36 MARINE REVIEW AND MARINE RECORD. [Feb. 19, Cemmenced Business June 3, 1901. THE CLEVELAND 4 Per Cent. 4 on Savings. 'TRUST COMPANY: Capital $500,000.00 Surplus $575,000.00 ; ; Superior Corner AYS four per cent interest on time Street. > Water. deposits--two per cent on check ac- CAPITAL _S1,500,000, counts. ; Surplus and Undivided Profits (Earned) $152,000. Acts in any fiduciary capacity--as Pays Interest on Check Accounts. trustee of bond issues; as registrar Acts in any Trust Capacity. and transfer agent of the stock of cor- porations; as a disinterested third party carrying out the provisions of an agree- : OSEPH C, GILCHRIST, President. ment between two interested parties. -- RANK W. Harr, First Vice-President. : FRANK M. OsBORNE, Second Vice-President. GEORGE F. CLEWELL, Secretary-Treasurer. OFFICERS: TORES anything of value for any GxorGE J. BaitEy, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. length of time. Individual safes in EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, a burglar & proof and fire fe proof vault. aE ate ees, Wie pcan " : RANK W. Harr, ARVEY D. GOULDER, Largest and best safe deposit equipment FRANK M. OSBORNE, CHARLES W. BAINE. in Ohio. ? DIRECTORS. 1 OSPER C. GILCHRIST, Banker and Vessel Owner. The RANK W. Hart, Hart & Co., Wholesale Millinery. FRANK M. OSBORNE, President, Youghiogheny & Ohio Coal Co. Cleveland Harvey. D GouLbER, Goulder, Holding & Masten, Att'ys.-at-Law. es erie oe Fe oe ee a ponerse UCIEN Ai ALE, enton ers O., olesale Tu ists. Crust Company CHARLES W. BAINE, Deekes Dae Coal Co. se Sot M. HEXTER, S. M. Hexter & Co., Importers. : s Fred T. PomEeroy, Treas. and Gen. Mgr. Cleveland, Elyria & Western Ry. 121 EUCLID AVENUE, AT THE CORNER OF BOND STREET. Witutiam H. Hunt, Gen. Mer. The Cleveland Hydraulic Press Brick Co. Won. O. MATHEWS, Lamson & Mathews, Attorneys-at-law. a Lucas' Questions and Answers For MARINE ENGINEERS. This is a book for practical men--strictly up to date--of great assis- tance in preparing for examinations for a higher grade, as well as a work for every-day use. The volume is strongly and durably bound in rich red cloth with fuil gilt edges, and titles in gold; it is 7% x5 inches, 1% inches thick, and weighs nearly 2 lbs. ; it is illustrated with 12 large plate engravings, 66 full, 83 half-page, and many other diagrams and illustrations; it has an index with more than 1,000 ready references. GENERAL OUTLINE OF CONTENTS. Naturally the book divides itself into two parts--1, Construction ; 2, Operation; it contains 516 pages, and 807 Questions with carefully prepared answers, with nearly 300 explanatory foot notes. The various types of marine steam-engineare fully explained, with description of the stationary parts (cylinders, bed plates, etc.) and moving parts (valves, gears, piston, piston-rod, etc.) and the operative details of a marine engine. Paddle Wheels and Screw Propellers, the auxiliary ap- paratus, piping and pipe connections, are all taken up separately. All types of steam boilers are described, with details of the construction of fire and water-tube boilers, operative details of marine boilers, fuel and fire-gases, combustion, and steam and its properties. Five chapters are devoted to the Care and Operation of a Marine Engine, including lubricants and lubrication, packing and packing materials, care and overhauling in port, laying up a marine engine, and its care and operation under way. ' A chapter is devoted to Breakdowns and Repairs, as also one to Constructive Materials. and Tests of Strength ; and in an Appendix Spare Parts and Too! Outfits are described. a i . de: .M Enclosed find Two Pric e : $2.0 : a ae ne to address : ee e ons oney See hie a reiunded if not satistactory. end tor Iree catalog. prepaid at once to the fol- SEND ALL ORDERS TO lowing address, one copy THEO. AUDEL @ CO. "Lucas' Questions and Answers for Marine Engineers," ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS, 63 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Address