1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. IT PORTABLE PNEUMATIC RIVETING MACHINES The following concerns are using our machines: New York Ship Building Co. Camden, N. J. United States Navy Yard, Bremerton, Wash. United States Navy Yard, Portsmouth, N. H. Wm. R. Trigg Co. Richmond, Va. ESTABLISHED 1872 CABLE ADDRESS, "RIVETERS" W. U. CODE JOHN F.ALLEN seem 370-372 Gerard Ave. =m NEW YORK SMOKELESS COMBUSTION And a big saving over hand firing is guaranteed with the DULUTH STOKER on land or sea. oa Eleven monster steel ships now using them successfully. a Ten more ships being equipped this winter. - 7 Duluth Stokers in U. S. Steel Co.'s office building, Duluth. oe No Loss of Coal Duluth Stoker Co. . | either through grates or over back Duluth, Minn. end of stoker. No cleaning of and find out what this means. fires; Stoker does that. ye BEE CRC EEC COE CPE EOE OOOO OOOO OOO OEE OO The Neptune Anti-Fouling ED ORO EE 2 DON EEL ELD KIO EIS» CRO 9_Resilent Felt Matresses and 'Fogg S cushions. - 8 Manufactured By. se al Compound; ssiins cis ule « M. W. FOGG, ; ee Treats the water and is f<d into the boiler Continuously, 202 Front St. N. Y. a from 2 to 4 ounces per 1000 gallons of water evaporated Send: for Illustrated according to directions. oe We furnish THE PUMP with every Trial Order. Send for Booklet and further particulars. The Engel and Fagersten Chemical Co. P. O. Twenty-second St. Stn., CHICAGO, ILL. U.S. A. re rererrrreraii rie act pa hapa at ea pa pa pa pear pear pea par pean erpapauapububububupububrbdbbdubbdudubudlll, PPP III Neat Pare? _ ¥