1902. ] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 9 Dhe. Verbn- Barossa Oo. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mutogaiy, White Mahog AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. FRIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIM. While Cak Timbers and Plank CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. 654 Seneca Srrecl, Cleveland, CO. AIDS TO NAVIGATION are of vital importance to vessel interests. SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGES aid navigation and meet with the approval of all vessel interests, because of the wide and unobstructed channel provided for navigation, enabling _vessels to pass easily and rapidly through the draw. THE SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE CO., MAIN OFFICES: 1616 MONADNOCK BLOCK, CHICAGO, U. S. A. = Fuel Saved, Power Increased, Smoke Prevented. HYDRO-CARBON SYSTEM. Steam Boiler Equipment Co., of N.Y. 20 WEST HOUSTON STREET, NEW YORK. SEND FOR INFORMATION. Branches: CHICAGO, PHILADELPHIA. Ne ee Established 1844. A. SCHRADER'S SON, {1 32 Rose Street, NEW YORK. Manufactur: r of Submarine Armor and Diving Apparatus, We carry a complete stock of Dre ses, Hose and Rep ir Sundries. Improved Bolt Helmet All orders filled day received. Write for our prices, ee ee a We have a pretty thorough list of active vessels, of docks, eleva- tors, coal and ore handling machinery, etc. The price at which we furnish photographs is very low. If you are interested call or write. THE MARINE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO., T. Lone, Gen. Mgr. D. J. MurpHy, Supt. LONG & MURPHY BOILER CoO. : MANUFACTURERS OF Marine Boilers, Coal, Ore and Clamshell Buckets, Repair Work a Specialty. Night Phone Ridge 277 x. CLEVELAND O. Phones:--Main 786. A. 2265. 120-126 ELM ST. Photographs of Ships, Docks, Etc. 39-41 Wade Building, Cleveland. THE MARINE DEPARTMENT of the Geo. F. Blake Mfg. Co. take pleasure in announcing that they were awarded the Grand Prix at the recent Exposition at Paris, for their special exhibit of Marine Pumps, Condensers, etc. Send for Catalogue of Marine Specialties. THE GEO. F. BLAKE MFG. CO., 91 Liberty St., N. Y. City. Radatthnctatnatncatiainitinth teased batts trutvabaatiatct na Petes tat rarer Latest Patent Anchors National and International. APPROVED BY LLOYDS Manufactured by L. M. BOWERS & CO., Binghamton, N.Y. Furnished to Lake Trade by The Upson-Walton Co., CLEVELAND CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION. F THE EBSEN GREASE EXTRACTOR aera : Je (it - sHowNa | *HESTER. PA. _ ANCHOR IN © _ POSITION-- ENGINEERING Firec ELECERICAL. Buffalo Commercial & Electro-Mechanical Institute, Broadway cor. Walnut St. Buffalo, N. Y. Leading School of electrical and mechanical engineering, business and shorthand. Special course in hepa EN- Se Silver medal Pan-American Exposition. W.M. WOOD, rincipa De Grauw, Aymar & Company. ESTABLISHED 1827. Cordage, Oakum, Vessel and Railroad Supplies. SOLE MANUFACTURERS IN THE UNITED STATES FOR TYZACK'S STOCKLESS ANCHORS. NEW YORK CITY. FOR REMOVING GREASE FROM FEED WATER. FACTURE JAMES REILLY REPAIR & SUPPLY COMPANY, 229 & 230 West St., NEW YORK CITY.