THE BROWN HOISTING MACHINERY COMPANY, Incorporated, Cantilever and Gantry Crazes wainepates, ere Locomotive Cranes for Ship Building Yards, Main Office and Works, CLEVELAND, O ,U.S.A. 26 Courtlandt St.,NewYork. European Office, 39Victoria St.,London,S.W. oS Pittsburg Office, Carnegie Building, Pittsburg, Pa. Engineers, Designers and Manufacturers of Gy SPECIAL MACHINERY T | wanoune COAL AND ORE Under the well known | Brownhoist'"' Patents. } NEY RDEETMATNIS | we ace jus 030A ee finished a fueling | "CLAM SHELL" BUCKETS wi eee en 2a Hanna Co. which is especially adapted for fueling Lake vessels. ELEVATORS ge NES Pind aahe aha ea ee Send for full The Webster, Camp & Lane Co. THEC.O. BARTLETT & SNOW Gi RERRSse sets j BUILDERS. CLEVELAND. O. ,- Complete Coal and Ore Handling : Plants. | Questions and Answers for Marine Engineers. By TuHeEo. Lucas. Sent postpaid to any address for $2.00. Marine Review Puo. Co., 39-41 Wade Bldg.. Cleveland, O. Engineering Office CLEVELAND,O., Main Office & Works AKRON, O. MANUFACTURERS . «. GUARANTEES QUALITY oa Be ' ee STU Standard Marine Generating Sets. "t we wt Complete Hoisting and Power Plants. Established 1857. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CO. PROVIDENCE, R. I. SHIP M AC INERY EMBODYING THE LATEST DESIGNS AND MANY IMPORTANT PATENTED IMPROVEMENTS. SOLE BUILDERS OF THE Original and Only Automatic Steam Towing Machine. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. P. O. BOX 53. Address: FRANK S. MANTON, President. cag in FOR LAND AND MARINE BOILERS. UNIFORM THICKNESS--EASILY CLEANED UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH. i) ig { | Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces. MANUFACTURED BY THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS, West and Calyer Sts., NEW YORK. Near 10th and 28d Sts. Ferries. Borough of Brookly*.