1902.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 13 f % Allow Your Boilers to be Ruined when You Can Save Them \ DON'. ccanconn venerhete Soen Compaen Scientifically made to suit the conditions of the water. Prevent pitting, stop incrustation. A perfect preservative to the boiler and its connections. MARINE FORMULA No. 5 for the waters of the five lakes. ae ETT ARH LH, eee ce oa RU SRR Pe ae (META CRAIG SHIP BUILDING CO. TOLEDO, OHIO. L- AND - WOODEN - SHIP - BUILDERS. New Dry Dock--450 feet long, 110 feet wide on top, 55 feet wide on bottom, 16 feet of Water on Sill. Repairs to Metal and Wooden Ships A SPECIALTY. DREDGING, WRECKING, CIRCULATING AND BALLAST PUMPS. MARINE BOILERS. Kingsford Foundry & Machine Works, OSWEGO N.Y. Chas, P. Willard & Go. F. C. WALTER, Manager. 30 W. Randolph St., CHICAGO. Builders of Marine Engin s and Boil= ers, Paddle Wheel En- gines, Boat Machinery, High Pressure, Com= pound and Triple Expan- sion Engines, Yachts and Launches. By Using CLEAN WATER, BUFFALO" is Warranted to Remove all Sediment and Scale Forming Substance. Keep Your Boilers Clean The The undersigned has the agency ofa number of meritor- ious steam special- ties for use on steam vessels, all of which are guar- anteed to be what they are represent- ed, and which he is prepared to furnish atalowrate. Iam also prepared to superintend the making of altera- tions and repairs on steam vessels or power plants, ata reasonable cost, and would respect- fully solicit your | patronage, to which Waa prompt and person- al attention will be given. ° OO_WHITE BUILDING, BUFFALO, N.Y. Write for Catalogue. Boyer Sectional Water Tube Boilers are of an entire new design, are simplest in' construct- ion, are accessible to all parts, are rapid steamers with short circulation, have low center of gravity, have no joints in the fire, have no dead ends, oc- cupy less space in width, length and height than any other, are easily fired, can be repaired or set up by any ordinary mechanic, do not require a brick casing, and are shipped whole or knocked down into packages for trans- ortation by man or east. boiler : ve view of the 250 H. P. built for the steam treighter '*Clara," having 6 ft. space and8 ft. length; 34.4 sq, ft. of grate area and 1,900 sq. ft. heating surface; weight Perspecti of boiler and water, 14,000 Ibs. Replaced a return tubular boiler, thereby saving in dead- weight of boiler and water, 16% tons. The Clara now has 14 in. Jess draft and an increas- ed earning capacity of $10 per day. L. BOYER S Scie 90 Water Street, ' NEW YORK, N.Y. Kindly mention this paper.