gum begins to deteriorate ww ey Me Varnish Paint er ete 0 deterios Ca a . : Our Varnish Pai ; oo CLEVELARDO 2 ____Our Varnish Paint Contains no Gum, coon Caes a mAs Pl were mois e mon ce JOHN MAIR & SON, °° *eiiiotibis, v4,