16 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Dec. 25, ie ror FORCED DRAFT ano 7 ! SHIP VENTILATION. cee NR AIR SUPPLY AMPLE AND gee wMEBIC@\ sg POSITIVE. OPERATION IS (BRieelp ekg |, en Buffalo Fan System figs INDEPENDENT OF WIND (eater see AND WEATHER. 2 fs BUFFALO Forge Company BUFFALO, N. Y. NEW YORE: CHICAGO: 39 Cortland St. 22-24 Randolph St, os The Shipowners Dry Dock Co., ORICA CGO. Repairs to Three Docks at Halsted Steel and Wooden Vessels. || Street and North Branch. OF RICHES, RAALTZTO BUILDING. , OFFICE TELEPHONE, HARRISON 1020. W. W. WATTERSON, Supt. YARD TELEPHONE, NORTH 1659. TELEPHONE, LAKEVIEW 198. ASHTON Cam Lever Pop Sefety Valves || and Non-Corresive steam gauges \\ give highest efficiency and durability. Specify them and get the best. Boston, New York : a Se 4 The Ashton Valve Co., and Chicago, U.S.A. IRON, STEEL ard PIG IRON. Cleveland, oO. THE BOURNE-FULLER CO. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. Close mill connection enable us to furnish plates--both Bessemer and Open Hearth-- to the best possible advantage. PNEUMATIC q DRILLS, . HAMMERS, Deck Winch connected to General Electric Motor. HOISTS, RIVETERS and GENERAL OFFICE: SCHENECTADY, N. Y. APPLIANCES of every Cleveland Office, 310 New Eng'and Bldg, in Sn Sstge "cies | description and Highest Grade, Suitable for all Requirements. Com= BENEDICT-NICKEL"' Seamiess Co denser AIR COMPRESSORS plete Air Plants installed and entire fubes are the only ones that resist slectrolysis. . ar superior to brass or SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. "> per. Our treatise on 'Electrolysis of Con- | 2 . denser Tubes tlis wh send for ie Mi : Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. BENEDICT BU b 'g Co, ; Miils ani "an Office, Waterboy, Conn, pad j GENERAL OFFICES, FISHER BUILDI :G, CHICAGO. N 253 Broasway. Boston, High St. Eastern Offices, 95 Liberty St., NEW YORK. onnee ceieiibieitiii sh