3902. } ALPHABETICAL MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE. RECORD. 45 INDEX OF ADVERTISERS IN THE MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. For addresses see advertisements on pages noted. a@itien,; -JOnn Fe cb ae eee = It Allen, Joseph ....... Rep eeks cineee Oo Almy Water Tube Boller Co. .... 15 American Line ..... weve beeccecce O American Ship Building Co. ..... 1 American Ship Masters Ass'n..... 6 American Ship Windlass Co. .... 2 American Steam Gauge Co. ...... 1 Armstrong Cork Co. ..........+-- 48 Mehton Valve Co... cies ees cece 16 olan "WOrKS: 6.6.5 ccc css css ce 5 *Atlantic Works, Inc. ........... 11 mudel:@ Cos Theos 2 66 86 Babcock & Wilcox Co. .......... 15 mecon, He. ce ec ccces Sssvcoes 40 Baldt Anchor Line ..... weiss c's <. 0 Baltimore Ship Building & Dry DOCK CUO. Oe ccc soe 4 Baker, Howard H. & Co. ....... 48 Bartlett & Snow Co., ©. O....... 2 Bath Iron Works, Ltd. .......... 1 Bell, David, Engineering Works.. 7 Benedict & Burnham Mfg. Co.... 16 Bertram's Oil Polish Co.......... 1 Berry Brothers, Ltd. .......... . 88 *Bestosking Packing & Supply Co. 3 Blake, Geo. F., Mfg. Co. ....... @ "Bliss, Johbni®& Co. 2.565. os. sc ces 13 *Bloomsburg & Co., H. ......... 9 Mond, Ns Isak So eee a wsace 40 *Boston & Lockport Block Co. .. 48 Bourne-Fuller: C0. 66 ossk sos ca a cs 16 Bowers, bi: M.& Coy eis. 9 Bowler & Co., Geo. H.. . AL *Boyer's, L., Sons..... a eacree cee 1S Brown, Harvey Li. oo. oS. ces 40 Brown: & COs. soso k eocee 40 Brown Hoisting Machinery Co., ANOS so cise wesc ren Sc ee ee eee 2 BSOWN, We We coca c ucts ccc ke 40 Buffalo Commercial & Electro-Me- chanical Institute ............ 9 Buffalo Dry Dock Co. .........<. 46 mBuitalo aWorge Co, cee sek sce oe cc 16 Castner, Curran & Bullitt ....... 89 Chase Machine Co. .......... we 8 *Chelsea Clock Co. ....... sipeicin ec 'Chicago Nautical School........... 12 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. ..... 16 Chicago Ship Building Co. ...... 46 Cleveland & Pittsburgh Mining & Development Co. : Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co... 38 leveland Trust Coy 34 Goa, Almere ack ; 8 Continental Iron Works 2 Cory, Chas. & Son ..... SOA | *Craig Ship Building Co. ....... 18 Cramp, Wm. & Sons, 8S. & B. By Oo. os. n6 Fosipsie se Cs hoo sire sic il *Crandall & Son, H. I. .:.......% 11 WPANG: COs coi se checks vee sec Lith Cuyahoga Contracting Co. ...... 14 Dake EnpineCo «22 2 12 Day, Britton T. & 8. P.......... 15 Dearborn Drug & Chemica] Wks.. 13 DeGrauw, Aymar & Co. ......... 9 Delauney, Belleville & Co....... 32 Delaware River Iron 8S. B. & BE. Works. ..... eae oe seve cece SOO Detroit Electric Signal Co. ...... 6 Detroit Ship Building Co. ,...... 1 Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ..... 12 Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co. Drein, Thos..& Son .. Dunham, RB. J. 2 ..5 5... . oats as 4 Hlectro-Dynamic Co. ...... ee se i Elphicke, C. W. & Co.°.......... 40 Elwell, Jas. W., & Co. ........ 40 Elwell-Parker Electric Oo. ..... 3 Engel & Fagersten .......cccceee Il Fahey & Co. ......% Epo tocceescs ST Falls Hollow Staybolt Co. ....... 4 Farnan Brass Works. =! ..;8..-. 12 Hay & Eagan Co., J. A. ..cceeee Il Federal: Trust Co... @ic oy B4 Fix's, S., Sons ..... Meio + ta camianetess 87 Fletcher, W. & A. @o ........ 4 Fogg, Mio Wises <<: seen s oe il Fore River Ship & Engine Co. .:. 5 Fort Wayne Electric Works .... 6 Garrett-Cromwell Engineering Co. 8 Gas Engine & Power Co. and Chas. L. Seabury & Co., Con- Bolidated. oo 6.6. v ica eee 10 Gaskin, Edward ..... Wis oie sos 41 General Electric Co. ..........- - 16 Gilchrist; Albert J... 0 ..20....:. 40 Goodenough, Walter .......... oo 41 Gould, Capt: Si We 12 Goulder, Holding & Masten ..... 40 Great Lakes Engineering Works. .47 Great Lakes Register ........... qT Haines Co., Wm. 8S. ......cceee 87 Hall Bros... «i:: . ueehas cae. 8 Hall & Root i... 2. cass aleoiire-asa 6 - 40 Hanna, M. A. & Co. ..... plciste ss 88 Hardy,.WMs-A. .ccssectvesccccss 14 Harlan & Hollingsworth Co., The. 5 Hawgood & Co., W. A. ...cecces . 40 Helvig, HUA. 4 Herriman; WD. occ Suiveees 10 Holmes, Samuel ........ SS HG . 40 Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley ......... 40 Hunt, Robert W. & Co. ..... soos 4) Hutchinson & Co. ......c.cceee - 40 Hyde Windlass Co. ............ 48 Insurance Co. of North America... 7 International Navigation Co...... 8 Jenkins Brothers ....ccccccccce 8-12 Jenks Ship Building Co. ........ 47 Johns-Manville Co., H. W. ..... 31 Jol, John ©... 2. .5..<0. Sle cies cae 35 Kahnweiler's Sons, David ..... eeu Katzenstein, L. & Co. ........... 38 Iida; Joseph' 2... ess seas eeee ees 40 Kieley & Mueller ......... scene 8 Kingsford Foundry & Machine WOPKB .5 oo eile oo eo eae eyeasee 1S King, Rufus: 8 oss as cue os 40 Kremer, : Css. ca oat oo ss 40 7 scccccceces 4 | 0 Lake Erie Boiler Works ........ 14 Lake Shore Hngine Works ...... 8 Lake Shore Stone Co........ee00- 45 Lang, Sydney By c.cc.s ccc c es 47 Lane' & DeGroot. ...cccccccscses & *Learmonth, Robert ...........++ 18 Lebanon Chain Works ........+-- 10 Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. ....«...... 86 Lockwood Mfg. Co. ....cccceccee 4 Logan, Robert' o.0.3623 6 os cee AL "Long-Arm" System Co. ........ 1 Long & Murphy Boiler Co. ...... 9 eS Gee Se RY. ois ccc cauce 40 Lunkenheimer Co. .....cccececes 3D MeCarthy; ). Revs cose 40 McCurdy; Geo. ln oi sccceveuccce McCutcheon, ©. H. ...cscscecccce: 41 McPherson, Clark, Campbell & PAUVIG, cis civicer cy oe sc verwiceceess 40 Macbeth Tron*@o. ..c.cccccsscnss °S MacDonald, Ray G. .....ecccees 40 MacKinnon Mfg. Co. ........-... 8 Manitowoc Dry Dock Co........... 31 Marine ~ Construction Dock COs 2recci et ces cw cctccecs © 4 *Marine Iron Co. ......... see cae 10 Marine Iron Works, Chicago ....~ 10 Martin-Barriss Co. ........ ieeeee ce Maryland Steel Co. .........e00. 5 Midland Towing & Wrecking Co. tdi see eiaeierésaco eres 48. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co. ......... 46 Mitchell & Conc 40 Mohawk Paint & Chemical Co ... 7 Moore & Handley Hardware Co... 12 * Moran-Bros Co.ss 3 oa 47 Morse & Son, All 37 Moshér, Chas. Dio. oe 41 *Mott, J. L., Iron Works ...... 10 National Tube: Co; <5 ccc 2s os 14 Neafie & Levy Co. ....ccececcecs 5 *Newhall Chain Forge & Iron Co. 13 Newman; Reo Uieace i oe de cc' 40 Newport News Ship Building & Dry." Dock: Co. 3 vc eee ree 5 New Jersey Zinc Co. .....c.ceces T Nicholson Ship Log Co. ........ . 8 Nixon; Bewis 0c. oi ses ecww ees 5 North River Iron Works ....... 4 Page Bros. & Co. ..... Wie siete Gres 4 Peck, Chas. BE. & W. F. ..c.eee- 7 Pere Marquette R. R. & 8S. S. Dine: rors ee es Saget nae Aq Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co. tei ecctcss samecs wets ne eS Pickands, Mather & Co. .....«.. 40 Pinney "= Warner i. é .ssccc cee « 40 Pittsburg: Coal® Con 0.06 vec css 39 Pittsburg Testing Laboratory,Ltd. 41 Pittsburg White Metal Co. ...... 385 Powell, Ambrose V. ....ceesee+- 40 Pusey & Jones Co. .......ce00- care Oe OC a cio eee ik cinta oe ie seceee OO Queen City Engineering Co. ..... 12 Record of American & Foreign Shipping' a. ccce 6c: ee Se see cae 6 Red Star Line ........... tcawate 0 Richardson, W. ©. 2.0.0... 00c0 40 *Reilly Repair & Supply Co. Jas. ' § Risdon Iron Works ............. 8 *Ritchie & Sons, H. S. ......... 18 Roach's Ship Yard .............. 6& Roberts Water Tube Boiler Co... 15 Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & AVON COs csines owiese cscs cece. ee *Roebling's, John A. Sons Co.... 48 Roelker; Hu Bei. scc 0 Ross Valve Co. 62 4i.¢ss dence, 37 Rudder Pub. Co «22 41 Russell & Watson ....... eee 38 Sadler, Perkins & Field........... 4) Safety Car Heating &Lighting Co. 3 Sands, Alfred B. & Son ........ 87 Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co.. 2 Schrader's Sons; A... 2...¢50....- 8 Schwencke, Kirk & Co. ......... 41 Seaboard Steel Casting Co. ...... 88 See, Horace... ...2.25,- ctepecees (41 Seidler-Miner Blectric Co. ....... 6 Shaw, Warren, Cady & Oakes.... 40 Sheriffs Mfg. Co. ........ eeeecce- 10 Shipowners Dry Dock Co. ....... 16 Sincennes-McNaughton Line, Ltd.. 1 Smith & Son, Abram ..... cesves 10 Smith, Stanley B. & Ca. ....... 39 *Smooth-On Mfg. Co. .......-.+. 96 Spencer, HR oF ep Standard Chain Co. ..... wieis eles ove 4 Standard Oi) Co. ......30 3: ete OS Standard Releasing Hook Co. ... 38 Steam Boiler Equipment Co. .... 9 Miirling: O0s.. 6. ce. 5 eee ss 15 Stratford Oakum Co., Geo. ..... 6 Nturtevant, B. hs OO; . ss... 48 Sullivan & Co. 40 Superior Ship Building Co....... 36 Taylor Water Tube Boiler ©o... 15 Thropp, J. B. & Sons Co. ........87 Thurston & Bates ........ Sitsie a's ME HlOpky Bros... 0g. a 37 'trigg ©o:,. Woo Re te oe ae oe 8 Trout, (He Ge sore cece ce cee sive AO Truscott Boat Mfg. Co. ......-.. 10 Tunnel City Boiler Works ...... 14 Union Machine & Boiler Co....... 8 United Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.. 81 Upson-Walton Co. .......... sexee 48 U. S. Metallic Packing Co. ..... 48 Viancourt, D. & Son .....0...8.: 37 Walker, Thomas & Son ..... faces Ward Machine Co. 0 35 Warrington Iron Works ......... 10 Waterbury Brass Co............. 48 *Watson-Stillman Co. ....... age Se Webster, Camp, & Lane Co........ 2 Weeks): Wy Hea oo a es 40 Westinghouse Electric & Mtg. Co. 6 White, Johnson, McCaslin & Can- NOW Sees Ses aia See eis eosces 40 *Willard, Chas. P. & Co.......¢.- 18 Wilson & Silsby ..... Cdeceeeeiee ene W000) W. Ji vecccea cans wececee: 40 *Wood & Co..° Ri Di iiccs. ce Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co.. 89 E Wreclking, Towing Contracting Eastward. -- GENERAL OFFICE.---- 515 Herman Bldg. Milwaukee Telephone, Main 1319. Quarry Telephone, '*'Lake Church," Wis. No. 2, Day Express. ..... LAKE SHORE STONE CO. | ©2325 Marine property consists of powerful tug Kate Williams. rebuilt; 164 gross tons. Large scows Swift and Klondyke each equipped with strong derricks No. 18, Southwestern Lim No. 22, Lake Shore Lim... No. 20, Chi & Cleve Ex.... No. 44, Ac via Sandusky. . No. 46, Southwestern Ex. No. 6, Lim Fast Mail.... No. 26, 20th Cent L.m..... i is. No. 10,C., NY &BSp.... Milwaukee, Wis No. 10, C., N'Y & BSP... No. 7, Day Express. .... : and } LAKE SHORE Sotsen"y Arrive from Depart West Fast. eee ous I:50am *2:15am *2:20am e7 208 *7:40am *8:00am t10:00am }Io:goam *11:25am *11:30am Propnis 2.5) 6c, se oe SOD ME *5:4opm = *5:45pm *7:40pm *7:43pm *7:30pm = *7:50pm *1o:30pm *10:35pm fg:1opm = f9 25pm No. 126, Norwalk Accom. T7:S0aM 6o. ee. No. 106, Conneaut Accom Seed oe Ts On. 2 Arrive Entirely from Depart Westward. East. West. No. 25, 20th Cent Lim..... ¥2:27am = *2:30am No. 11, Southwestern Lim 2296 ee, No. 15, Bost & Chi Sp..... *3:l0am = *3:15am No. 43. Fast Mail ........ ¥4:35pm 74:40pm Lee 6:10am -and hoistin ines. : 8 "Sees Z ' No. 19, Lake Shore Lim.. Steamer Hennepin entirely rebuilt. *7:15am *7:201m No. 23, Western Express. *10:30am *10:35am ! ay se : 2 No. 33, Southern Express ¥*12:25pm_ .... Owners or Masters requiring wrecking outfit, wire General Office in No. 133, Glee Ut Be ie, quae Write _ é O. 47, Na. oc.: ' " Milwaukee or telephone Quarry Office, "Lake Church," Wis. Ce ee ee tec : : . . o. ' a ee ere : This company produces Crib, Rip-rap and Crushed Stone for Harbor No. 37, Pacific Express... are 2c Work. Capacity of plant 4,000 tons per day. Most modern facilities No. 115, Conneaut Accom. *S:30am 4: ; : : *Daily. +Except Sunday. for ae all kinds of stone for all classes of Government or private Grainb Now o348ad vy fed ola ee ee _ contracts. - : City Ticket Office, 237 Superior St.