1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. vii. FACATACACALACACALA FACACALACAECA LACHER FHEaEa OAV DADA SPADA << DAD "PADD AT ABAD<D<D«<D<DO ¢ C WHEELER CONDENSER a ENGINEERING COMPANY a ; € : ¢ ¢ ( C . oe ¢ € ¢ ( ( ( . rae Tee ¢ rN ( e ~ Be ~ADBAD~ -~ a Bp Bw» > 7,500 H P. Wheeler Surface Condenser, with double bottom for Dry and Wet Vacuum System. OUR SPECIALTIES. Wheeler Surface Condensers. Wheeler Feed Water Heaters. Wheeler Improved Reheaters and Receivers. ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ = Wheeler Improved Evaporators. ¢ Wheeler Improved Centrifugal ¢ Pumps and Engines. 6 ost ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ We also possess the sole right to manufacture the well-known Edwards Air Pump and are prepared to supply them, single or cross-com- pound, steam-driven, motor or belt-drawn and operated by direct connection with crosshead. ot Full Particulars on Application. O€rEr E> Oro Oooo w OO 1 OW LO © 6 KBD <D < BL DL Di Di DED <3 DIDI I< "33MIN