12 MARINE SEEM Sellers Restartind Injector A strictly: first PGSM Ur Ceca moderate cost. once lar ode _ matic, has wide ND omit Ca ties, and raises wafer. promptly with hot or-cold Ota mV oat has few parts and 1s easily repaired . Ve Yas MaRS UP UCI eR the best.bronze, and the workman- ship. is perfect... Send for. special catalogue descriptive of this Injector. JENKINS BROTHERS, Selling Agents {L New York, Boston, Puita. Cxicaco REED'S ENGINEERS' HAND-BO OK. Seventh Edition. Revised and _ Enlarged. Including set of plates and supplement contain- ing New Elementary Questions and Answers Price $5.00 At office of Marine Review Pub. Co., 40 Wade Bldg., Cleveland, O. By Express--45 Cents Extra. REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Feb. 12, cess should embody the following principles :: It should be simple, practical, well made, | A MECHANICAL OIL PUMP to be a suc- durable, reliable; absolutely positive, and devoid of clap-trap mechanism. The Lunkenheimer Mee chanical Oil Pump possesses all the above feat- ures. It touches the spot and puts the oil where it is needed. Every pump rigidly tested, inspected and warranted to satisfy. Specify " Lunkenheimer" make and order from your dealer. Write for catalog of brass and iron Valves, Injectors, Whistles, Lubrica- tors, Steam Traps, Oil and Grease Cups, etc., all of superior quality. THE LUNHENHEIMER CO. == Sole Makers, amaeear Braaches: New, York, 26 Cortlandt St. CINCINNATI, 0. U.S.A., Ask for booklet 77. JOINT that does not and cannot leak is made by Dixon's Pipe Joint Compound. Easily upset without bending the pipe. JOSEPH DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., JERSEy City, N. J. Chicago Nautical School, 'event Year. MASONIC TEMPLE, CHICAGO. W. J. WILSON, Principal. (Late Lieutenant, U. S. N.) - A full and complete course of instruction in Lake and Ocean Navigation and Marine Engineering. Also special branches taught those desiring to qualify themselves for better positions in the Marine Service. Students taught by correspondence. Students may begin at any time. Diplomas will be issued to all graduates passing satisfactory final examinations. Send for circular. Chas, Cory & Son, Manufacturers of Mechanical and Electrical Telegraphs and Indicators. Engine Bells and Electric Call Bells. 278-279 Division St. New YorxK CItry. Wi NTER MOO RINGS of Lake Vessels can be had from The [Marine Review Pub. Company 39-41 Wade Building, Cleveland, Ohio, for 50 cents. eo sk SB ot ot rt FARNAN Brass Works CLEVELAND, O. 23 Center St. (near the bridge.) OIL PUMPS, WHISTLES, GOVERNMENT PLUGS, ETC. MARINB WORK TO ORDER. TOPKY BROTHERS Ship Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, Rope, Plumbing, Tin, Galvanized Iron and Copper Work. se et Repaits for all makes of Ranges. 67 BRIDGE ST. ASHTABULA, O.. Queen City Patent Hydraulic Steerer, The BEST and MOST RELIABLE. Has Large Hand Wheel. Can be Changed from Power to Hand Steer- ing Instantly. A Favorite with Pilots. ea eee SEND FOR REFERENCES QUEEN CITY ENGINEERING CO., Buffalo, N.Y. THE DAKE PILOT HOUSE STEAM STEERER. A Simple Compact and Durable Machine. Occupies Small Floor Space. Write for descriptive circulars and prices. MANUFACTURED BY The Dake Engine Co., GRAND HAVEN, M:CH.