THE BROWN HOISTING MACHINERY COMPANY, Incorporated, Engineers, Designers and Manufacturers of jy Cantilever and Gantry Cranes iaaineruates, etc. SPECIAL MACHINERY . Locomotive Cranes for Ship Building Yards, wiretiec COAL AND ORE | Main Office and Works, CLEVELAND, O.,U.S. A. £6 ' Eastern Office,26 Courtlandt St.,NewYork. European Office, 39Victoria St.,London,S.W. Under the well known Brownhoist' Patents. Pittsburg Office, Carnegie Building, Pittsburg, Pa. "CLAM SHELL" BUCKETS row one. HULELLT PAERNIS fh vk EY,*FLEVATE We _ have ce ade eS Mw ell (Comm | fitted up three fuel- ee ee a aoe ing scows. which are now in success- ful operation on the lakes for fueling vessels. : MADE BY ; Send for full The Webster, Camp & Lane Co. THEC.O, BARTLETT & SNOW C. description. AUILDCAS: CLEVELAND. 0. Complete Coa] and Ore Handling Plants. Questions and Answers for Marine Engineers. =z By THEO. LUCAS. Engineering Office CLEVELAND,O., Main Office & Works AKRON, O. Sent postpaid to any address for $2.00. Marine Review Pub. Co., 39-41 Wade Bldg., Cleveland, O. 6 TR ™ GUARANTEES QUALITY -- CLEVELAND, OHIO_ Standard Marine Generating Sets. a a wt Complete Hoisting and Power Plants. Established 1857. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS CoO. PROVIDENCE, R. I. SHIP M ACHINER EMBODYING THE LATEST DESIGNS AND MANY IMPORTANT PATENTED IMPROVEMENTS. SOLE BUILDERS OF THE Original and Only Automatic Steam Towing Machine. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. P. O. BOX 53. Address: FRANK S. MANTON, President. BOILER FURNACES : FOR LAND AND MARINE BOILERS. UNIFORM THICKNESS--EASILY CLEANED UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH. MORISON SUSPENSION d Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces. MANUFACTURED BY THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS, West and Calyer Sts., NEW YORK. Near 10th and 28d Sts. Ferries. Borough of Brookly>.