ed MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Jan. 1, ratchet connected to an eccentric rod, the eccentric being carried on a line-shaft placed above stoker. An independent engine is usually installed to drive each line-shaft and from two to six stokers may be driven from any one shaft, as circumstances de- mand. In many stoker installations on the lake vessels the engines driving the stokers are placed on brackets secured to the bulk- head between engine room and boiler room, and the line-shaft extends from the boiler room through this bulkhead, its after end carrying a pulley, which receives the engine belt. The boil- ers are usually two in number, of the Babcock & Wilcox water- tube type, and are placed athwartship with their fronts facing each other, and two stckers are installed in each boiler. The position of engines on the bulkhead is such as to bring them within easy reach of the first engine platform and they are con- sequently under the care and management of the engine room force. Each boiler with its stocker and engine equipment is a duplicate of the other, and a cross-drive is provided between the two line-shafts in the fire room, so that should either stoker engine become disabled the whole stoker plant could be driven by the remaining engine. The primary object in placing stokers on these vessels was economy of fuel, and in all marine installations on the lakes a cheap grade of slack coal is beins used with them. Reports from the vessels are to the effect that the stokers are producing smoke- less combustion. Their economy is said to be due in part to the fact that the heating surfaces are kept free from a soot de- posit, rendering them capable of readily absorbing the intense heat generated by the stoker fire. 'The mechanical movements are also reported as satisfactory and reliable. As the whole stoking operation consists simply in supplying the hoppers with coal and removing the ashes from the rear of the boilers, and as the fires require no poking, slicing or other agitation, with no fire doors to. be opened. admitting cold air to the furnaces, it would seem that economy should certainly result from their use. The body of the Duluth stoker is composed almost entirely of structural steel and the best material and workmanship is employed in its construction. The driving gear is enclosed in oil-tight and dust-proof casing, insuring easy working and free- dom from destructive wear. ~The ratchet which drives the worm shaft is supplied with a regulating device, by which the stoker can be stopped instantly without stopping either engine or line- shaft, the same adjustment also permitting of five changes in speed, so that with means to regulate the thickness of the fire upon the grates, and also the speed of the grate bars it would seem possible to meet all requirements for steam. Jones & La Borde, yacht builders at Oshkosh, Wis., are rushed with work. They have just received an order for a 38-ft. boat for Fred Pabst, Jr., of Milwaukee, Wis. They are also building boats for Kobert Nunnemacher of Milwaukee, E. W. Dixon of Omaha and Charles Ross and Frank H. Canbergen of Chicago. "KEARSARGE" ASBESTO-METALLIC PACKINGS Made from pure Asbestos yarn and fine brass wire, firmly woven together PISTON ROD PACKING For high speed, high tem" perature, high pressure? with or without wire inter woven. FLANGE JOINT GASKETS More reliable than rubber or ee and pe much i less. Will not blow out. Relere: Unaffected by high tem- periture, Without expan- SHEET PACKING sion or contraction. Works The most reliable flat pack- perfectly whether condi- ing on the market for all GASKETS will not blow out, will hold against any steam pressure, will stand highest temper- ature. Used exclusively on the hand holes of Babcock & Wil- cox and other water-tube tions are favorable or un- conditions of steam service favorable. Write for samples, prices and full information. H. W. JOHNS-MANVILLE CO. 100 William Street New York. g MILWAUKEE BOSTON PITTSBURG CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA NEW ORLEANS ST; LOUIS CLEVELAND LONDON =a) an SS cotati GR Ra AAS ~--"BENEDICT-NIGKEL" Seamless Condenser Tubes. Experience has proved them to be the best,tubing for condensers. They are not readily affected by Electrolysis. Made from an alloy of nickel and copper, '""Benedict-Nickel'"' is dense, tough and homogeneous. We are also among the largest manufacturers ot Seamless Brass and Copper Tubing and of brass and copper sheets, wire, ete. Our Table Book giving full information regarding ou1 'products is sent on request. BENEDICT & BURNHAM WIFG. Co. WATERBURY, CONN. NEW YORK, 253 BROADWAY. 4} PRICE LIST AND TABLE BOSTON, 172 HIGH 8T. V. Warne NY.