The Jenks Ship Building Co. STEEL SHIP BUILDERS, MARINE ENGINES AND BOILERS. Prompt Attention Given to Repairs of all Kinds on Ships, Engines and Boilers. OFFICE AND MACHINE SHOPS YARDS AT FOOT OF LINCOLN AT FOURTH STREET. AVENUE. PORT HURON, : . MICHIGAN. BUILD "* A MOTOR LAUNCH Send for Listof HOW-TO BOOKS 9 Murray Stree The Rudder Publishing Company NewVorkc USS Al THE ONLY MARINE DIRECTORY WO ITImeona| | TURBO { --OFr------ SEATTLE, WASHINGTON SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS | AMERICAN SHIPPING STEEL ano WOOD VESSELS, STEAM or SAIL Bt xe) Mel eel Peal 1a FOUNDRY, MACHINE, BOILER AND FORGE SHOPS LARGEST poked Sak xe TO ANY REQUIREMENT HEAVY FORGINGS A SPECIALTY j WAM OTE TE UANA) | 77" Two-Section balanced floating dry dock, 400 ft. long, 60 ft. between Every ship builder, marine towers; patent steel wedge keel att tH 12,000 tons displacement. engine and boiler builder, YN Vibe alae La War rel SHIP CHANDLERY, ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES apt Co suect, anid. in fact, ) ANY A N DB a yy N i iY ej r |Z i everyone in the United States CAPACITY: TIMBER, 48 INCHES SQUARE, 125 FEET LONG whose business is with ships Paved rotate le] err ttal titi cf ROUGH, DRESSED or KILN DRIED is mentioned in the Blue Book YELLOW FIR, RED CEDAR orSPRUGE_ < EAA We sddtesé given, Tie We make a hatte of ay and large timber and can dda FOUR : : SIDES 20x 30 INCHES. aim has been to make it a 4 THE LONCEST, LARCEST, CLEAREST AND eT ET | ; : SPARS Mee ee TTT ayn Bs | . complete working directory of * ee ee hat Li) || the marine trade of the United TN al ee eae © §. States. With its aid you may ENTER OUR YARDS AND DOCKS .. eS DOCK SHIPMENTS TO ALL PARTS OF THE rede reach' anyone connected with ol Bilis b eat lh Sl h ELECTRIC CRAN E Capacity to transfer 75 eet ran car to vassely ee grea Bee De WE INVITE CORRESPONDENCE © Its statistics of waterborne commerce are thoroughly re- liable. The section devoted NOW IN ITS SEVENTH YEAR. 1902 EDITION JUST FROM THE PRESS. ship owner, nava! architect ) : | to the commerce of the great ; aT "| "tH! ae SS Ee 1 Fe S |<}. lakes with its iron mines and THEIR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE. theiy OSIP Ut, dhe ta) rede A manual for ship builders, ship superintendents, students and marine engineers. and dock facilities, its grain By Thomas Walton. | trade and elevators, its ships Price $5.50. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., Cleveland. and their owners, is very thorough and absolutely au- PERE MARQUETTE ti A full stock of the new colored army e charts, as well as all the latest hydro- : AR A SF R. R. & ST EAMS H | P LI N E gtaphic office charts and sailing directions, is kept on hand at all times by the Chicago, Milwaukee, Manitowoc, | MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO. and Grand Rapids, Saginaw, MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., Pert Huron, Detroit, Toledo 39-41 WADE BUILDING, CLEVELAND. 39-40-41 WADE BLDG., CLEVELAND, 0. H. F. MOELLER, Gen'! Passenger Agent Nothing but the latest charts, corrected Send for folder. DETROIT, MIcH up to date are sold. 6