Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 8 Jan 1903, p. 43

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y 1903.] MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 43 BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF THE MARINE TRADE.--Continued. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, ETC. Rory, Chas. & Son a es os ke New York. Miectro-Dynamic "Co. se 06 0 ES Philadelphia. Detroit. Wlectric. Signal Co. oo... eck ce Detroit. Mach cansHydraulic Signal Co... 2... <2, Chicago. seldier-Miner, lectric: Co. 26664 44 sie swe's Detroit. ENGINEERING BOOKS. mel: Oe. COs; TNCO 4 66k ie ieee ..-New York. Marine Review Pub. Co.............. ... Cleveland. ENGINEERING SPECIALTIES AND SUPPLIES. Mrane C0. on hse eee i cee Oe ES Chicago. Hernan Brass -WOPrkS 2.3 ssc. se viele es Cleveland. Roieiey 2m Mueller: Ac. eset os ees New York. MeCutcheon, CC. Hoc es Recs Buffalo. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James...... New York. ENGINEERS, MARINE, MECHANICAL, CONSULTING. Blectro- Dynamic Co. 0... eas cas Philadelphia. Garrett-Cromwell Engineering Co........ Cleveland. GAS FOO WHE cc 5 5 soso vile 5.0.6 6 o75ss 6h oa hee ts Buffalo. CFOOUCNOUCH. - WAILOR co soo cs vce cw cere stess New York. FIG ONG. Wie We OOn sa cece cee cece ss Chicago. Kidd, Joseph ........ Mivevess perce DUluEn, Minn Woe any ROUCKE 320. 6.2 cies ccs cick wee Moraes Cleveland. Mosher, CHAS? Di) oe bos hic ct cs sete seis New York. Newman, Be Gis. ss oc ook ew eae New York. Pittsburg Testing Laboratory, Ltd........Pittsburg. POWell, AMDIOSG. View voc ccc lowe eee cots ce Chicago. moeker, He Be ee secs wie ew ...-New York. Sadler, Perkins & Field................New York. See, Horace ........ Bla Wesas OSes New York. WOOG Wid nee bee oe cs seb Suess Chicago. EVAPORATING AND DISTILLING APPARATUS. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James....New York. FANS FOR VENTILATION, EXHAUST, ETC. Buffalo Forge Co. ........... Wah eae ec eee Buffalo. Sturtevant, BB: B.. Co. 0.3 6.2 ie ees Boston. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS, earmontn: Robert 2... sss sce cas cece DUIEAIO: Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James...... New York. Ross Valve Co. ....... Sin Sos Meee Troy, N.Y. FIXTURES FOR LAMPS, OIL AND ELECTRIC. General Electric Co. ...... ',..Schenectady, N. Y. Pape: Bros: & Coe 20 ss Ree a ....-Boston. Seidler-Miner Electric Co. ............s.: Detroit. Westinghouse Blectric & Mfg. Co... -Pittsburg, Pa. FORGES. Bufralo -Worge: 00:23 a es ak ce sk Buffalo. Sturtevant, B. EF: Co. <:.... Bice Seen tie SS ecanee Boston. FORGINGS FOR CRANK, PROPELLER OR THRUST SHAFTS, ETC. Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co. ....... Cleveland. Fore River Ship & Engine Co. ..... Quincy, Mass. Macbeth Iron Co. fa ee Cleveland. FLUE WELDING. Uis's, BR. Sone 3.65. oo ce Cleveland. FURNACES FOR BOILERS. Continental . Iron ..Works. . 3)... <0... 36s «0c New York. FUELING COMPANIES AND COAL DEALERS, Castner, Curran & Bullitt (Pocahontas) ....Phila. Graham Coal-& Coke-€o. 2 Ge Detroit. Manna; .M. Ac & Co, 3.35%. Sess etésnece Cleveland, Pickands, Mather & Co. ..............-Cleveland. Pittsburg Coal Co. .2.5.. 5 3s. c seeeee-- Cleveland. Rochester & Pittsburg Coal & Iron Co. ....Buffalo. Smith, Stanley. B: & Co: .....20..2.... ... Detroit. Youghiogheny & Lehigh Valley Coal Co...Chicago. GAS BUOYS, Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co. ..New York. GAS AND GASOLINE ENGINES. Chase Machine Co. ........... weeeeeee- Cleveland. Lake Shore Engine Works........Marquette, Mich. GAGES, STEAM AND VACUUM. ~ American Steam Gauge Co. .............+- Boston. Aatton Valye Co. .....<...... ee aa Boston. GRAPHITE. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ......Jersey City, N. J. HAMMERS, STEAM. Bell Engineering Works, David ............ Buffalo. Chase Machine Co. .......... Speen aes Cleveland. me 0: CO. op ks Sn ee es oe ese ee eee Chicago. HARDWARE, SHIP. Topky Brothers ......:.......s....-Ashtabula, 0. HATCH GEARS. "'Long-Arm" System Co. ......... .....-Cleveland. HEATING APPARATUS. -- Burelo Korge Co. ...... <2. 2025-5: Peeks - Buffalo. Biurctevant, B. BF. Co. ...5.0.cccce os es ..- Boston. HOISTS FOR CARGO, ETC. American Ship Building Co..............Cleveland. Brown Hoisting Machinery Co., Inc. ....Cleveland. Chase Machine Co. .......-....--....---Cleveland. Elwell-Parker Electric Co. .............Cleveland. General Electric Co. ...............--New York. Hyde Windlasa Co. ............-..-..Bath, Me. Lidgerwood Mfg. Co..........s..0.....-New York. Marine Iron Oo. <.ic.;... sc ess. ss ee ay Clty. Westinghouse Blectric & Mfg. Oo....Pittsburg, Pa. HOLLOW STAYBOLT IRON. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co...... Cuyahoga Falls, O. HOSE FITTINGS. Farnau Brass Works: sees Oleveland: HYDRAULIC MACHINERY. Watson-Stillman Co., The.............-New York. Wood: & Oo... fh. Di, wee ne wale ... Philadelphia. ICE MACHINERY, American Linde Refrigerating Co. .....New York. Roelker, "Hu Bec. ss esse ue ess -New York. INDICATORS FOR STEAM ENGINES. American Steam Gauge Oo. ..............-.Boston. Ashton Valve Co. ........ Sscee sve poet ee cs DOSUON. INJECTORS, Crane. OO. ae a i eee oseeee.-Chicago. Jenkins: Brose: - 0.68 oa Re re es New York. Lunkenheimer Co. ........ aie eieiees ctor Cincinnati. Penberthy Injector. Co... 3-3... Detroit, Mich. INSURANCE, MARINE. Brown: &-COn <i ccc ccc. sues eels pene DUR ION Brown, "Wo Wisc cee. vines diese hele cere ere SOLCVELRNG: Dunham), Ry Te oe ew vic oe oisin'e sv div oo ele ous s OMICALOL Elphicke, C. W. & Co. sielecee a dbo ow cis tel oraretes Chicago. Hawgood & Co.,:W. A. ................-Cleveland. Hutchinson & - Coi- s.5.2. 2. ...Cleveland. Insurance Co. of North America....Philadelphia McCarthy; Ty Res. ook ice ecco ces SMLOnt real, McCurdy, -Geow.2 Ta 0 is cok ec eee ce Chicago. Mitchell & Co. ...... seeeseeeeee-Cleveland. Peck, Chas. BE. & W. Fr. ei | New York and Chicago. Richardson, W. ©. «...0c.ccescsceossss Cleveland. Sullivan, D. & Co. ee oe 'Weeks; 2.2 Hoss oociaie sisi verse oe ecets es New York. IRON ORE AND PIG IRON. Bourne-Fuller' Oo: it 6.64 oi ove .....-Cleveland. Hanna, Mic A. & C007 i ee cess Cleveland. Pickands, Mather. © Cos. 50..5.55:.4...2.¢ 5 Cleveland. LAUNCHES--STEAM, NAPHTHA, ELECTRIC. Gas Engine & Power Co. ............... New York. Marine Construction & D. D. Co.......... wediw sae ..-Mariner's Harbor, 8S. I., N. Y. Marine Iron: WOKS: 2.5 .0.icnlise ces os oes Chicago. Warrington -Tron' WOrks): secs. 5 ics)s o:s00,0 6: Chicago. Willard; Chas. (2.2 sco 68 BeSootateece erences Chicago. LIFE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS, BUOYS. Armstrong Cork Co. ...........-.+.00-- Pittsburg. Drein,: Thos: & Son os... ews. Wilmington, Del. Kahnweller's Sons, Di... cites 5.55 os 6 New York. Lane & DeGroot ......... Long Island City, N. Y. Marine Construction & D. D. oS Mariner's HALDOM So ces Sa ENE Ys LIGHTS, SIDE AND SIGNAL. Belyig; Os oA. Dis ais isicees Showa sos New York. Page Bross & Co. 2s. 60c 000s css ooo sis BOSTON. Russell & Watson ........ a sige we reae By Stavelatele Buffalo. se LOGS. Walker & Sons, Thomas ........ Birmingham, BDng. Nicholson Ship Log Co. .......... .....-Cleveland. Also Ship Chandlers. MACHINISTS. ve Chase Machine Co............ eeeeeeeeee Cleveland. Macbeth Iron Co. .......... oeecccceee- Cleveland. Union Machine & Boiler Co.............Cleveland. Ward: MAGRING C0... ¢.56 00 ccs sie ae cee ...Cleveland. MACHINE TOOLS (wooD WORKING). Atlantic: Works, INC. 3.3... 5.56666 cas Philadelphia. MACHINERY, NEW AND SECOND HAND. Bowler & Co.Geo. H. ..........0.....- Cleveland. Clyde Machine: Works 3.05.02. Ga. oa: Chicago. MAN-HOLES, SWING DOORS, ETC. "'Long-Arm" System Co. ...............Cleveland. MARINE RAILWAYS, BUILDERS OF Crandall & Son, H. I. .........Hast Boston, Mass. MATTRESSES, CUSHIONS, BEDDING. Rogg, M. Wis. < 3:32. ees wien Se Saad ose -New York. MECHANICAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Ship Building Co. ......... ...Cleveland Bloomsburg & Co., H. .............Baltimore, Md. Buffalo Worge Cos 2.6 .nc os senha ess ose DUN EIOs Detroit Ship Building Co. ...............Detroit Steam Boiler Equipment Co. ..........New York. Sturtevant, B. WF. 00. .2......5<22.. 5. . «ss DOStOR. METALLIO PACKING. Allen, Joseph ...............-Collingswood, N. J. Restosking Packing & Supply Co. .........Boston. Hayden Mic, Con NAG Cas Columbus, O. Katvenstein, U. & Cos. sstss.scc ses os. NOW LOrk. U. S. Metallic Packing Co. ........ Philadelphia. METAL POLISH. Bertram's Oil Polish Co. .................-Boston. MOTORS, GENERATORS--ELECTRIO. Buffalo: Forge; Cow). oc.55 i cases ous ces ces Ce BUD OIOy Electro-Dynamic Co. ....... eeceeeeee- Philadelphia. Elwell-Parker Electric Co. ....... .....-Cleveland. General Blectric Co. .........Schenectady, N. Y. '"'Long-Arm" System Co. ....... Rokee ees Cleveland. Seidler-Miner Electric ©o.: ...........¢.. .. Detroit. Sturtevant. Bick: ©o, 2. 625.26 2..0040 ..- Boston. United Marine Mfg. & Supply Co.......New York. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co....Pittsbv~g, Pa, NAUTICAL INSTRUMENTS. Bliss, . John & C0. cocci ciccissn comes oe NOW. One Ritchie, E. S. & Sons ..... .....Brookline, Mass. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Gaskin, -Ddward c.sscscs te bce cutis cose cx - DUMRIO: Goodenough,. Walter .......:ccecscessece NeW YORK: Kidd; Joseph: .. 640. cee. secu seses sce DOlUth, Minn, Logan, Robert... ..... dene svg ceUs vec cee JOLOVOINDOY Mosher, Chas. Ds si.ca0. pede wens cs New York. Newman. Bob. 2... bars eed s pice ctv ce ceINOW.. VOLK. Sadler, Perkins & Field................New York See, - Borde. 08 cee oe ce Cec eies cas NOW, LOR. SWOOG, We Vecivesccsccues aisin Chats a sis Gsemisie 6-6 Chicago. NAVAL STORES. Day, Britton T. & S. P. Day............Cleveland. OAKUM. DeGrauw, Aymar & Co. ..... oi sieeicee NOW. . VORK. . Stratford Oakum Co.,............Jersey City, N. J.- OILS AND LUBRICANTS. Dixon Crucible Co., Joseph ......Jersey City, N. J. Standard: Oil Co. ..2. 2.0.5... .4%% -.-+....Cleveland. OIL FILTERS. Haines Co... We Ses ee eee nas Philadelphia. PACKING. Allen, Joseph .............4-. Collingswood, N. J. Bestosking Packing & Supply Co. ...... .... Boston. Grane' Coy. os he. soe te ee ese he A eas wee Chicago. Hayden Mis: €o.,No lac: Columbus, O. Jenkins: Brose =e hoe ce Sees ewes 5 ce New York. Katzenstein, L. & Co. ........... cane New York. United States Metallic Packing Co. ....Philadelphia. PAINTS, Baker, Howard H. & Co. ...............- Buffalo. Berry Bros., Ltd. ........ sie dies sunenisisie aes Detroit. Day's Varnish & Dryer Co. .............Cleveland. Mohawk Paint & Chemical Co. .......... New York. New Jersey Zine Co. ........ octecuee New York. Topky. Brothers .........0.+ec«+s.--Asntabula, Q. _ Upson-Walton Co. .....-.--.sseeeeee ....Cleveland. : PATENT ATTORNEYS. Thurston & Bates seen eeees Sed eielelerciecnte Cleveland. PATTERN SHOP MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc. ................Philadelphia. PIPE--BRASS AND COPPER, IRON PIPE SIZE. Waterbury Brass Co........ ayeee potest ook New York. PIPE, WROUGHT IRON. Bourne-Fuller Co .........-.e+- weeeee--Cleveland. Crane: C0 s.0% tise. co een ces Ores oer Chicago. Macbeth Iron Co.) oo ek Cleveland. PIPE, CAST IRON. Wood & Co., R. D. ........ ene we ... Philadelphia. | PLANING MILL MACHINERY. Atlantic Works, Inc. ..........-+-++- Philadelphia. PLATE BENDING AND PLANING MACHINES. Wood & Co., R. D. ...-+«0-.-------Eniladelphia. PLUMBING, MARINE. Mott, J. L., Iron Works ...........-..New York. Reilly Repair & Supply Co., James....New York. Sands, Alfred B. & Son ..........- ..-New York. PNEUMATIC TOOLS. Allen; John Bi; ...c2-sese0stee.- sss. NOW YORK: Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. eevecceess Chicago. Q. & O. Co. Og Ps he ee oe OCARO. POLISH FOR METALS. Bertram's Oi] Polish Co..........----------Boston. POWEE DOORS AND HATCHES. *"'Long-Arm" System Co. ....... «..+..-.-Oleveland. PRESSURE REGULATORS. Kieley & Mueller ..........--------..-New York. Boss Valve Co. .....-..2---++e+--00.EPoy, M. X.

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