1903.] aia} FILTERS MTU TU AY eT We make Pressure Regulating Valves for all purposes, steam or water. Our Feed-Water Filter will keep oil out of your boiler, We can interest you if you use a condenser. Water Engines for Pumping Organs Fam G > + a2 Bi: yA Yj Yi tka SHH iy SK SS SS NS SMO EA SS Mag 4 iy w Water Works Regulating Valve Has no peer Ask for list of Water Works using our valves, 111 Sney a aha AT GUARANTEED TO. HAVE OVER TWICE THE RELIEVING CAPACITY OF ANY OTHER SAFETY VALVE WRITE FOR. CATALOGUE THE N. L. HAYDEN MFG. CO. OL eee eo JOHN E, THROPP & SONS CO., TRENTON, N. J., U. S. A. TRIPLE ENGINE. BUILDERS OF SINGLE, COMPOUND AND TRIPLE EXPANSION ENGINES. CONDENSERS. BOYER SECTIONAL WATER TUBE BOILERS. PROPELLER WHEELS. MACHINERY COMPLETE FOR PLEASURE YACHTS, TUG BOATS AND LIGHT DRAUGHT PASSENGER BOATS. BELLA LNM ALBA EPL SE & SON. | Eee FAHEY & CO. BANKERS AND BROKERS, 1011-1015 THE WILLIAMSON BLDG. TELEPHONE, MAIN 2754, --- CLEVELAND, 0. EVERY POSSIBLE FACILITY FOR CONDUCTING A BROKERAGE BUSINESS IN Stocks, Bonds, Grain, Etc. ALFRED B. SANDS & SON MARINE PLUMBERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Marine Plumbing Specialties Marine Water Closet for either above or below water line. Folding Lavatories, Ventilators, Pumps, Tanks, &c., &c. 134 BEEKMAN §ST., New York. Nautical Encyclopedia PRICE $3.00. Is in all respects a work up to date, correct as to every term known to the shipping world. Divided as to departments of Naval Architecture, Marine En- gineering, etc. SENT ON APPROVAL. CARRIAGE PREPAID ORDER FROM THE MARINE REVIEW Pus. Co., 39-41 Wade Bldg., CLEVELAND. ORAM FIX. J. W. FIX. ESTABLISHED 1860, _ Fix's Sons, Successors to S. Fix & Son, Steam Flue Welding Works Our Work Stands Government Test. Our Welds are Perfectly Smooth. Write us for Prices, : Spun Cleveland, 0, AND WINTER STs. New and Second Hand ENGINES, BOILERS, MA= CHINE TOOLS, CONTRACTORS' MACHINERY Geo. H. BOWLER G&G CO. 507-508 WILLIAMSON BUILDING. CLEVELAND, OHIO Warehouses 20-22 Frankfort St. 59-61 So. Water Street. Cleveland Terminal & Valley Railway, MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. 37 U.S. Engineer Office, Grand Rapids, Mich., Jan. 20,1903. Sealed proposals for repair of piers at St. Joseph and Black Lake, Mich., will be received here until 3 p. m., Feb. 19, 1903, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. CHARLES KELLER, Capt:, Engrs. Feb. 12. U.S. Engineer Office, Dulu h, Minn., Jan. 19, 1908. Sealed proposals for pier work and dredging at Port Wing, Wis., will be received here until noon, Feb. 19, 1903, and then publicly opened Information on ap- plication. D. D. GAILLARD, Capt., Engrs. Feb. 12. U.S. Engineer Office, Duluth. Minn., ae 24, 1903. Sealed proposals for furnishing and placing about 26,000 tons of riprap at. Ashland, Wis., will be re- ceived here until noon, Feb. 24, 1908. and then pub- licly opened. Information on application. D. D. GAILLARD, Capt., Engrs Feb. 19 Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Light House Engineer, Detroit, Mich., until 3 o'clock p. m. on Monday, March 2, 1903, and then opened, for furnishing the material and labor necessary for removing the wooden superstructure ol the foundation pier of the Cheboygan Crib Light Station, Mich., and rebuilding the same in concrete and masonry. Information furnished on application to Captain LANSING _H. BEACH, Corps of En- gineers, U. S A., Engineer, Ith Light House District... + Feb. 19 U. S. Engineer Office, Duluth, Minn., Feb. 5, 1903. Sealed proposals for purchase of U. S. steam yacht '*Picket" will be received here until 10 a. m., Feb. 25, 1903, and then publicly opened. Information on application. D. D. GAILLARD, Capt., Engrs. Feb. 19 U. S. Engineer Office, Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. © 12, 1903. Sealed proposals for construction ot steel hulled inspection and survey boat will be received here until 3 p. m., Feb. 27, 19038, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on ap- plication. CHAS. KHLLUER, Capt., Engrs. Feb. 19. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Light House Hngineer, Buffalo, N. Y., until 12 o'clock m., of Thursday, Mar. 5, 1903, and then opened, for furnishing the materials and labor nec- essary for the construction of a keeper's dwelling at South Buffalo light station, N. Y., in accordance with specifications, copies of which, with . blank proposals and other information, may be had upon application to Major T. W. SYMONS, U. S. A., Engineer. Feb. 26. U.S. Engineer Office, Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 2, 19038. Sealed proposals for repair of piers at Pent- water and White Lake, Mich , and repair of piers and revetment at Charlevoix, Mich., will be recevied here until 3 p,m., March 4, 1908, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. CHARLES KELLER, Capt., Engrs. Feb. 26. U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31, 1903. Sealed proposals for building crib piers, crib breakwater, pile revetment, removal of portion of old pier, and dredging at Waukegan Harbor, Lll., will be received here until 3 o'clock, p. m., March 2, 1908, and then publicly opened. Specifications, blank forms, and all available information will be furnished on ap- plication to this office. J. G. WARREN. Major, En- gineers. Feb 26. U.S. Engineer' Office, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31, 1908. Sealed proposals for furnishing Oregon fir timber and plank will be received here until 3 o'clock, p. m., March 2, 1903, and then publicly opened. Spec- ifications, blank forms, and all available information will be furnished on application to this office, J. G. WARREN, Major, Engineers. © =. Feb. 26. U.S_ Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31, 1908. Sealed proposals for building crib piers at She- boygan Harbor, Wis., will be received here until 3 o'clock, p. m., March 2, 1903, and then publicly open- ed. Information furnished on application. J. G. WARREN, Major, Engineers. Feb. 26. U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31, 1908. Sealed proposals for building crib breakwater at Manitowoc Harbor, Wis., will be received here un- til8 o'clock, p m., March 2, 1903, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. J. G. WARREN, Major, Engineers. Feb. 26. U.S. Engineer Office, Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 31, 1903. Sealed proposals for dredging and rock re- moval at Sturgeon Bay and Lake Michigan Ship Canal, Wis., will be received here until 3 o'clock, p. m., March 2, 1903, and then publicly opened. Speci- fications and all available information will be furnish- ed on application to this office. J. G. WARREN, Major, Engineers. Feb, 26. U. S. Engineer Office, Duluth, Minn., Feb. 6, 1903. Sealed proposals for dredging about 40,000 cu. yds. at Ashland, Wis., and Ontonagon, Mich., will be received here until 10 a. m., Mar. 9. 1903, and then publicly opened. Information on application. D. D. GAILLARD, Capt., Engrs. Mar 5 U. S. Engineer Office, 57 Park st., Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 9, 1903. Sealed proposals for dredg- ing harbors on east shore of Lake Michigan will be received here until 3 p. m., Mar. 11, 1903, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on ap- plication. CHAS. KELLER, Capt., Engrs. Mar. 5. U. §S. Engineer Office, Duluth," Minn., Feb. 7, 19038. Sealed proposals for building in place the conerete south pier at Superior Entry, Wis., will be received here until noon, Mar. 9, 1908, and then publicly opened. Information on application. D. D. GAILLARD, Capt., Engrs. Mar. 5. U. §S. Engineer Office, Buffalo, N. Y., Feb, 3, 19038. Sealed proposals for pier extension at Little Sodus Bay, N. Y., and breakwater extension at Cape Vincent, N. Y., will be received here until 11 a. m., Mar. 5, 1903, and then opened; informa- tion furnished on application. T. W. SYMONS, Major, Engrs. Mar. 5,