Se ee fo MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. NAVIGATION SIMPLIFIED. Not an elaborate technical work--just an assistant for the seaman and a book of valuable plain instruction for beginners. Contains problems required in examinations that are given by government inspectors to masters and mates of sea-going vessels. Published by C. E. MacArthur. CLOTH BINDING, $1.25. PAPER BINDING, $1.00. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., 39-41 WADE BLDG., CLEVELAND, 0. CPA OOOO OOO ORO CACAEHEACACA EAE? Ce HOISTING ENGINES. We build them in all sizes from new and improved designs, Every engine thoroughly tested before leaving our shop, and guaranteed to be satisfactory in every case' When in want of a hoist for marine work, ¢ dock work, mining, or any other purpose, kindly permit us to name you prices, We know we can please you. MARINE IRON CO., = = = Bay City, [lich. O<D<D< DID DLD~LD DL D I~ DLD IX D-DD I~ D~iDO . DI DA DL DX DO as As Sa SHERIFFS' STEAM STEERER. ' MADE IN TWO SIZES. Easy to adjust, and can be han- dled by any one. This steerer can be arranged to work in pilot house or in after part of vessel. None sold without a quadrant. Will be sold on approval. MANUFACTURED BY .SHERIFFS MFG. co., | oe ee, ee St:, sien | LAKES. NEW HARBOR CHARTS OF T Following is a list of harbor charts recently issued from the United States Lake Survey Office, allin colors: Duluth and Superior Harbors, Two Harbors, Ash- land, Marquette, Milwaukee, Chicago, Muskegon, Toledo Sandusky, Cleveland, Fairport, Ashtabula, Conneaut, Erie, Dunkirk and Buffalo. For sale by THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., 39-41 WabDE BuILoING, CLEVELAND, O. ABRAM SMITH & SON, ALGONAC, MICH. WOODEN SHIP BUILDING AND REBUILDING. Before placing your work we will be pleased with an opportunity to quote YOU our Biges. [Dec. 18, Veer. . LEBANON, PA. Hed ORES mans Mfrs. of tend wey fu,8 ont Sant NE ne HAND-MADE CHAINS sreeidenai ib, of all grades. rq) Sic, £2 prt oo dee oo oe - We manufacture our own iron. We are licensed testers for Lloyd's Association, American Bureau of Shipping and Bureau verte. aT EnCana Canc NM Vipave Malis 5 ( i C High STEAM YACHTS, Marine Engines é Seabury's ( AaB 7. Water Tube é Boilers AND & The Only Naphtha . Gas Engine & Power Go, re -~ re nA = = a er ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ : . : ; ( AND CHARLES L. SEABURY & CO., Send 10c. CONSOLIDATED, stamp for ¢ Morris HeicHts, NEW YORK GITY. catalogue. bearers SCO ade rey $ EEC LBL DIDI ILIV IUD <- DUD It may be possible to build better and safer boats, but it hasn't been done yet. We senda completely illustrated catalogue and price list free, which tells you all about boats and why Truscott Boats Excel. TRUSCOTT BOAT MFG CO. 57,9sePe. (A TRUSCOTT BOAT. J TRUSCOTT BOAT. SIMPLE. SAFE. SPEEDY. RELIABLE. WARRINGTON IRON WORKS, === Seamer Marine Engines, Boilers and Tanks. Heavy Machinery and Plate Iron Works. Foot of West Wellington St., CHICAGO, ILLINQIS. | ea Our exclusive specialty is 10 BOAT BUILDERS, designing and_ building to order) complete outfits of genuine MARINE machin- ee in small and medium sizes (4 to 30-inch cylinders). HIGH PRESSURE-COMPOUND-TRIPLEEXPANSION | and PADOLE WHEEL OUTFITS. EITHER WOOD OR COAL-BURNING MARINE BOILERS. » CATALOGUE FREE MARINE IRON WORKS, Station A, CHICAGO, ILL.