16 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Feb. 5, Buffalo Steel Plate Fans Westin gh ouse for Forced Draft and Ship Ventilation. M t rs a. OTO Operation Positive and Uniform Regardless . of Weather Conditions Reliable and Efficient. Designed and built to meet the severest conditions. Write for Catalogue For particulars address Westinghouse Electric Buffalo Forge Company Be be renee Fe: BUFFALO, N. Y. Sales Offices in all Large Cities. The Shipowners Dry Dock Cas CPR LCA GO. Repairs to Three Docks at Halsted Steel and Wooden Vessels. || Street and North Branch. OFPetC mS, RIAL VO BUILDING. OFFICE TELEPHONE, HARRISON 1020. W. W. WATTERSON, Supt. 'YARD TELEPHONE, NORTH 1659. TELEPHONE, LAKEVIEW 198. ASHTON Cam Lever Pop Safety Valves iff: and Non-Corrosive steam gauges \ give highest efficiency and durability. Specify them and get the best. fo » The Ashton Valve Co., Boston. New You: WMARRARARARREAERERIOCEES PAAREORORIERIRIREEIIAOIE THE BOURNE-FULLER CoO. IRON, STEEL and PIG IRON. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY. oe Cleveland, O. Largest and most comprehensive stock of iron and steel bars in the country. Also Plates, Pipe, and all other products of iron and steel mills. PNEUMATIC DRILLS, HAMMERS, Deck Winch connected to General Electric Motor. HOISTS, RIVETERS and APPLIANCES of every Cleveland Office, 310 New England Bldg, in oir Taree ities aescaneon ang Hizhest Grade, , Suitable for all Requirements. Com-= . Lonpones esa! ee AIR COMPRESSORS plete Air Plants installed and entire ubes are the only on at res (ii) electrolysis. 1 ar superior to brass or ()) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Roa ) | Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co. | GENERAL OFFICE: SCHENECTADY, N. Y. Our treatise on "Electrolysis of Con- denser Tubes" tells whyv--send for tt. | BENEDICT & BURNHAM, Mfg. Co.}f ! Miils and Main Office, Waterbury, han hi GENERAL OFFICES, FISHER BUILDING, CHICAGO. N.Y 253 Broadway. Boston, 172 High St. Eastern Offices, 95 Liberty St., NEW YORK. ese