46 © MARINE REVIEW.AND. MARINE RECORD. ~ [Hes WILLIAM L. BROWN, President. B. W. WELLS, Vice-Pres. O. R. SINCLAIR, Sec'y & Treas. ALFRED G. SMITH, Gen'i Supt. CHICAGO SHIP BUILDING COMPANY, LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONES. Steel Ship Builders and Ship Yard and Dry Dock Office, "South Chicago 4o."' ee een Dry Dock Proprietors. CHICAGO, ILL. Dry Dock and Yards: IOlst St. and Calumet River, MILWAUKEE DRY DOCK COMPANY | MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN SHIP REPAI RS ee er pa Nezed blocks, 460 feet over all, OF ALL KINDS 56 feet width of gate, and 16 feet over sill. West Yard Dock.. 312 feet on keel hocks; 45 ay width of gate, and 12 feet over sill. Two Ship Yards offer every Facility for the Repair of both Steel and Wooden Vessels ELECTRIC BbIGHTS FOR NIGHT WORK. Foot of Washington St. RUDDER PIT IN EACH DOCK. a ea. aa SOUTH Y ARD, | EDWARD SMITH, President. WILLIAM KNIGHT, Asst. Sec'y & Treas. W. T. NEVINS, Superintendent. THE BUFFALO DRY DOCK CO. GANSON STREET AND BUFFALO RIVER. Operating Four Docks, Sixty-ton Shear Legs, and in every way Equipped | WITH MODERN PLANT FOR | The Building and Economical Repairs of Peo VY OODEWN Siaire| --------------_ LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS : Office Telephone, 515 Seneca. President's Telephone, 279 Seneca, Office. President's "president's Tele hone. 209 Bryant, id Asst. Sec'y & Treas., Telephone, 609 Bryant, Residence. Superintendent, Telephone, 108 Seath; Residence. nn THE SUPERIOR SHIPBUILDING COMPANY Dry DockK|,,/ SHIP AND |,| Two Largest and Repairs ENGINE! |Dry Docks of All Kinds "| BUILDERS |*/On the Lakes Large Stock of Material Always on Hand for Repairing Wooden and Metal Ships. Repairing Promptly Attended e 8 to, Night or Day. West Superior, Wis. i