32 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Dee TRADE NOTES. Nearly fifteen hundred boilers of the Roberts type have beet: built to date by the Roberts Safety Water-Tube Boiler Co. The Cambridge Electric Light Co. of Cambridge, Mass., has decided to displace the direct-current power distribution system at present installed by an alternating-current system. This action is being taken after a long and exhaustive investiga- tion into the comparative merits of the various types of direct and alternating current motor apparatus now upon the market, made by the electrician of the company, Mr. W. R. Eaton. The company has recently purchased from the Westinghouse Elec- tric & Mfg. Co. ninety-nine induction motors, which will take care of the bulk of the power service, comprising every possi- ble use of electric power in a city of this kind, from public works to small tailoring establishments. The order comprises: Eleven motors of 1 H. P.; twenty-six motors of 2 H. P.; nine motors of 3 H. P.; nineteen motors of 5 H. P.; twenty-five motors of 7% ly Pf and nine motors of 15H. P: Writing of the use of Smooth-on in foundry work one of the officials of the Smooth-On Mfg. Co., 547-49 Communipaw ave- nue, Jersey City, N. J., says: "In ordinary foundry practice many iron castings are rejected which could as well be saved. Their strength is not effected by blemishes. The only reason for dumping them on the scrap heap is their appearance. Smooth- on is not a mere filling. It is a dry, metallic composition, which, upon being mixed with water, becomes a hard metallic iron that is insoluble in water, petroleum or other oils, that will stand an intense heat. As the expansion is. the same as iron, it is some- times called 'magic ircn.' When applied to a blemish in a cast- ing by a skilled mechanic, the blemish is removed." The Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. is mailing to the trade a four-page circular, designated as special circular No. 32, attrac- tively designed in black and red on enamel paper, illustrating the Tynan patent annealer and the Tynan rivet heating forge. The company has secured the entire control of these devices and will be the exclusive manufacturers cf them in the future. The an- nealer and rivet forge fit in very nicely with the line of pneumatic appliances. .which the Chicago company manufacture, as they are operated by compresed air, using crude oil as a fuel. They are designed for the various classes of repair work incident to ship yards, railroad shops, etc. Both machines are light in weight and therefcre easily moved from place to place, an important fea- ture in the class of work for which they are adapted. The cir- cular contains illustrations of the machines at work in the Cramp ship yard, Philadelphia, the Newport News works and other ship yards. Mr. W. D. McPherson, admiralty lawyer of Toronto, made an interesting motion before Judge McDougall of that city, a few days ago, on behalf of the owners of the steamer D. C. Whitney. The Whitney is alleged to kave collided some months ago at Sandusky with the Monguagon, owned by the St. Clair Naviga- tion Co. Although t-e collision took place in American waters between ships of American register, yet the Whitney was seized a short time ago in Canadian waters and held until bail was put in. After hearing argument the judge held that this was a case where the complainants, being resident out of the jurisdiction of the court, should give the defendants security for the costs they might incur in defending the proceedings in Canada, and ordered security to the extent of $800, and staved all pending proceedings until the order is complied with. This is said to be the first case in Canada where security for costs has been ordered in the admiralty court. It is understood that the defendants will dis- pute the jurisdiction of the Canadian court under the circum- stances. The navy department has under consideration the question of revoking the contract.cf the Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Co. of New York to construct a dry dock at the League Island navy yard. The company recently applied to the department for 4 year's extension of time. Rear Admiral Endicott, chief of the bureau of yards and docks, recommended that the action be not granted. The assistant secretary of the navy has written to Secretary Moody recommending that the contract be revoked, The ferry boat Winthrop, which sailed from Boston about" two weeks ago for Jacksonville, has put in at Newport News for coaJ and repairs. The Winthrop was sold to Jacksonville parties and started out to make the trip down the coast under her own steam in order to save towing expenses. She was roughly handled in a storm and had to put in at New York for four days. Repairs became necessary again and the coal supply was short, so the Winthrop had to make a second stop at Newport . News. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA. 232 Walnut Street, :: PHILADELPHIA ::. Founded A D. 1792 Fire, Marine and Inland Insurance. Charter Perpetual. CAPITAL STOCK - Be ene eae - See $3,000,000.00 Reserve for Reinsurance - - - a - - e 4,631 ,037.42 Reserve for unadjusted losses and other liabilities - - 775,488.61 Surplus over liabilities - = = a = - z 1,672.952.40 Total Assets, January 1, 1902 - - - - - 10,079 478.50 This Company issues certificates of insurance, payable in cases of loss at the option of the assurer, in London, Paris, Antwerp, Bremen, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Japan, China and Australia. CHARLES PLATT, President HENRY W. FARNAM, Marine Secy. ( | ASBESTOS FIRE-FELT SHEETS SHEET FIRE FELT is a firm even block of Fibrous Asbestos, which by virtue of its con- struction, contains a maximum number of air cells holding large quantities of stagnant air, and thus constituting a superior heat insulator. Light in weight. Does not sag, settle, nor powder. Especially valuable for marine and other high-pressure surfaces. Yes, we have illustrated literature covering this question in detail. Send itto you? Certainly! What's your address ? W. HH. JOHNS= MANVILLE COMPANY 100 William St. : :: 3: :: New York. MILWAUKEE, CHICAGO, ST LOUIS BOSTON, NEW ORLEANS, PHILADELPHIA, CLEVELAND, PITTSBURG. ELIAS GUNNELL, PRESIDENT. THOS. J. PRINDIVILLE, DRY DOCKS AND MAIN OFFICE: MANITCWOC, WIS. GEO. B. BURGER, SupPT. ViCEe- PRESIDENT. MANITOWOC DRY DOCK COMPANY, weirr BUILDERS. FACILITIES FOR REPAIRS OF STEEL AND -WOODEN VESSELS. L, E. Geer, CHARLES C. WEST, SEC'Y AND TREAS. MANAGER: BRANCH YARD: 34 ROBERTS STREET, CHICAGO. THEODOR KNUDSON, Super. ALBERT C. JAHL, General Manager, 100 William St , New York, U. S. A. United Marine Mfg. & Supply Co., couse"? FLECTRICAL MATERIAL FOR SHIPS AND FORTIFICATIONS.