a ied high ot low pressure As RY Trai te High grade SUTRA AM Lh harks bie ye Te ae Z00:H. PRP. ALSO mee Blowers Exhauslers - Steam Fans Electric Fans Electric Motors Generating Sets Forges Exhaust Heads: Steam Traps. Heating Ventilating ana Drying Apparatus Mechanical Draft 152 B.F. STURTEVANT G. te z Gg, iad B20) 50 ae Mabe athe CHICAGO: LONDON + U. S. METALLIC PACKING CO. State of Oho, } County of Cuyahoga, Good Rope vs. Cheap Rope. TRIAL NOW ON. Jurors: Ail Vessel Men. | 422 North i3th St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. i] Our PacKHing is in use on 700 | Steam Vessels in all parts of the world. Itis a pacKing that can be depended upon. e e e ® NEW METAL Cargo Hoisters Wrought Iron Hook and Strap, Galvanized Iron Shelves and Sheaves. Sheaves fitted with Genuine Star Metaline Bushings with Metaline Side Bearings. These Blocks Save the Rope and Outwear all others. BUSHING. STAR METALINE ce Sy Send for 1902 Catalogue M. A. R. aes OZ --FREE. ae MANUFACTURED ONLY BY "% BOSTON MASS. we Boston & Lockport Block oo COCKPORT Noe. Are on the side of Good Rope. What will be your Verdict! « « @ THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK BRASS ana COPPER. # in Sheets, Tubes, Wire and Rod. 2 Service Right, Quality Right, Prices Right Waterbury prose Co. 122 to 130 Centre St., :: :: New York City Always have our classified Stock List before you 2 st YOURS FOR THE ASKING # s# # WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS The _Hyde Steam_ and Power Windlasses and Capstans are the best in the market. They have been selected for most of the vessels now building for the Navy De- partment, Revenue Ma- rine, Light-house Board and United States E80. azsat Siuwsvey. They are being furnished for the majority of the highest class Steam Ships, Merchant Vessels and Yachts now building. Z "HYDE" STFAM CAPSTAN WINDLASS HYDE WINDLASS COMPANY, : BatH MAINE. LIFE PRESERV ERS--BU OYS. Acme. Solid Cork. Granulated Cork. Each Preserver stamped by U. S. In- spector guaranteeing proper buoyancy. Cork Filled Yacht Fenders. Cork Mooring Buoys. Material and Finish Guarantéed. Orders filled promptly. ARMSTRONG CORK COMPANY, Boston. New York. Philadelphia. Pittsburg. Chicago. St. Louis. Baltimore. hie ae 18 to 26 TERRACE, | BUFFALO, N. Y. oN heer Paved i oF & Co., SHP CHANDLERS AND SAIL MAKERS Midland Towing and Wrecking Co., Ltd. as HAYA i Gen. gr First: Cae ee i Wirdbing, Raft | ae te fupereeattent Towing, Etc. Steam Pumps, Divers, MIDLAND, ONT., CANADA, z Jacks, Hawsers, Lighters. me Py ee ciate ack ies e acd § "a . eo % cd